
A World Torn Apart

Representations of Violence in Latin American Narrative

by Victoria Carpenter (Volume editor)
©2007 Conference proceedings 306 Pages
Series: Cultural Identity Studies, Volume 9


This collection of essays derives from a conference on Violence, Culture and Identity held in St Andrews in June 2003. It is a contribution to the understanding of representations of violence in Latin American narrative. The collected essays are dedicated to the study of the problematic history of violence as a means of ‘civilizing’ the region: violence used by dictatorial regimes to eradicate the collective memory of their actions; violence as a result of the history of marginalizing segments of the population; sexual violence as an attempt at complete control of the victim. The essays establish a clear link between historical, political and literary constructs spanning the past five hundred years of Latin American history. Close readings of political texts, historical documents, prose, poetry and films employ identity theories, postcolonial discourse, and the principles of mimetic and sacrificial violence. The volume adds to the ongoing critical investigation of the relationship between Latin American history and narrative, and to the key role of representations of violence within that narrative tradition.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Gewalt (Motiv) Civilizing Violence Hispanoamerika Literatur Geschichte 1889-2003 Kongress Saint Andrews (2003) Conflict Dictatorial Regime Victim Control
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2007. 306 pp.

Biographical notes

Victoria Carpenter (Volume editor)

The Editor: Victoria Carpenter received a Ph.D. in Latin American Studies from the University of Hull. Her area of expertise is twentieth-century Mexican literature, in particular the works of the Mexican Onda and Narrativa Joven. She is Senior Lecturer in Spanish at the University of Derby.


Title: A World Torn Apart