
Competition in Electricity Generation in Germany and Neighboring Countries from a System Dynamics Perspective

Outlook Until 2012

by Christoph Grobbel (Author)
©1999 Thesis XVIII, 245 Pages


The European electricity industry is currently facing the transition from a monopolistic to a free market situation. One main question for incumbents as well as for new entrants is the long-term price evolution. As cost curves are not a good indicator for future price levels, the long-term price and capacity evolution have been analyzed with a system dynamics model.
The model simulates the development of wholesale electricity prices and generation capacity in weekly steps for the next fifteen years under various scenarios. The market model is based on regional pool markets similar to the English or Nordic power pool. Transmission capacities as well as transmission costs are taken into consideration.


XVIII, 245
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Wien, 1999. XVIII, 245 pp., num. fig. and tab.

Biographical notes

Christoph Grobbel (Author)

The Author: Christoph Grobbel was born 1966 in Meschede, Germany. From 1988 to 1993 studies in mechanical engineering at University of Karlsruhe; «Diplom-Ingenieur». Joint program in «Energy Management & Policy» at University of Pennsylvania (UPENN) in Philadelphia and Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs (ENSPM) in Paris 1993 and 1994; «Master of Science in Energy Management & Policy» (UPENN) and «Diplôme d'Ingénieur» (ENSPM). Management consultant with McKinsey&Company in Cologne since 1995. Dissertation as external student at University of Oldenburg from 1997 to 1999.


Title: Competition in Electricity Generation in Germany and Neighboring Countries from a System Dynamics Perspective