
The Languages of Performance in British Romanticism

by Lilla Maria Crisafulli (Volume editor) Cecelia Pietropoli (Volume editor)
©2008 Edited Collection 358 Pages


This volume presents a selection of essays by established Italian and international scholars in the field of Romantic drama. It is divided into four main sections: 1) Dramatic Theory and Practice; 2) On the Romantic Stage: History, Arts, and Acting; 3) Interaction of Genres: from Fiction to Drama; 4) The Romantics’ Debate on Theatre and Drama: a Selected Anthology. The crucial area of debate these essays address is the way in which the problem of the dramatic representation of the self becomes in Romantic drama the very centre of reflection on the constitution of the modern subject. Each essay explores one or more aspects of the formation of modern subjectivity through dramatic representation of the self and through critical enquiry into the modes of that representation. The first and the fourth sections discuss the complex interaction between the theoretical questions that animated the debate around the Romantic theatre and the multifarious and often unruly performance practices of the time. The other two sections deal with the many and diverse ways in which Romantic drama engaged with and incorporated other artistic genres such as painting, performing arts, music, and the novel.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Englisch Drama Geschichte 1790-1830 Aufsatzsammlung Romantic drama Theatre History Art Representation of Self
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2008. 358 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Lilla Maria Crisafulli (Volume editor) Cecelia Pietropoli (Volume editor)

The Editors: Lilla Maria Crisafulli is Professor of English in the Faculty of Languages, University of Bologna. She is the Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Romantic Studies, editor of the interdisciplinary journal La Questione Romantica and member of the editorial board of international literary journals. She has written extensively on English Romanticism and on the cultural relations between Italy and Great Britain. Cecilia Pietropoli is Associate Professor of English Literature at the University of Bologna. She has published extensively on the reception of the Middle Ages in Romanticism, in particular in Scott’s historical novels and in Romantic poetry. She is currently working on Romantic theatre and drama.


Title: The Languages of Performance in British Romanticism