
Issues in Travel Writing

Empire, Spectacle, and Displacement

by Kristi Siegel (Volume editor)
©2002 Textbook X, 304 Pages


The increased attention now devoted to studying travel writing and theory follows on the heels of a growing critical interest in autobiography (a genre closely aligned to travel writing); commentary on multiculturalism, nationalism, colonialism, and post-colonialism; and in spectacle and visual culture. The essays collected here address these diverse impulses and focus provocatively on issues of colonialism/post-colonialism, empire, identity, culture, spectacle, pilgrimage, map theory, narrative theory, diaspora, and displacement, and discuss writers as diverse as Ernest Hemingway, Theodore Roosevelt, Jean Baudrillard, Alexis de Tocqueville, Simone de Beauvoir, V. S. Naipaul, Evelyn Waugh, John McPhee, George Orwell, Graham Greene, Walter Benjamin, Constance Fredericka Gordon Cumming, Willa Cather, Elizabeth Bowen, Kurt Vonnegut, Dorothy Richardson, Jonathan Raban, Paul Theroux, Bruce Chatwin, and Doris Lessing.


X, 304
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
autobiography multiculturalism nationalism colonialism identity
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt/M., Oxford, Wien, 2002. X, 304 pp., 2 ill.

Biographical notes

Kristi Siegel (Volume editor)

The Editor: Kristi Siegel is Associate Professor of English at Mount Mary College in Wisconsin and earned her Ph.D. in modern studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is the author of Women’s Autobiographies, Culture, Feminism (Peter Lang, 2001), and is currently editing a collection of essays about women’s travel writing, Gender, Genre, Identity in Women’s Travel Writing (Peter Lang, forthcoming). She also serves as general editor for the book series «Travel Writing Across the Disciplines» (Peter Lang), and has published various articles on postmodern, feminist, cultural, and autobiographical theory.


Title: Issues in Travel Writing