
Comparative Constitutional Traditions

by James T. McHugh (Author)
©2002 Textbook VIII, 238 Pages


This book compares and contrasts several constitutional traditions from various regions of the world. The first chapter provides the foundation for norms, ideas, and values that frame this comparison. Western and Eastern concepts of law, the relationship of law and ideology, the common law and civil law systems, tribal law, property, rights and liberties, and other themes establish the basis for the remaining chapters of the book, which includes examinations of the American, British, Chinese, Canadian, Japanese, Indian, Nigerian, French, German, Saudi Arabian, and Mexican constitutional traditions within their legal and broader political contexts. This approach to comparative law at the constitutional level is the first one of its type, especially in terms of its diverse social science approach.


VIII, 238
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
norms ideas values law ideology
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt/M., Oxford, Wien, 2002. VIII, 238 pp.

Biographical notes

James T. McHugh (Author)

The Author: James T. McHugh is Associate Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Legal Studies Program at Roosevelt University, Chicago, and Adjunct Professor of the John Marshall Law School, Chicago. He received his Ph.D. in political science from Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, and specializes in public law, international law, and legal philosophy, in addition to other areas of political science.


Title: Comparative Constitutional Traditions