
The Transference of the Three Mediating Institutions of Salvation from Caiaphas to Jesus

A Study of Jn 11: 45-54 in the light of the Akan Myth of the Crossing of a River

by Raymond Ahoua (Author)
©2008 Thesis XVI, 210 Pages


«It is better one man dies than the whole nation perishes» (Jn 11: 50). Caiaphas’ sentence goes beyond ethical principles and religious expectations. It appears as the saying of a cynic politician. Besides, it is seen as the perfidious advice of a corrupted high priest to the members of the Sanhedrin. Who is this man on whose saying a school is formed? Who is this man who played the most important role in the death of Jesus? Indeed Caiaphas’ sentence gives rise to the following relevant question: is the prohibition of killing (Dt. 5: 17), even the killing of a single individual in order to save a whole nation, legitimate? Thus, many issues that are associated with this high priest are associated with Jesus.
The book is mainly an exegetical and comparative analysis of Jn 11: 45-54 and the Akan myth of the crossing of the river. By providing new theological insights into Caiaphas link to Jesus’ death, it gives pertinent answers to the above questions.


XVI, 210
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Johannesevangelium 11,45-54 Exegese Theology Black Africa Religious Ethnology African Languages
Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2008. XVI, 210 pp.

Biographical notes

Raymond Ahoua (Author)

The Author: Raymond Ahoua is a priest of the Congregation of the Sons of Divine Providence (Don Orione). He taught New Testament in the Catholic University of West Africa and CELAF College, both in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire). He is currently a missionary in Kenya.


Title: The Transference of the Three Mediating Institutions of Salvation from Caiaphas to Jesus