
CALL for Background

by Anna Turula (Volume editor) Anita Buczek-Zawiła (Volume editor)
©2021 Edited Collection 192 Pages


The volume discusses a multitude of ways in which CALL can serve to develop and support broadly conceived issues-of background in language education. The individual chapters explore a number of areas in which CALL techniques and tools enhance language instruction. The issues reported on comprise working with mature language learners, developing civic education, ICT affordances for ESP, professional training for translators, interpreters and crowdsourcing opportunities. Other contributions center around CALL-related resources, CAPT metacompetence and blended-learning paradigms as well as exploring cultural and linguistic issues in online exchanges.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the Editors
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Technology-Mediated ESP Learning And Teaching (TESPLAT): from language learning theory to ICT integration principles
  • Judgment and argumentation in cross-cultural online collaboration between native and non-native students
  • Supporting instruction in English pronunciation with CALL: a blended-learning component in English Phonetics course at undergraduate level
  • The assessment of language and culture competence in translation instruction: action research
  • Teaching foreign languages to older people using new technologies from a teacher’s perspective
  • Introducing an implicit crowdsourcing opportunity to teachers
  • Reshaping translation competence for the competitive online economy: action research
  • Civic literacy in the telecollaborative language classroom
  • The Implementation of YouTube Resources in Language Learning

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Anna Turula

Pedagogical University, Kraków, Poland

Anita Buczek-Zawiła

Pedagogical University, Kraków, Poland


New technologies are a very useful educational tool. At the same time, they are just a tool, enabling the enhancement of pedagogy on condition that it is good pedagogy in the first place. This is why we call for CALL for background. What needs to be foregrounded are good educational practices, such as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), including the integration of coding into the language class; Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL); interest in the individual differences in language learning; language learning for special purposes and needs (LSP, LSN); focus on civic education, digital citizenship and 21st-century skills in the language class; internationalization of education; outdoor education and situated learning; arts and crafts in language learning; as well as broadly-understood innovation in the language classroom.

The themes listed above were the foci of the 2019 PL-CALL Conference held in Poland, at the Pedagogical University of Kraków. Many of the chapters included in this volume originated as papers delivered at this conference. Others were added in the process of compiling the volume. All address one issue, whose importance has grown with the COVID-19 pandemic, in which computer mediated education has become a standard; an issue which is expressed by the title of the volume and has already been stated above. It all starts and ends with good pedagogy. New technologies always come second; are always in the background.

Cédric Sarré introduces us to the combination of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as adopted by teachers of Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP), so that LSP (and ESP in particular) can benefit from ICT affordances the special relationship between them offers. The Technology-mediated ESP Learning And Teaching (TESPLAT) arises as a result to be an emerging field of learning/teaching and research within pedagogy-driven ESP courses rather than technology-driven, favouring integrative course design.

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Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk examines the linguistic resources by which two groups of students: Polish university students of English and American university non-language major express their judgment and arguments in online tasks, taking place in a virtual exchange (telecollaboration) within TAPP exchange. The analysis focuses on how the students discuss and argue their points of view in terms of their linguistic and cultural identities, reflections on their collaboration, surveys, and online interaction with regards to the essays and tasks they were performing during the period of collaboration.

In the chapter by Anita Buczek-Zawiła, a hybrid course on English phonetics and pronunciation (at English Studies Department, PUK), following a blended-course format and adhering to the metacomptence model of Wrembel (2005), is presented and evaluated. The objective is to demonstrate how new technologies of CAPT and the LMS of Moodle can enrich a fundamentally practical skill oriented-course, not losing sight of the primary objective of maximally eliminating accentedness on English.

Anna Ciechanowska via action research ventures to assess whether the level of linguistic skills and knowledge represented by undergraduate students is developed well enough to allow them to meet the demands of the translation market in the online economy and to determine what errors students make most frequently while performing translation tasks. That is followed by an attempt to account for the reasons behind these mistakes. The course of instruction itself is founded and developed on the assumption that it should reflect the real world working conditions, and hence the students are engaged in a business-like online environment where they provide translation services and where a translated text is a commodity that undergoes various stages for which the students remain accountable.

