
Understanding Politics

Theory, Procedures, Narratives

by Tadeusz Klementewicz (Author)
©2017 Monographs 193 Pages


This book analyses how contemporary political science can develop as a structure of knowledge gathered by the individual sub-disciplines of political studies, as well as the remaining disciplines of social sciences. It helps to get a fuller understanding of political phenomena and to reconstruct the process of emergence of the global civilisation. The author reflects about the current state of research conducted by political scientists. The research is conducted within a few major research paradigms. This work presents a strategy of integrating knowledge about man and society.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Political Science Above Divisions. Unity of Social Sciences versus Autarky of Disciplines
  • Part I: Political Science as a Multi-Paradigm Structure of Knowledge
  • Chapter 1: Perception Boundaries of Political Science – in Search of the Research Strategy
  • 1.1. Detailed Methodology as a Research Perspective
  • 1.2 The Formation of Theoretical Reflection on Politics
  • Chapter 2: Paradigms of Research on Political Science: Heuristic and Factual Foundations of a Political Scientist
  • 2.1. Political System as an aspect of the System of Government
  • 2.1.1 Institutionalism: Law and Cultural Norms
  • 2.1.2 Systemic Analysis: Functions of the State
  • 2.2. Analysis of the Social Content of Politics
  • 2.2.1. Confrontational (Marxist) Paradigm: The Politician as a (Biased) Arbitrator in Conflicts About Distribution of Goods and Embodiment of Group and Common Values
  • 2.2.2. Theory of Public Choice – the Social Cost of Institutions
  • 2.3. The Aspect of Political Awareness and Social Engineering Techniques of its Formation – Interpretationism
  • 2.4. The Aspect of International Relations: Studies on Security, Rivalry and Cooperation
  • 2.4.1. Realism
  • 2.4.2. World-Systems Theory (I. Wallerstein, J. Abu-Lughot, S. Amin, G. Arrighi)
  • 2.4.3. Institutional Liberalism
  • Chapter 3: Methodological Particularities of Political Science’s Analysis
  • 3.1. Logical Structure of Knowledge in the Humanities: The Problem of Syndromicity of Political Phenomena
  • 3.1.1 Anthropological Premises
  • 3.1.2. Politics in the Social World of Man: The Level of Sociology
  • 3.1.3 Methodological Premises
  • 3.1.4 Axiological (Ideological) Premises
  • 3.1.5 The Level of a Political Scientist’s Reflection
  • 3.2. A Political Scientist’s Time Horizon: Political Science as a Pilot Study of Political History
  • 3.3. The Layer of Historical Events Instead of Mass Processes: Between Idiographism and Nomothetism
  • Part II: Pragmatic Methodology of the Science of Politics – Procedures
  • Chapter 4: Understanding Politics – Humanistic Interpretation, Causal Explanation and Integral Explanation
  • 4.1. The Role of Explanation in Understanding of Political Actions and Phenomena
  • 4.2. Humanistic Interpretation of Political Action
  • 4.3. Causal Explanation of Political Phenomena – the Directive of Integral Explanation
  • 4.4. Model Explanation in Political Science Analysis on The Example of the Crisis of 2007/2008 Neoliberal Globalisation.
  • Chapter 5: The Procedure of Evaluating Politics and Politicians
  • 5.1. Politics as a Domain of Risky Actions
  • 5.2. Who, Why, How? Disputes About Facts
  • 5.3. Disputes About Values: The Axiologies of Politics
  • 5.4. Alternative History in Assessing the Degree to Which Opportunities Have Been Seized
  • 5.4.1. The Methodological Status of Alternative History
  • Chapter 6: Practical and Prognostic Functions of Political Science – Methods and Problems of Predicting the Trends of Political Life
  • 6.1. Limitations of the Practical and Prognostic Functions of Political Science
  • 6.2. Alternative History and Predicting Scenarios of Systemic Changes
  • 6.3. 2050 World Condition Report. The Fifth Configuration of Capitalism?
  • Part III: On the Non-Pragmatic Methodology of Political Science
  • Chapter 7: Types of Statements in Political Science: Political Theory as the Heuristic Structure of Research
  • 7.1. Laws of Science and Historical Generalisations in the Research on Politics
  • 7.2. General Theory of Politics and Historical and Aspect-Related Theories of Politics
  • Chapter 8: Theory of International Relations in the System of Sciences on Politics
  • 8.1. International Relations in the Perspective of a Nation-State – the General Theory and Empirical-Historical Theories
  • 8.2. The world in the globalist perspective: from the Malthusian trap to the Meadows trap. Integrative analysis.
  • 8.2.1 Determinants of Civilizational Convergence Over the Last Five Thousand Years
  • Chapter 9: Construing Narratives in Political Science – Between Thought and Reality
  • 9.1. Types of Narratives in Political Science
  • 9.2. The Semantic Structure of Narrative on Political Science
  • 9.2.1. The Information (Logico-Grammatical) Layer
  • 9.2.2. The Rhetoric Layer
  • 9.2.3. The Theoretical and Ideological Layer
  • 9.3. The Issue of Truthfulness of Political Science’ Narrative – From Rhetoric to Death of Hunger
  • Selected Bibliography
  • Abstract
  • Series index

