
Agricultural Policy and Soil Fertility Management in the Maize-based Smallholder Farming System in Malawi

by Hardwick Tchale (Author)
©2006 Thesis XXII, 172 Pages


This study assesses the impact of agricultural policy on soil fertility management and productivity in the smallholder maize-based farming system in Malawi. The study applies econometric and farm household modeling to address three specific objectives: to characterize factors affecting farmers’ choice and intensity of soil fertility management practices, to assess the productivity, profitability and technical efficiency implications of such practices, and to identify the most feasible options that maximize food security, i. e. household income, with lower soil fertility mining implications. The study recommends a soil fertility management policy based on complimentary strategies.


XXII, 172
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Malawi Landwirtschaft Kleinbauernbetrieb Maisanbau Bodenbearbeitung Agrarökonomie Bodenkultivierung
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2006. XXII, 172 pp., num. fig. and tables

Biographical notes

Hardwick Tchale (Author)

The Author: Hardwick Tchale received his Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and his Master of Science in Agricultural Economics from the University of Malawi. He conducted his Ph.D. studies at the Center for Development Research at the University of Bonn where he graduated in 2005. He currently works as an Agricultural Economist for the World Bank in Malawi.


Title: Agricultural Policy and Soil Fertility Management in the Maize-based Smallholder Farming System in Malawi