
The Concept of Man in the Advaita Vedanta of Sankara

An Inquiry into Theological Perspectives

by P. Joseph Payyappilly (Author)
©2005 Thesis XXII, 472 Pages


The Concept of Man in the Advaita Vedanta of Sankara concentrates its attention mainly on the anthropology of absolute non-difference. The sources for this work are the Upanishads and the works of the best known Indian philosopher, Sankara. The Advaita doctrine is pure metaphysics and its anthropology is identical with the nature of the supreme Brahman. A number of perspectives of great theological importance have been evolved. This work makes an original contribution to Indian theology by suggesting in the light of Advaita doctrine a metaphysical foundation for theology in general, and by showing how the elements of its radical anthropology could be of help in formulating a non-dualistic Christian anthropology in particular.


XXII, 472
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Schankara Advaita Fundamentaltheologie Katholische Theologie Sankara Brahmann Indien Hindu Sanskrit Theologie Anthropologie Hinduismus
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2005. XXII, 472 pp., 3 fig.

Biographical notes

P. Joseph Payyappilly (Author)

The Author: Fr. Joseph Payyappilly ocd. was born in 1948 in Kerala (India). He took MTh. and B.A. in Sociology. For many years he has lectured on Classical Logic and Introduction to Philosophy at the Sacred Heart Philosophy College, Alwaye.


Title: The Concept of Man in the Advaita Vedanta of Sankara