Natalia Góralczyk investigates English teachers’ attitudes towards using new technologies in a foreign language classroom with older adults, demonstrating that though generally considered effective and beneficial, the selection needs to be geared towards preferences and specific needs of the learners. Some of these needs and preferences have stemmed from previous learning experiences or personal tastes in specific modes of learning, e.g. note-taking and presentations.

In the next chapter, Lionel Nicolas, Julia Ostanina-Olszewska, Špela Arhar Holdt, Claudia Borg, Jaka Čibej, Verena Lyding, and Anabela Barreiro discuss crowdsourcing opportunities for the language teaching community. More specifically, they elaborately present and argue for a crowdsourcing paradigm in which it is language learners themselves who produce exercise content via ←8 | 9→online tools. The authors also explore the potential of crowdsourcing to mass-produce content for a variety of exercises.

Robert Oliwa decides to determine if, and how, undergraduate English studies students are prepared to offer translation services in the changing online economy, all with the view to establishing what modifications to the existing study programmes should be introduced in order to cater for both students’ and customers’ needs through action research design. The conclusions prompt the author to suggest that augmenting the present programme of studies with the new content may develop the students’ translation competence and, therefore, help them to stand out in job market.

eTwinning projects carried out in Polish schools and civic literacy are the subject of focus in the next chapter, written by Anna Turula. She looks at how civic literacy, as defined in Morgan (2016), can be effectively integrated into a virtual exchange (VE). It is argued here that eTwinning exchanges provide the most promising answer to the postulate of integrating civic literacy into the language classroom, especially when accompanied by raised teachers’ awareness regarding the benefits of task design complexity as well as the fact that digital literacy goes way beyond the purely technical ICT expertise.

The last chapter by Łukasz Zarzycki explores YouTube’s resources in order to clarify whether YouTube language learning video clips can play an educational role in language learning. The chapter offers a detailed analysis of different YouTube channels which are recommended for effective classroom application, together with the pedagogical assessment criteria aiding in their selection and class implementation.

We hope that each of the chapters provides for an interesting read. We believe that the authors have been successful in getting the message across: CALL for background.

Volume editors

Anna Turula & Anita Buczek-Zawiła

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Cédric Sarré

Sorbonne Université – INSPE de Paris, CeLiSo (Centre de Linguistique en Sorbonne), Paris, France

Technology-Mediated ESP Learning And Teaching (TESPLAT): from language learning theory to ICT integration principles

Abstract: The slow adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by teachers of Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP), and of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in particular is worth noting and can probably be attributed to the lack of specific training received by LSP teachers, but it is certainly not due to the fact that LSP/ESP cannot benefit from ICT affordances. It is therefore worth examining how ESP can precisely benefit from ICT affordances, the combination of ESP and ICT leading to Technology-mediated ESP Learning And Teaching (TESPLAT), an emerging field of learning/teaching and research. The benefits identified can indeed serve as the basis to determine a set of principles for successful ICT integration in ESP learning and teaching, which is one of the objectives of this contribution. To this end, the characteristics of ESP will first be discussed and the predominant language learning theory in ESP teaching will then be examined in relation to ESP objectives. The “special relationship” between ESP and ICT will then be studied and key principles to successful ICT integration in ESP learning and teaching will finally be outlined, the goal being to match ICT affordances to pedagogical considerations in an attempt to design pedagogy-driven ESP courses rather than technology-driven ones.

Keywords: ICT affordances, ICT integration ESP, teacher education


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2021 (June)
Computer Assisted Language Learning ICT-enhanced education Blended learning CAPT ESP Crowdsourcing
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2021. 192 pp., 48 fig. b/w, 11 tables.

Biographical notes

Anna Turula (Volume editor) Anita Buczek-Zawiła (Volume editor)

Anna Turula is Professor in the Department of Technology Enhanced Language Education at the Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland. Her research interests include CALL, cognitive and affective domains in language learning and civic literacy. Anita Buczek-Zawiła is Assistant Professor in the Department of English Linguistics at the Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland. Her research interests cover CAPT, sound systems interactions and language prosody.


Title: CALL for Background