
Education, Globalisation and the State

Essays in Honour of Roger Dale

by Xavier Bonal (Volume editor) Eve Coxon (Volume editor) Mario Novelli (Volume editor) Antoni Verger (Volume editor)
©2020 Monographs XXII, 248 Pages
Series: Global Studies in Education, Volume 38


This book pays tribute to an intellectual giant. The twenty-one succinct chapters comprising the volume, and the variety of scholars who have authored them, are indicative of his intellectual, geographical and intergenerational reach. These chapters reflect the towering influence of Roger Dale’s work in fields such as the Sociology of Education, Globalization and Education Policy Studies, and Comparative and International Education. While engaging critically with Roger’s intellectual ideas—and without exception the authors demonstrate the significance of these to their own theoretical and research endeavors—they also include personal reflections on his role as mentor, role model, networker, and friend. Together the chapters are testimony to the richness, quality and diversity of Roger Dale’s work and the extent to which it has inspired several generations of scholars from very different world locations. In a final chapter, Roger Dale himself responds from his usual humble position to all contributors and reviews the key aspects of an exceptional and ongoing intellectual journey.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures
  • Editors’ Foreword
  • Notes on Contributors
  • 1 Roger Dale—Contributions to the State in/of the Sociology of Education
  • PART ONE: Education and the Capitalist State
  • 2 Political Concepts that Matter: My Debt to Roger Dale
  • 3 Pyrrhic Victory? Learning Lessons about the Potency of Sociology of Education from Its Political History in the UK
  • 4 Searching and Finding the State in the Sociology of Education: A Tribute to Roger Dale
  • 5 Beyond the Comforts of ‘isms’: Creative Theorisation of States in Action
  • 6 The State of Education Policy: The Policy Sociology of Roger Dale
  • 7 Schooling and Capitalism Revisited
  • PART TWO: Education and Development
  • 8 Education and the ‘Developing’ State: Between Capitalism and Culture
  • 9 The Politics of ‘Education for Development’ in Peripheral States
  • 10 Rethinking the State and Education in Conflict-Affected Contexts: A Co-Constructed Auto-Ethnography of Supportive Mentorship and Academic Friendship
  • PART THREE: Globalisation and the Politics of Education
  • 11 Anybody Still Dreaming of the Knowledge Society? On Missing Links between ‘Politics’ and ‘Education’
  • 12 The Irreducible Minimum of Pedagogic Engagement
  • 13 Critical Cultural Political Economy: Roger Dale 40 Years On
  • 14 The Despair of Global Capitalism
  • 15 The History of an Intellectual Dispute at Auckland’s School of Education
  • PART FOUR: Challenges of Globalisation for Comparative Education
  • 16 What’s in a Mechanism? Specifying and Analysing Global Education Policy through Explanatory Research
  • 17 Policy Analysis, Epistemology and Higher Educationism
  • 18 Globalisation and Doctoral Grandbabies: A Focus on Roger Dale, Global Education Policy and Their Mechanisms
  • 19 Multiscalar Comparison and Education Policy Trajectories
  • 20 How Did a ‘Globally Structured Educational Agenda’ Emerge? Looking at the Mechanisms of Education Policy through the Lens of Roger Dale’s Work
  • 21 Concluding Comments: Reflections and Rejoinders
  • Series index

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Editors’ Foreword


For the editors of this volume, this book has been a labour of love. In a time when academia is increasingly becoming more competitive, commercialised and market oriented, working on a collective book that pays tribute to a colleague, mentor and friend who is the antithesis of these trends has been a real treat. Roger Dale’s reach is both global and inter-generational – and that is evidenced in the works of the variety of authors that have willingly contributed to this volume with their reflections on Roger Dale’s towering influence on the fields of International and Comparative Education and the Sociology of Education. These chapters, to different degrees, engage both in the intellectual ideas of Roger’s work, but also include personal reflections on Roger’s immense kindness, humility and humour. As academics, we are more than the books and papers we write, and this book touches on Roger’s role as mentor, role model, networker, connector and most importantly a wonderful friend.

