
Sustainability Creates New Prosperity

Basis for a New World Order, New Economics and Environmental Protection- Review by Members of The Club of Rome and International Experts

by Karin Feiler (Volume editor)
©2004 Others 240 Pages


Since the report to The Club of Rome Limits of Growth was published some 30 years ago, the question is still open which approach we must take with our planet. Three factors will have the most influence on the global development of the environment: demographic and climate development and the potential for innovation. The concept of sustainability requires long-term thinking in order to use natural resources in such a way that future generations have the same opportunities we do. This message is confirmed in this review by the members of the Club of Rome’s European Forum on Sustainability, which was founded in autumn 2002 in Vienna by the European Support Centre of the Club of Rome in co-operation with the Austrian Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour and in partnership with the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna, together with high-level experts and scientists. An immediate and extensive global course correction across the board would, however, be required.
Thus far in fact, the price paid for the success of globalisation has been very high – environmental degradation and a global social split. This review presents as potential solutions a new economic model, an international treaty between the North and the South, a fundamental right to food and the principles of a sustainable retirement reform.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Nachhaltige Entwicklung Umweltverträglichkeit Globalisierung Asien Iraq Europa Demography Climate Change World Ethos Aufsatzsammlung Innovation
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2004. 239 pp., num. fig., tables and graphs

Biographical notes

Karin Feiler (Volume editor)

The Authors: Professor Dr. Klaus Töpfer, Executive Director, UNEP, Nairobi; Dr. Martin Bartenstein, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Labour in Austria; Dr. Karin Feiler, Head of Department for Economic Sustainable Development, BMWA, Vienna; Professor Orio Giarini, Member of the Club of Rome in Genf/Triest; Dipl.-Volkswirt Jochen Jagob, assistant at the Institute for Economics of TU Darmstadt; Dr. Petra Gruber, Head of the Institute for Environment, Development and Peace, Vienna; Patrick M. Liedtke, Vice-President of the European Support Centre of the Club of Rome, Geneva; Professor Dr. Hans Küng, Head of the Institute for World Ethos, University of Tübingen; Uwe Möller, General Secretary of The Club of Rome, Hamburg; Professor Dr. Dr. Franz Josef Radermacher, Ulm, Member of the Club of Rome; former Vice-Chancellor Dipl.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Josef Riegler, President of the Eco-social Forum of Austria in Vienna/Graz; Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Bert Rürup, Institute for Economics of TU Darmstadt; Professor Dr. Josef Schmid, Otto-Friedrich-University in Bamberg; Mahendra Shah Ph.D., International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg; Walter R. Stahel, Founder Director of the Product-Life Institute, Geneva; Professor Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Member of the Club of Rome; Michael Windfuhr, FIAN Executive Director, and Maartje van Galen, FIAN-International; Mag. Gabriele Zöbl, Head of the ESC of the Club of Rome, Vienna.


Title: Sustainability Creates New Prosperity