
Reflections on Europe

Defining a Political Order in Time and Space

by Hans-Åke Persson (Volume editor) Bo Stråth (Volume editor)
©2007 Edited Collection 430 Pages


When Dutch and subsequently French voters rejected the Draft Treaty for a Constitution for Europe in Spring 2005, many voices called for a pause for reflection. This book is, in part, a result of that moment of reflection. We wanted to contribute to the debate about Europe but crucially, we sought to do so by taking a step back from the problem formation and agenda-setting of Brussels. For the authors of this volume, one key to establishing critical distance has been the reappraisal of the historical perspective. Another has been the problematisation of ‘Europe as a space’ as opposed to looking for a definition of borders. The authors also seek critical distance through a focus on the tension between Europe as a culture, as a polity and as an economy. These tensions have often been neglected or even ignored and the relationships have been seen as more or less synonymous and harmonious. The aim of this volume, then, is two-fold. It wants, developing a critical distance to the present Europe, to contribute to the vivid academic research and debate on Europe, which too often either develops distance without commenting on the present state of affairs or comments on the present without critical distance.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Europa Europäische Integration Aufsatzsammlung
Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2007. 430 pp.

Biographical notes

Hans-Åke Persson (Volume editor) Bo Stråth (Volume editor)

The Editors: Hans-Åke Persson is professor in modern European history at Roskilde University in Denmark. His is currently also attached to Malmö University in Sweden. His focus has been on the following themes: international migration, Refugee policies, European studies, international conflicts, ethnicity and national questions, transnational regional projects. Bo Stråth is professor of contemporary history at European University Institute in Florence. He was 1990-1996 professor of history at Gothenburg University. His research focuses on modernity of Europe in global comparison.


Title: Reflections on Europe