Most contributors to this book came together in two separate symposia that were organised to pay tribute to Roger Dale’s work. These events almost coincided in time, although they were celebrated at the antipodes of each other. The first one was celebrated in Barcelona in September 2017, and the second one in Auckland in November 2017.1 In both events, participants were encouraged to share personal and/or professional reflections about Roger’s influence on their scholarship. When the organisers of the two events learned about each other’s initiatives, they decided to engage in a transnational collaboration that has crystallised in the volume you have in your hands. We are ←xi | xii→very grateful in this respect to Michael Peters, first, for having encouraged us to collaborate and, second, for his generous offer to allocate the volume in the book series on ‘Global Studies in Education’ he coordinates at Peter Lang together with Tina (Athlone C.) Besley, Cameron McCarthy and Fazal Rizvi.

The book begins with a powerful reflection by Susan Robertson on Roger’s intellectual and biographical journey. This introduction situates brilliantly both the personal and the political events in Roger Dale’s biography, as a way to contextualise and understand better his academic interests and theoretical contributions in the fields of sociology of education and education policy studies.

The book is then divided into four parts, which correspond to the main research strands developed by Roger in his prolific career. In the first part, Michael Apple, Madeleine Arnot, Xavier Bonal, Nick Lewis, Bob Lingard, Fazal Rizvi and John Morgan engage with different aspects of Roger’s earlier works on Education and the Capitalist State. The chapters in this section build on Roger Dale’s epistemological approach and conceptual toolkit that offer an alternative understanding of educational reproduction and change in the capitalist state. In the second part, Mario Novelli, Eve Coxon, Mieke Lopes-Cardozo and Ritesh Shah reflect on the contribution that Roger’s ideas and practice have had on Education and Development. These authors show how Roger Dale’s critique of modernisation theories as well as his theory on the globally structured education agendas have influenced their work in the field of aid and educational development policies. In the third part, Anja Jakobi, Nesta Devine, Michael Peters, Hugh Lauder, Maria Balarin and Elizabeth Rata reflect on Globalisation and the Politics of Education and, specifically, on how Roger has explored the impact of international organisations and global imaginaries, such as the knowledge economy, in the politics of education policymaking. In the fourth part, Antoni Verger, António Magalhães, Amélia Veiga, Daniel Couch, Christian Maroy, Xavier Rambla reflect on Roger’s work in relation to the Challenges of Globalisation for Comparative Education. Here, contributors reflect on how Roger’s work on globalisation has pushed comparative education studies in new directions from both a methodological and a theoretical perspective. The book then ends with Concluding Reflections by Roger himself, where he links the contributions of this volume with his intellectual journey and the ideas, the thoughts, the events and the people that he has met along the way.

Across these 21 succinct Chapters, we really hope that the reader will find the inspiration, motivation and enthusiasm to engage further with the richness, quality and diversity of Roger Dale’s contribution to the field and get a sense of its geographical and intellectual reach. For those that are already ←xii | xiii→familiar with Roger’s work, we hope that this book will offer new insights on some of his key publications and ideas and lead to new work, thinking and engagement. For those less familiar, we hope it will serve as a gentle introduction and inspire further engagement. The beauty of Roger’s research and thinking is that it is always moving forward: as one paper closes, another is opened; and he has taught all of us to understand that the journey (the reading, the drafting, the presenting, the discussing and debating) is just as important as the final product. His infectious enthusiasm, friendship and mentoring has played an important part in all of our careers, and we hope that this book is a positive way of recognising this. Finally, while Roger Dale might now be slowing down a little in terms of the pace of his academic pursuits, this is by no means its conclusion, and we look forward to many more years of collaborations, encounters and engagements.

Barcelona, Brighton and Auckland, December 2019


1. Specifically, the Barcelona event was titled ‘Education and the Capitalist State: Prospective and Retrospective: A symposium on the research and influence of Professor Roger Dale’ (September 11–12, 2017) and the Auckland event was a one-day symposium celebrated on November 14, 2017, that followed a public lecture titled ‘The contradictions of education systems: Where are they now?’ that Roger Dale gave the day before in the University of Auckland.