Tadeusz Klementewicz

Understanding Politics

Theory, Procedures, Narratives

About the author

Tadeusz Klementewicz is Professor at the Institute of Political Sciences of the University of Warsaw. He specialises in the methodology of social sciences, the theory of politics and global studies.

About the book

This book analyses how contemporary political science can develop as a structure of knowledge gathered by the individual sub-disciplines of political studies, as well as the remaining disciplines of social sciences. It helps to get a fuller under-standing of political phenomena and to reconstruct the process of emergence of the global civilisation. The author reflects about the current state of research conducted by political scientists. The research is conducted within a few major research paradigms. This work presents a strategy of integrating knowledge about man and society.

This eBook can be cited

This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.



Political Science Above Divisions. Unity of Social Sciences versus Autarky of Disciplines

Part I: Political Science as a Multi-Paradigm Structure of Knowledge

Chapter 1: Perception Boundaries of Political Science – in Search of the Research Strategy

1.1. Detailed Methodology as a Research Perspective

1.2 The Formation of Theoretical Reflection on Politics

Chapter 2: Paradigms of Research on Political Science: Heuristic and Factual Foundations of a Political Scientist

2.1. Political System as an aspect of the System of Government

2.1.1 Institutionalism: Law and Cultural Norms

2.1.2 Systemic Analysis: Functions of the State

2.2. Analysis of the Social Content of Politics

2.2.1. Confrontational (Marxist) Paradigm: The Politician as a (Biased) Arbitrator in Conflicts About Distribution of Goods and Embodiment of Group and Common Values

2.2.2. Theory of Public Choice – the Social Cost of Institutions

2.3. The Aspect of Political Awareness and Social Engineering Techniques of its Formation – Interpretationism

2.4. The Aspect of International Relations: Studies on Security, Rivalry and Cooperation

2.4.1. Realism

2.4.2. World-Systems Theory (I. Wallerstein, J. Abu-Lughot, S. Amin, G. Arrighi)

2.4.3. Institutional Liberalism ←5 | 6→

Chapter 3: Methodological Particularities of Political Science’s Analysis

3.1. Logical Structure of Knowledge in the Humanities: The Problem of Syndromicity of Political Phenomena

3.1.1 Anthropological Premises

3.1.2. Politics in the Social World of Man: The Level of Sociology

3.1.3 Methodological Premises


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2017 (September)
Political theory Scientific pluralism Pluralistic research process Legitimism of narration Methodology of political science Understanding, explanation
Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2017. 193 pp., 4 b/w ill.

Biographical notes

Tadeusz Klementewicz (Author)

Tadeusz Klementewicz is Professor at the Institute of Political Sciences of the University of Warsaw. He specialises in the methodology of social sciences, the theory of politics and global studies.


Title: Understanding Politics