
Gnosis, Theophany, Theosis

Studies in Clement of Alexandria's Appropriation of His Background

by Arkadi Choufrine (Author)
©2002 Monographs X, 232 Pages
Series: Patristic Studies, Volume 5


Gnosis, Theophany, Theosis comprises three case studies of Clement’s interaction with the heterogeneous traditions integral to his Alexandrian background: Basilidean and Valentinian metaphysics of the Christ-event; Philo’s Scripture exegesis; and Hellenistic ethical theory based on Aristotle’s concept of telos. This book focuses on the three respective representative objects of interpretation that Clement shared with those traditions, namely: the rite of Christian initiation; Scripture narratives of primordial creation and God’s revelation to Abram; and the Middle Platonic idea of human telos as «assimilation to God.» By going back to the respective interpretations of these objects by those traditions, and then forth to Clement’s appropriation of those interpretations, Gnosis, Theophany, Theosis presents him as a creative theologian and lays bare the inner structure of his synthesis.


X, 232
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
metaphysics ethical theory Christian initiation
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt/M., Oxford, Wien, 2002. X, 232 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Arkadi Choufrine (Author)

The Author: Arkadi Choufrine was born in Leningrad, Russia. He graduated from Leningrad Polytechnic Institute with his M.S. in electrical engineering and received a background in humanities by participating in the alternative literary and philosophical movement. After the perestroika, he lectured at St. Petersburg School of Religion and Philosophy. He came to the United States and received his M.A. in patristic theology from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary and his Ph.D. in history from Princeton Theological Seminary. Dr. Choufrine’s articles have been published in the Journal of Neoplatonic Studies.


Title: Gnosis, Theophany, Theosis