
Mythologies of Vision

Image, Culture, and Visuality

by Eduardo Neiva (Author)
©1999 Monographs X, 256 Pages


It has been said repeatedly that contemporary culture is the culture of images. Mythologies of Vision faces the challenge of producing an argument on how to interpret images. Using a semiotic approach, this study offers an alternative to traditional conceptions of image making, arguing around historical interpretations of art, perspective, photography, as well as individual artists like Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Marcel Duchamp, and Rembrandt. Mythologies of Vision is a critical redefinition of images as products of conventions.


X, 256
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Contemporary culture Semiotics Product of convention Image interpretation
New York, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt/M., Paris, Wien, 1999. X, 256 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Eduardo Neiva (Author)

The Author: Eduardo Neiva is Associate Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He received his Ph.D. from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He taught for many years in Brazil before moving to the United States. He published numerous books in Portuguese and his academic work was either translated or originally written in Portuguese, English, French, Italian, or Spanish. As a Fulbright scholar, he was Visiting Professor at the Research Center for Semiotic Studies at Indiana University.


Title: Mythologies of Vision