
Umlaut Phenomena in Early New High German Discourse

A Pragmatic Approach

by Lee Forester (Author)
©1999 Monographs XIV, 278 Pages


semantic and discourse considerations. Umlaut Phenomena in Early New High German Discourse is an investigation of the spread and regularization of umlaut in Early New High German that focuses on semantic and pragmatic influences. In a detailed analysis of excerpts from three texts – Brant's Narrenschiff, von Tepl's Ackermann von Böhmen, and Luther's Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen – lexical items displaying variation in umlaut spelling are compared in an attempt to isolate discourse factors that influenced the choice of each variant. This work differs from other studies on umlaut in that, on the basis of evidence from these Early New High German texts, it postulates that the development of umlaut was not only a phonological matter, but was in fact significantly influenced by semantic and discourse considerations.


XIV, 278
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
spelling evidence development variation
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt/M., Wien, 1999. XIV, 278 pp., num. tables
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Lee Forester (Author)

The Author: Lee Forester received his Ph.D. in Germanic Linguistics from the University of California, Berkeley, and is currently Associate Professor of German and Russian at Hope College in Holland, Michigan.


Title: Umlaut Phenomena in Early New High German Discourse