
The Testing Grounds of Modern Empire

The Making of Colonial Racial Order in the American Ohio Country and the South African Eastern Cape, 1770s-1850s

by Christoph Strobel (Author)
©2008 Monographs XIV, 196 Pages


The Testing Grounds of Modern Empire examines the transformation and the gradual creation of colonial racial order on an American and a South African frontier, respectively. This study focuses on the Ohio Country (a region including parts of present-day western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan) and the South African Eastern Cape (a region located on the southeastern tip of the African continent) in the late eighteenth and the nineteenth century. This book compares and juxtaposes the processes of indigenous dispossession and white efforts at undermining Native American and African sovereignty. While the scenarios in the Ohio Country and the Eastern Cape did not repeat themselves identically in other locations, comparable patterns would emerge in later years as the United States expanded westward and Britain expanded into southern and eastern Africa.
Christoph Strobel explores how various white and indigenous people tried to shape the creation of colonial racial order in the two regions. An emerging compromise among white settlers, government officials, and other white interest groups gradually led to the implementation of systems of colonial racial order in both the Ohio Country and the Eastern Cape by the mid-nineteenth century. This transformation, shaped by violence, conflict, and cooperation, left a legacy that influenced the development of colonization and the contested construction and representation of race in the United States, southern Africa, and around the world.


XIV, 196
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Kap der Guten Hoffnung (Region) Ohio-Gebiet Ureinwohner Vertreibung Kolonialismus Geschichte 1770-1850 Indian of North America Colonization Ohio River Valley History Race relation
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2008. XIV, 196 pp.

Biographical notes

Christoph Strobel (Author)

The Author: Christoph Strobel is Assistant Professor of History at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He is the co-author, alongside Alice Nash, of Daily Life of Native Americans from Post-Columbian through Nineteenth-Century America (2006). He is also the author of several articles.


Title: The Testing Grounds of Modern Empire