
Regardfully Yours- Selected Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller

Volume I: 1840-1859

by Rod. W. Home (Author)
©1998 Others II, 844 Pages


This first of three volumes of Mueller's selected correspondence covers his early life in Germany prior to his migration to Australia, his years in South Australia, and his first years as Government Botanist of Victoria. This was the period during which Mueller undertook his major exploring expeditions in the southeast of the continent and in northern Australia, and also took on the development of Melbourne's famed Botanic Garden. The volume includes family and other letters from Mueller's youth, and later correspondence, both official and private, documenting his formation as a scientist, his building of links with scientists in other parts of the world, his activities as an explorer, and his role in the establishment of new scientific and cultural institutions in Australia during the hectic gold-rush years. There is a substantial historical introduction and an extensive editorial apparatus that will serve all three volumes.


II, 844
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
expeditions Botanic Garden migration
Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt/M., New York, Paris, Wien, 1998. 844 pp., 20 ill.

Biographical notes

Rod. W. Home (Author)

The Editors: R. W. Home is Professor of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Melbourne. He has numerous publications on 18th-century physics and on the history of Australian science to his credit, and is Editor of Historical Records of Australian Science. A. M. Lucas is Principal of King's College London, where he also holds the Chair of Science Curriculum Studies. He has published widely on environmental and science education, museology and public understanding of science, and the history of science. Sara Maroske is a historian of Australian science and social history. She has published on various aspects of Mueller's life and work and is currently writing a book entitled Science by Correspondence. D. M. Sinkora was born and raised in Germany. She was for many years at the National Herbarium of Victoria where, in addition to working as a marine phycologist, she made Mueller a special focus of her research. She retired in 1992. J. H. Voigt has published extensively on Australian history since his research fellowship at the Australian National University, 1968-1971. He was Professor of Overseas History at Stuttgart University until his retirement in 1996.


Title: Regardfully Yours- Selected Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller