
Speech Presentation in the British and German Press

by Melanie Brüngel-Dittrich (Author)
©2006 Thesis 268 Pages


This book is a comparative linguistic study analysing the phenomenon of speech presentation or Redewiedergabe in a corpus of British and German newspaper articles. By applying a modified speech presentation model to a corpus of 143 articles – originally, the prototype had been designed for the analysis of English literary texts – the author shows that it is possible to examine journalistic texts stylistically and to compare texts written in different languages. The analysis, divided into a qualitative and a quantitative part, reveals that the genre of a text or paper influences the use of speech presentation to a high extent. Differences between the German and English texts in terms of language structure and also newspaper culture are highlighted, involving an examination of the use of reporting verbs, the subjunctive and berichtete Rede in the German articles.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Deutsch Zeitungssprache Redeerwähnung Elektronische Zeitung Englisch Geschichte 2001 Redewiedergabe Konjunktivgebrauch Reporting verb Redeeinleitung
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2006. 268 pp., 37 tables, 47 graphs

Biographical notes

Melanie Brüngel-Dittrich (Author)

The Author: Melanie Brüngel-Dittrich, born 1973 in Wuppertal, studied English and Latin and graduated from the University of Bochum in 2000. During her Ph.D.-studies she worked there as a mentor at the English department as well as for the international project for graduates Promotionskolleg Ost-West. Since summer 2005 she has been employed at the University of Bochum as a project manager for EU-projects and also works as a lecturer of English.


Title: Speech Presentation in the British and German Press