
Communication: The Power of Location

Essays on Adespotic Aesthetics

by Luciano Nanni (Author)
©2000 Monographs 197 Pages


«May I have a coffee?» How different the meaning of this statement is when it is uttered on a stage rather than in a café. What matters in one place does not matter at all in another. In the café, all that matters is the communicative-referential level of the message (attention focused solely on the concept of coffee), but on the stage everything else counts: the tone of the voice, symbolic, anthropological, and ritualistic values, etc. The first message is monosemic and the second polysemic, or open to an indefinite number of interpretations. What accounts for this difference? Is it the intention of the speaker or of the receiver? The statement’s structure? Or is it the location in which it is uttered? The author privileges the role played by the contexts in which the message is emitted and, against current opinion in semiotics, hermeneutics, and aesthetics, illustrates their determining power.


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Meaning Referentiality Context Semiotics Hermeneutics
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt/M., Oxford, Wien, 2000. 197 pp.

Biographical notes

Luciano Nanni (Author)

The Author: Luciano Nanni is Professor in the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy at the University of Bologna. His areas of interest include literature (Artistic Objectification in Camillo Sbarbaro and Reading Svevo), semiotics, epistemology, and aesthetics (For a New Semiotics of Art, Contra dogmaticos, A Theory of Aesthetics: In the Form of a Response to Umberto Eco, The Cosmos and Method, and On Poetics). He has published three volumes of poetry (Song in the Form of a Painting, Parenklesis, and Shakespearean) as well as articles on the artistic avant-garde. Professor Nanni is also a visual artist.


Title: Communication: The Power of Location