
Augustine’s Early Theology of the Church

Emergence and Implications, 386-391

by David C. Alexander (Author)
©2008 Monographs XX, 451 Pages
Series: Patristic Studies, Volume 9


The nature and development of Augustine’s understanding of the church between his conversion (386) and his forced entry into the clergy (391) provides an essential lens to understanding this seminal period of transition and the foundations of his future ecclesial contributions. Even so, most studies of Augustine’s ecclesiology bypass this period, starting with the clerical Augustine (post 391). In fact, research on the ‘young’ Augustine and the Confessions too often stalls over debates between his neo-Platonic or Christian orientation, focusing on dichotomies in Augustine or an individualistic Augustine too rigidly labeled. This book helps fill these gaps and provides a case study supporting arguments for continuity between the ‘young’ and the clerical Augustine. A careful chronological textual approach to Augustine’s early Christian years demonstrates how his ecclesiological thought began during this period and comprised a core component of his first theological synthesis. The emergence of his ecclesiological ideas was intimately intertwined with his overall personal, religious, philosophic, and theological development. As such it is crucial to our biographical and theological understanding of the great North African and will be of interest to specialists and students alike of Augustine’s development, Confessions, mature ecclesiology, and the late antique world.


XX, 451
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Theology Religion Augustinus, Aurelius Ekklesiologie Geschichte 386-391 Saint Augustine Augustine Bishop of Hippo Christian History
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2008. XX, 451 pp.

Biographical notes

David C. Alexander (Author)

The Author: David C. Alexander received his B.A. in history and physics from Rice University, Houston, Texas. He completed the M.Th. program of study en route to receiving his Ph.D. in patristic history and theology from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He now lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, where as an independent scholar he researches, writes, and travels to lecture on Augustine, early Christianity, and Christian doctrine and practice. Alexander has taught lay, undergraduate, and graduate courses on these subjects on four continents and has traveled extensively in the Mediterranean world of early Christianity including North Africa. He has published on Augustine in Studia Patristica.


Title: Augustine’s Early Theology of the Church