
Towards a Critical Multicultural Literacy

Theory and Practice for Education for Liberation

by Danny Weil (Author)
©1998 Textbook X, 268 Pages
Series: Counterpoints, Volume 50


Towards a Critical Multicultural Literacy claims that, in a pluralistic society, education should affirm and encourage the quest for self-examination through social transformation by creating relevant problem-posing activities that allow students to confront through reasoning, the challenges offered by everyday life's diverse reality. Dr. Weil specifically examines traditional views of education, critical-thinking advocate views of education, critical-pedagogy advocate views of education, and multicultural views of education as they historically and currently exist both in theory and in practice.


X, 268
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
reality self-examination transformation society
New York, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt/M., Paris, Wien, 1998. X, 268 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Danny Weil (Author)

The Author: Danny K. Weil is the Director of The Critical Thinking Institute. He has taught kindergarten, first grade, second grade, junior high school, high school, and college for six years both in South Central Los Angeles and in the Central Valley of California. Dr. Weil holds a Ph.D. in Education, a Juris Doctorate in Law and is a California bilingual credentialed teacher who received the Teacher of the Year award from the California Association of Bilingual Educators in California. Dr. Weil has been published in national and international educational magazines and journals throughout the United States and Mexico and conducts inservices for teachers, parents, and school boards throughout the United States, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Canada.


Title: Towards a Critical Multicultural Literacy