
In the Shadow of Vichy

The Finaly Affair- With a Foreword by Robert Finaly

by Joyce Block Lazarus (Author)
©2008 Monographs XX, 156 Pages


In the immediate aftermath of World War II, a judicial case involving the custody of two Jewish orphans mushroomed into a major crisis of Jewish-Christian relations in France. A New York Times journalist called this affair «the worst religious storm of post-war France». The Finaly Affair (1945-1953), which is best understood in the context of post-Vichy anti-Semitism, came about when Catholic fundamentalist beliefs came into conflict with France’s republican principles. This affair polarized the French nation and was transformed into a national crisis by the explosive power of the French press. It had lasting consequences for interfaith relations in France and for the French Jewish community. In the Shadow of Vichy captures this astonishing story of how the Church’s kidnapping of two Jewish children just after World War II helped to hasten the revolutionary changes of Vatican II.


XX, 156
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Frankreich Juden Skandal Geschichte 1945-1953 Jewish-Catholic relation French history Pope Pius XII Waisenkind Judaism Elterliche Sorge Vichy government
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2008. XX, 156 pp., num. ill.

Biographical notes

Joyce Block Lazarus (Author)

The Author: Joyce Block Lazarus received her Ph.D. in French from Harvard University and is currently Professor of Modern Languages at Framingham State College in Massachusetts. In addition to numerous articles, she is the author of Strangers and Sojourners: Jewish Identity in Contemporary Francophone Fiction (1999) and Parole aux jeunes (1992), a college literary reader.


Title: In the Shadow of Vichy