
Selected Essays in English Literatures: British and Canadian

Jonathan Swift – John Fowles – Margaret Laurence – Margaret Atwood – Di Brandt & Dennis Cooley

by Herbert Zirker (Author)
©2002 Monographs 166 Pages
Series: Trierer Studien zur Literatur, Volume 38


This collection of essays begins with a reassessment of Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, in particular addressing the universal formative impact it keeps exerting on the ‘myth of utopia’ (N. Frye) and the ramifications it displays in contemporary exemplars of utopian/dystopian fiction – The Handmaid’s Tale, Canadian author Margaret Atwood’s world success, being a most significant case in point. John Fowles, within an overview of his works, is dealt with to point out the quest-/quester-motif as an informing element, which itself forms part of the ‘myth of the picaresque’ as the encompassing literary genre. This line of argument is continued in the Margaret Laurence chapters with a view to bring to the surface ‘hidden’ subtextual relics of the picaresque now fully integrated in the Canadian vistas of her narrative texture. The Di Brandt & Dennis Cooley interview presents two representatives of Canadian Prairie literature: Di Brandt a persuasive example of (ex-)Mennonite ethno-culture and the literary creativity emanating from it since the 1980s; and Dennis Cooley, the accomplished author/critic and publisher encouraging promising talents.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
England Literatur Britain
Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2002. 165 pp., 2 fig.

Biographical notes

Herbert Zirker (Author)

The Author: Herbert Zirker became Professor of English Literature (now retired) at the University of Trier, Germany, in 1970. Areas of chief interest: Enlightenment Literature; History of Ideas approach to the transformations of literary genres, in particular the modes of fiction, on the way to modernism. Co-founder (1987) of the inderdisciplinary Canadian Studies Centre, he is grateful for the privilege of being a now ‘off-duty’ participant in its flourishing activities.


Title: Selected Essays in English Literatures: British and Canadian