
Social Theory in Education Primer


by Philip Wexler (Author)
©2009 Textbook VI, 126 Pages
Series: Counterpoints Primers, Volume 28


The Social Theory in Education Primer shows how classical sociology sets the frame for theory and research in education. Three major paradigms are explained in their historical context, and are used as a key to making sense of contemporary work that understands education from a sociological point of view. The central classical theorists considered are seen both in their own context, and also as the founders of the major movements that have continuing influence. The social theories of Durkheim, Marx, and Weber are used to frame and orient concepts for the different models of contemporary work. This primer is essential reading for courses devoted to social theory and education; sociology of education; social foundations of education; history of education; history of sociology; sociological theory; and sociology of knowledge.


VI, 126
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Soziologie Social theory Sociology Education Bildung Sociology of Education
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2009. VI,126 pp.

Biographical notes

Philip Wexler (Author)

The Author: Philip Wexler is Professor of Sociology of Education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He was formerly the Scandling Professor and Dean of the Warner Graduate School of Education at the University of Rochester. Wexler is the author of a number of books, including Social Analysis of Education; Becoming Somebody; Mystical Society; and Symbolic Movement: Critique and Spirituality in Sociology of Education; as well as numerous journal articles. He serves as an advisor and editor for various journals in sociology and education.


Title: Social Theory in Education Primer