The European's Burden
Global Imperialism in EU Expansion
256 Pages
Writings on the EU (European Union) are largely celebratory hagiographies reflecting long-discredited narratives of progress, lacking global perspective and critical incisiveness, while critical works either remain too narrowly focused or ignore EU enlargement altogether. This edited volume brings together a diverse array of critical perspectives in the analysis of EU enlargement. The novelty of these studies is in their multifaceted and nuanced explanations of EU enlargement as a particular form of empire building. Each author demonstrates this process by examining the cultural, political, and economic practices, both within and beyond Europe, that constitute this form of empire.
- Pages
- X, 256
- Publication Year
- 2006
- ISBN (Softcover)
- 9780820478272
- Language
- English
- Keywords
- Postcolonial theory Europäische Union Erweiterung Osteuropa Aufsatzsammlung Eastern Europe Europe European Union Poststructuralism
- Published
- New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2006. X, 256 pp.
- Product Safety
- Peter Lang Group AG