
Chernobyl Liquidators. The Unknown Story

With the Testimony of the President of Latvia

by Paweł Sekuła (Author)
©2020 Monographs 142 Pages


The book presents a record of oral accounts given by liquidators who participated in minimizing the effects of the Chernobyl disaster. The main research goal was to present the circumstances of actions taken in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in 1986–1988 from the perspective of direct participants of the events in question. The overall work is complemented with archival, press materials and other documentation never published before, as well as materials from the private archives of the survivors. The book presents the reality of the clean-up operations undertaken in the area of the catastrophe and shows the community of liquidators, their living conditions and everyday life in the Chernobyl Zone, as well as the reality in which Chernobyl veterans lived after returning to their homeland.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 After the catastrophe
  • Mobilization
  • Critical point
  • Chapter 2 I was a liquidator
  • The call
  • Major Gen.Ilmārs Bruņenieks– USSR Civil Defence (CD) Headquarters task force leader
  • Gunārs Opmanis s lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Valdis Zatlers – president of Latvia in 2007–2011
  • Vairis Mētra – platoon-leader
  • Jānis Kurtišs – captain, Afghanistan war veteran148
  • Vitālijs Birkenšteins – private, driver
  • Jānis Muste – colonel, Operational Group of the Moscow Special Zone of the CD District
  • Ilmārs Kalniņš – lawyer, vice president of the Chernobyl Association of Latvia
  • Jānis Dumpis – son of a liquidator
  • Edgars Ozoliņš – senior sergeant
  • Jevgēņijs Kalējs – doctor, president of the Latvian Hospital Society
  • Józef Truskowski – private
  • Albin Minchuk – lieutenant, coordinator of the Chernobyl Association of Latvia in Jurmala
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Daily life
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Major Gen. Ilmārs Bruņenieks – Chief of Staff of the Operational Group (OG) of the Civil Defence Staff (CD) of the USSR
  • Valdis Zatlers – President of Latvia 2007–2011
  • Józef Truskowski – private
  • Ilmārs Kalniņš – lawyer, vice president of the Chernobyl Association of Latvia
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Józef Truskowski – private
  • Vairis Mētra – platoon
  • Jānis Muste – colonel, Operational Group of the Moscow Special Zone of the OC District
  • Jānis Kurtišs – captain, veteran of the Afghanistan war
  • Edgars Ozoliņš – senior sergeant
  • Vairis Mētra – platoon
  • Major Gen. Ilmārs Bruņenieks – Chief of Staff of the Operational Group (OG) of the Civil Defence Staff (CD) of the USSR
  • Vladimirs Kokošņikovs – doctor
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence University of Latvia
  • Jānis Dumpis – son of the liquidator
  • Vairis Mētra – platoon
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Jevgēņijs Kalējs – doctor, president of the Latvian Hospital Society
  • Ilmārs Kalniņš – lawyer, vice president of the Chernobyl Association of Latvia
  • Jānis Muste – colonel, Operational Group of the Moscow Special Zone of the CD District
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Ilmārs Kalniņš – lawyer, vice president of the Chernobyl Association of Latvia
  • Valdis Zatlers – President of Latvia 2007–2011
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Vitālijs Birkenšteins – private, driver
  • Arnolds Ārvaldis Vērzemnieks – president of the Latvian “Chernobyl” Association
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Edgars Ozoliņš – senior sergeant
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Aleksandrs Rudenko – second lieutenant, deputy commander for political affairs (zampolit)
  • Jānis Kurtišs – captain, veteran of the Afghanistan war
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Ilmārs Kalniņš – lawyer, vice president of the Chernobyl Association of Latvia
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Edgars Ozoliņš – senior sergeant
  • Ilmārs Kalniņš – lawyer, vice president of the Chernobyl Association of Latvia
  • Gunārs Opmanis – National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Marina Kosteņecka – columnist, journalist
  • Albin Minchuk – lieutenant, coordinator of the Chernobyl Association of Latvia in Jurmala
  • Major Gen. Ilmārs Bruņenieks – Chief of Staff of the Operational Group (OG) of the Civil Defence Staff (CD) of the USSR
  • Death zone
  • Ilmārs Kalniņš – lawyer, vice president of the Chernobyl Association of Latvia
  • Vladimirs Kokošņikovs – doctor
  • Valdis Zatlers – President of Latvia 2007–2011
  • Jānis Muste – colonel, Operational Group of the Moscow Special Zone of the CD District
  • Józef Truskowski – private
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Vairis Mētra – platoon
  • Albin Minchuk – lieutenant, coordinator of the Chernobyl Association of Latvia in Jurmala
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Jānis Dumpis – son of a liquidator
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Vitālijs Birkenšteins – private, driver
  • Jānis Muste – colonel, Operational Group of the Moscow Special Zone of the CD District
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Jevgēņijs Kalējs – doctor, president of the Latvian Hospital Association
  • Jānis Kurtišs – captain, veteran of the Afghanistan war
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Edgars Ozoliņš – senior sergeant
  • Albin Minchuk – lieutenant, coordinator of the Chernobyl Association of Latvia in Jurmala
  • Vairis Mētra – platoon
  • Aleksandrs Rudenko – second lieutenant, deputy commander for political affairs (zampolit)
  • Elena Minchuk – wife of a liquidator, social activist, coordinator for the children of Chernobyl
  • Marina Kosteņecka – columnist, journalist
  • Difficult return home
  • Józef Truskowski – private
  • Albin Minchuk – lieutenant, coordinator of the Chernobyl Association of Latvia in Jurmala
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Vladimirs Kokošņikovs – doctor
  • Ilmārs Kalniņš – lawyer, vice president of the Chernobyl Association of Latvia
  • Vitālijs Birkenšteins – private, driver
  • Arnolds Ārvaldis Vērzemnieks – president of the Latvian “Chernobyl” Union
  • Major Gen. Ilmārs Bruņenieks – Chief of Staff of the Operational Group (OG) of the Civil Defence Staff (CD) of the USSR
  • Ilmārs Kalniņš – lawyer, vice president of the Chernobyl Association of Latvia
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Olga Boloņina – widow of the commander of the radiation reconnaissance company of Captain A. Boloņins
  • Jānis Kurtišs – captain, veteran of the Afghanistan war
  • Jānis Muste – colonel, Operational Group of the Moscow Special Zone of the CD District
  • Jānis Dumpis – son of a liquidator
  • Varis Karitāns – son of a liquidator
  • Ināra Opmanis – wife of a liquidator
  • Edgars Ozoliņš – senior sergeant
  • Jevgēņijs Kalējs – doctor, president of the Latvian Hospital Association
  • Arnolds Ārvaldis Vērzemnieks – president of the Latvian “Chernobyl” Association
  • Gunārs Opmanis – lieutenant, National Defence Academy of Latvia
  • Marina Kosteņecka – columnist, journalist
  • Valdis Zatlers – President of Latvia 2007–2011
  • Ending
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • Series index


