
Euthanasia, Morality and the Law

by Kumar Amarasekara (Author) Mirko Bagaric (Author)
©2002 Textbook 182 Pages


This book assesses the desirability of legalising euthanasia. From the ethical perspective, euthanasia raises many important issues including the right to life, the right to liberty, the avoidance of unnecessary pain, the appropriate allocation of medical resources, and the rights and duties of doctors. Other relevant considerations include the improving standard of palliative care and the «slippery slope» argument. The central arguments for and against euthanasia are evaluated against the background of the leading contemporary moral theories. This book seeks to cut through the rhetoric that has become a feature of the debate and asks whether there is a sound reason for denying the wishes of individuals who express their wish to die.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
life liberty pain
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt/M., Oxford, Wien, 2002. 182 pp.

Biographical notes

Kumar Amarasekara (Author) Mirko Bagaric (Author)

The Authors: Kumar Amarasekara is Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. In 1978 he received his Ph.D. in confessions and admissions from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of numerous papers in academic and professional journals as well as several book chapters. Mirko Bagaric is Associate Professor at the School of Law, Deakin, Melbourne, Australia. In 2001 he received his Ph.D. in punishment and sentencing from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. In addition to numerous articles in law and philosophy journals concerning a wide range of practical moral issues, including bioethics, punishment and business ethics, he is the author of several books including Punishment and Sentencing: A Rational Approach and Understanding Evidence.


Title: Euthanasia, Morality and the Law