
Wittgenstein and Judaism

A Triumph of Concealment

by Ranjit Chatterjee (Author)
©2005 Monographs XII, 210 Pages
Series: Studies in Judaism, Volume 1


This radical new reading suggests that Wittgenstein is best understood as a covert Jewish thinker in times of lethal anti-Semitism. The argument first establishes that there was one Wittgenstein, not an «early» and a «later». By looking afresh at the role of the Bible, God, Augustine, Otto Weininger, and science, among other things, in Wittgenstein’s thought, Ranjit Chatterjee shows how well Wittgenstein matches with Jewish tradition because he had internalized talmudic and rabbinic modes of thought. An abundance of evidence is brought forward of Wittgenstein’s Jewish self-identification from his writings and from remarks noted in conversations by his closest friends. Written in an engaging style, this powerful and unexpected understanding of Wittgenstein includes a chapter on his relation to postmodernism (Levinas and Derrida), a personal epilogue, an appendix on his descent, and a full bibliography.


XII, 210
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Judentum Judaism Postmodernism Wittgenstein, Ludwig
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2005. XII, 210 pp.

Biographical notes

Ranjit Chatterjee (Author)

The Author: Ranjit Chatterjee received his Ph.D. in Slavic languages and literatures from The University of Chicago and teaches at Lado International College in Maryland. The author of Aspect and Meaning in Slavic and Indic and co-editor of Tropic Crucible: Self and Theory in Language and Literature, Dr. Chatterjee has published several essays on Wittgenstein, language, and linguistics.


Title: Wittgenstein and Judaism