
Against Cheap Grace in a World Come of Age

An Intellectual Biography of Clayton Powell, 1865–1953

by Ralph Garlin Clingan (Author)
©2002 Monographs XXII, 126 Pages


Clayton Powell (1865–1953) was one of a very few African-American religious, cultural, and social leaders of his era to oppose what he called the "cheap grace" of racist conservative and liberal ideologies in what he called "a world come of age." His use of what a sociologist and several philosophers called "the emotionalization of the ideal" changed his congregations, cities, and nation, as well as one German Sunday school teacher—Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Ralph Garlin Clingan explores Powell’s role as a radical, progressive prophet with a well thought out program of emotionalizing the ideal of the meek, universal love of Jesus Christ, the center of his life and ideal church, and raising a standard for his community and the world. Powell is discussed in the context of his sources, current Bonhoeffer scholarship, and today’s issues.


XXII, 126
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
emotionalization ideal universal love
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt/M., Oxford, Wien, 2002. XXII, 126 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Ralph Garlin Clingan (Author)

Ralph Garlin Clingan earned his Ph.D. in biblical theology from Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. Formerly Homiletics Professor in Atlanta’s Interdenominational Theological Center (1980–1988), he is now retired. He has been an interim ministry specialist, guest preacher and orator, freelance consultant, and scholar. He is the author of An Action Preaching Manual (available in Korean and in English, 2005). Dr. Clingan was born in Spadra, Arkansas, and raised in Okmulgee, Oklahoma. He lives in the New York metropolitan area with his wife, Maria Margaret Ambrose Clingan.


Title: Against Cheap Grace in a World Come of Age