
Digital Literacies

Concepts, Policies and Practices

by Colin Lankshear (Volume editor) Michele Knobel (Volume editor)
©2008 Textbook VIII, 321 Pages


This book brings together a group of internationally-reputed authors in the field of digital literacy. Their essays explore a diverse range of the concepts, policies and practices of digital literacy, and discuss how digital literacy is related to similar ideas: information literacy, computer literacy, media literacy, functional literacy and digital competence. It is argued that in light of this diversity and complexity, it is useful to think of digital literacies – the plural as well the singular. The first part of the book presents a rich mix of conceptual and policy perspectives; in the second part contributors explore social practices of digital remixing, blogging, online trading and social networking, and consider some legal issues associated with digital media.


VIII, 321
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
ISBN (Softcover)
Internet Informationskompetenz Schreib- und Lesefähigkeit Literacy Education Media Computer Digital Technology Social Practice Aufsatzsammlung
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2008. VIII, 321 pp., num ill.

Biographical notes

Colin Lankshear (Volume editor) Michele Knobel (Volume editor)

The Editors: Colin Lankshear received his Ph.D. in philosophy of education at Canterbury University in New Zealand. He is currently a research leadership Professor of Literacy and New Technologies at James Cook University in Australia. Michele Knobel completed her Ph.D. in language and literacy education at Queensland University of Technology, Australia. She is currently Professor of Education at Montclair State University, where she coordinates the graduate and undergraduate literacy programs. Lankshear and Knobel’s recent publications include A Handbook for Teacher Research (2004), New Literacies: Everyday Practices and Classroom Knowledge (2006), and A New Literacies Sampler (Peter Lang, 2007). They also edited (with Julie Coiro and Donald Leu) The Handbook of Research on New Literacies (2008).


Title: Digital Literacies