
The Role of Internal Competition in Knowledge Creation

An Empirical Study in Japanese Firms

by Makoto Matsuo (Author)
©2005 Thesis XIV, 210 Pages
Series: Kreatives Management, Volume 11


This book is about how to implement creative competition within an organization. It examines the conditions under which internal competition can promote knowledge acquisition and knowledge sharing. The book describes a number of studies of sales departments in Japanese firms. Sales departments in Japanese firms were studied because internal competition is getting fiercer in these departments following the recent introduction of performance-based compensation. Exploratory case studies of ORIX Corporation and Japan Computer were conducted in order to generate research hypotheses. To gather quantitative data and test the hypotheses drawn from the case studies, a questionnaire survey of sales departments of Japanese firms listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange was carried out. The findings reported in the book shed new light not only on internal competition theory, but also provide new insights into the theories on knowledge creation and intra-organizational conflict.


XIV, 210
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Japan Wissensmanagement Wettbewerb Management Internal competition Japanese firm Organizational learning Organisationsentwicklung Knowledge creation Kundenorientierung
Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2005. XIV, 210 pp., num. fig. and tables

Biographical notes

Makoto Matsuo (Author)

The Author: Makoto Matsuo is an Associate Professor of Management in the Graduate School of Business at Otaru University of Commerce, Japan. He received his Ph.D. in Management Learning from the University of Lancaster. His research interests include the cognitive approach on expertise, organizational learning, and organizational innovation. His European Journal of Marketing article was selected as the most ‘Outstanding Paper’ in the 2002 volume.


Title: The Role of Internal Competition in Knowledge Creation