Bibliographic Information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in
the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic
data is available in the internet at

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for
at the Library of Congress.

About the author

The Author
Paweł Sekuła, Ph.D., is a historian and cultural expert. His scientific interests are focused on the issues of the history of Ukraine and its relations with the Russian Federation. He conducts research in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. He is the author of scientific publications on the various consequences of the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl.

About the book

Paweł Sekuła

Chernobyl Liquidators. The Unknown Story

The book presents a record of oral accounts given by liquidators who participated in minimizing the effects of the Chernobyl disaster. The main research goal was to present the circumstances of actions taken in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in 1986–1988 from the perspective of direct participants of the events in question. The overall work is complemented with archival, press materials and other documentation never published before, as well as materials from the private archives of the survivors. The book presents the reality of the clean-up operations undertaken in the area of the catastrophe and shows the community of liquidators, their living conditions and everyday life in the Chernobyl Zone, as well as the reality in which Chernobyl veterans lived after returning to their homeland.

This eBook can be cited

This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2020 (June)
Soviet Union Military Mutiny Radiation Zone of Alienation Nuclear Catastrophe
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2020. 142 pp., 1 tables

Biographical notes

Paweł Sekuła (Author)

Paweł Sekuła, Ph.D., is a historian and cultural expert. His scientific interests are focused on the issues of the history of Ukraine and its relations with the Russian Federation. He conducts research in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. He is the author of scientific publications on the various consequences of the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl.


Title: Chernobyl Liquidators. The Unknown Story