
Engrafted into Christ

A Critique of the Joint Declaration

by Christopher R. Malloy (Author)
©2005 Monographs XI, 408 Pages
Series: American University Studies , Volume 233


Catholics and Lutherans signed the Joint Declaration on Justification in 1999. This ecumenical agreement claims to resolve all church-dividing differences on justification without requiring doctrinal revision, a claim that Engrafted into Christ challenges with a twofold thesis. First, the historic disagreement over justification was substantial; thus, doctrinal revision is a sine qua non condition of rapprochement. Second, portions of the Declaration appear irreconcilable with Catholicism. A concluding series of original reflections illustrates the intelligibility of Catholic teaching, identifies a self-destructive element in «sola fide», and challenges structural elements of Lutheran theology. Experts as well as educated laypersons will be interested in this book.


XI, 408
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Rechtfertigungslehre tridentine Lutherische Theologie Justification sanctification anthropology Catholic
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2005. XI, 408 pp., 1 table

Biographical notes

Christopher R. Malloy (Author)

The Author: Christopher J. Malloy earned his Ph.D. at Catholic University in Washington, DC. He is currently Assistant Professor of Theology at The University of Dallas and is Associate Editor of the English edition of Nova et Vetera. His fields of interest include theological anthropology and Trinitarian theology with a specialization in the work of Thomas Aquinas.


Title: Engrafted into Christ