
American History and Culture

From the Explorers to Cable TV

by Donald Ross (Author)
©2001 Textbook XVIII, 592 Pages


In detailing the most significant events that have shaped U.S. history from Columbus to cable television, Donald Ross has provided a concise and essential volume ideal for all high school and college students of American culture.
The main emphasis of this book is on the «headlines», that is, important national and political events – war and government, including the Revolutionary War and the creation of the Constitution; the complexity of race relations, including the institution of slavery, the displacement of Native Americans, and the civil rights movement; the rise and fall of unions; environmental reforms and the construction of skyscrapers and museums; the emergence of feminism; and the protests of the Sixties. In addition, this book describes major cultural and technological changes that affected everyday life in America, such as the proliferation of electricity and the automobile, the transformation of rural America and the growth of the suburbs, the emergence of radio, movies, television, and different forms of entertainment. Sections on foreign affairs, the economy, sports, and lifestyles complete this overview of the diversity of American life.
This indispensable guide includes a detailed table of contents, extensive indexes, and tables for swift and easy research.


XVIII, 592
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
U.S. history Revolutionary War Slavery Civil rights Constitution
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt/M., Oxford, Wien, 2000. XVIII, 592 pp.

Biographical notes

Donald Ross (Author)

The Author: Donald Ross has taught English at the University of Minnesota since 1971. He received his B.A. and his M.A. from Lehigh University and his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. In addition to a book-length study of Henry David Thoreau, he has published numerous articles and chapters on nineteenth-century American literature, literary style, and composition.


Title: American History and Culture