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Notes on Contributors

Michael W. Apple is the John Bascom professor emeritus of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He has written extensively on the relationship between education and power and on education for social justice. He has worked with educational systems, governments, universities, unions and activist and dissident groups throughout the world to democratise educational research, policy and practice.

Madeleine Arnot is an emeritus professor of Sociology of Education, Cambridge University. She was the second editor of the British Journal of Sociology of Education. Her research focuses on gender, poverty and social justice issues in the UK, Europe, Africa and South Asia and the sociology of migration. She co-founded the Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement and edits a series on Education, Poverty and International Development.

Maria Balarin is a senior researcher and director of research at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE). Her work, which has been published in edited books and international academic journals, focuses on how educational processes mediate relations between the state and society. Her recent research focuses on the impact of educational markets on patterns of social segregation, and on vulnerable youth transition processes in the context of exclusionary citizenship regimes. She has also developed a strong interest in understanding the conditions under which social research is conducted in developing countries and on the way in which gender relations underpin research careers and processes of knowledge production as well as the ←xv | xvi→visibility of women’s work in the public sphere. She holds a PhD in Education Policy from the University of Bath, an MA in Psychoanalytic Studies from the University of Essex, and BA in Philosophy from the Pontificia Universidad Católica in Peru. Between 2006 and 2011, she was a postdoctoral fellow and then a lecturer in the Department of Education of the University of Bath, UK, where she was associated with the Education Policy and Globalization research group.

Xavier Bonal is a full professor of Sociology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and a special professor of Education and International Development at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). He is the director of the research group Globalisation, Education and Social Policies (GEPS) at the UAB and Coordinator of the GLOBED Project, an Erasmus Mundus Master on Education Policies for Global Development.

Mieke Lopes Cardozo is an assistant professor at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research of the University of Amsterdam, and part of the Governance and Inclusive Development Research Group. Her research and teaching focus on the role of education in processes of peacebuilding, social justice and transformation in the contexts of Sri Lanka, Aceh/Indonesia, Bolivia, Myanmar and her own university in Amsterdam. She recently co-directed the Research Consortium on Education and Peacebuilding in collaboration with the University of Sussex, Ulster University and UNICEF and worked as an advisor to the Security Council mandated Progress Study on Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security (2016–2018).

Daniel Couch is a lecturer in the School of Education at Auckland University of Technology. His research examines the intersections of higher education, armed conflict and state building. He pays particular attention to the policy purposes of higher education and higher education’s institutional role within contexts affected by armed conflict.

Eve Coxon is an associate professor in the School of Critical Studies in Education at the University of Auckland. During her 30+ years at the University she has also held senior academic positions in Pacific Studies and Development Studies. She has undertaken numerous research and consultancy assignments reflecting this inter-disciplinary approach in the Pacific Islands region and other parts of the ‘developing’ world. A central focus of her work is the role of educational aid in enhancing equitable and sustainable ‘education for development’.


XXII, 248
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2021 (January)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien, 2020. XXII, 248 pp., 5 b/w ill., 2 tables.

Biographical notes

Xavier Bonal (Volume editor) Eve Coxon (Volume editor) Mario Novelli (Volume editor) Antoni Verger (Volume editor)

Xavier Bonal is Full Professor of Sociology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Special Professor of Education and International Development at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). He is the director of the research group Globalisation, Education and Social Policies (GEPS) at the UAB and Coordinator of the GLOBED Project, an Erasmus Mundus Master on Education Policies for Global Development. Eve Coxon is Associate Professor in the School of Critical Studies in Education at the University of Auckland. A central focus of her work is the role of educational aid in enhancing equitable and sustainable ‘education for development’. Mario Novelli is Professor in the Political Economy of Education at the University of Sussex, and Director of the Centre for International Education (CIE). Drawing on the tools of critical political economy, his work explores the relationship between education systems and armed conflict; the relationship between education and processes of globalization; and learning and knowledge production in trade union, social movements and civil society organizations. Antoni Verger is Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. His research focuses on the study of the relationship between global governance institutions and education policy, with a focus on the study of public-private partnerships, education privatization and accountability policies in education.


Title: Education, Globalisation and the State