
The «Drama» of the Messiah in Matthew 8 and 9

A Study from a Communicative Perspective

by Solomon Pasala (Author)
©2008 Thesis XX, 346 Pages


In contrast to the other synoptic evangelists the author of Matthew proceeded differently in many respects. Why did he modify the text so much and arrange ten miracle narratives one after the other at one stretch with minor interruptions? Why did he place the so-called «miracle chapters» immediately after the Sermon on the Mount. Why did he enclose them between two summary statements on either side? These are only some of the unanswered questions about chapters 8 and 9 of Matthew’s Gospel.
Beginning with Aristotle’s theory of the drama or tragedy, the author suggests that the way the evangelist has reworked and reorganized the miracle narratives is similar to the structure of the classic drama. By discovering the narrative strategies and the discourse aspect, we are able to demonstrate how each episode corresponds to the different moments of a plot such as the initial situation, inciting moment, complication, climax with suspense and finally resolution and denouement.


XX, 346
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Matthäusevangelium 8-9 Exegese Literature Theology
Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2008. XX, 346 pp.

Biographical notes

Solomon Pasala (Author)

The Author: Solomon Pasala is a priest from the Diocese of Nalgonda, India. After priestly ordination, he worked as Pastor and Principal of a school. He did a Licentiate in Theological Anthropology at the Theological Institute, Florence and a second Licentiate in Biblical sciences at Biblicum, Rome. He completed his doctoral dissertation at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, in 2007.


Title: The «Drama» of the Messiah in Matthew 8 and 9