
CIUTI-Forum 2015

Pillars of Communication in Times of Uncertainty

by Martin Forstner (Volume editor) Hannelore Lee-Jahnke (Volume editor) Said Al-Said (Volume editor)
©2017 Conference proceedings 349 Pages


The speakers of the 2015 edition of the Forum all showed a particular interest in interdisciplinary research and training. The representatives of translation industry, international and national entities and organisations, professional associations, trainers and researchers offered deep insights into their everyday work, displaying all the problems encountered and solutions found. One of the main themes was also the Silk Road Project and its multifaceted approaches – linguistic, cultural and economic – with all its drawbacks, pitfalls and challenges. In the section Transnational Private Public Partnerships the speakers stressed the importance of a global network of quality oriented partners. Interdisciplinary highlights were speakers from other disciplines who addressed in their speeches problems concerning world economy and science, which are of vital importance to all major actors.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author(s)/editor(s)
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Welcome Speeches
  • Welcome Speeches (Michael Møller)
  • Statement (Mr. Tegegnework Gettu)
  • Top-level Planning, identification and goals in T&I: The role of supranational bodies and institutions
  • Confiance et confidentialité (Patrick Twidle)
  • The European Parliament and Interpretation – Combining increased legislative powers with budgetary constraints (Juan Carlos Jiménez Marín)
  • Strategies for collaboration with freelance professionals (Valter Mavrič)
  • Achieving Excellence in Translation (Christos Ellinides)
  • Openness and inclusiveness, core issues of collaboration: Eurasia and the Silk Road economic belt
  • Communication and Collaboration across Eurasia—Past, Present and Future (Long Peng)
  • Navigating the Community of Common Destiny: making sense of China’s catchphrases (Ailing Zhang)
  • La traduction: pierre angulaire de la coopération entre l’occident et l’orient (Deming Cao)
  • Translation and Intercultural Communication on the Silk Road Economic Belt: A Chinese Perspective (Wei Cheng)
  • The 1500 Years contacts Between Korea and the Middle East – The Role of Ancient Silk Road as the Path of Language Communication (Hee-Soo Lee)
  • Persian and Turkish as Pillars of the Silk Road Economic Belt – a Challenge for T & I Training (Olga Egorova)
  • Quand la communication se tache de sang (Henri Awaiss)
  • Transnational private-public partnership: the influence of varying institutionalization on effectiveness and efficiency
  • European multilingualism at risk: scientific languages and terminology disappear rapidly (Jan Roukens)
  • Translation into Arabic language in medical education (Thaqib A. Al-Shalan / Mohamed Al-Hasan)
  • The deterritorialization of translation services – preserving confidentiality and credibility; a problem for translation in the cloud
  • Dark clouds gathering mean stormy weather On deterritorialisation of translation services and preserving confidentiality and credibility – the problem of cloud computing for the translation industry (Christine Kamer Diehl)
  • Are Translations Becoming a Commodity? (François Massion)
  • Remote interpreter training, cloud technology and practice (Dirk Verbeke)
  • Times of Uncertainty Means Business as Usual (John Geaney)
  • Intercultural Communication: “Soft Power” of Sustainable Cooperation (Innara Guseynova)
  • Crowdsourcing, Crowd Translation and Cloud-based Free Content: Its impact on the T&I Industry (Peter A. Schmitt)
  • Contributions to human communication
  • A case study on interpreting service by NGO (Gyo-Young Bang)
  • Medical Interpreter Training in Korea (Ji-Youn Hwang)
  • Intercultural pragmatics meets translation: Intercultural competence revisited from the perspective of pragmatics (Bettina Schnell / Nadia Rodríguez)
  • Missions
  • Rosetta une odyssée spatiale vers les origines du système solaire (Stéphane Berthet)
  • Translationswissenschaft mitgestalten im globalen Wandel: Public Diplomacy im Rahmen der CIUTI Foren (Martin Forstner)
  • Ciuti Prize
  • Machen/Tun & Maken/Doen: Das Richtige tun und dabei keinen Fehler machen (Manon Hermann)
  • Authors

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The theme of the CIUTI FORUM 2015 was

Pillars of communication in times of uncertainty:

Correctness of language, confidentiality, and credibility

What are times of uncertainty? What does this mean? We live in a world of transition, of insecurity, and of difficult relations between the powers. A fact which had to be discussed at the CIUTI FORUM 2015, where different speakers underlined from different points of view, the difficult situation in a multitude of fields.

According to the mission of the CIUTI FORUM, which since many years takes place always at the premises of the United Nations in Geneva, the organizers tried also this time to win the interest of many speakers from different regions of the world. A fact which is not only in the core of the interest of the United Nations, but which also gives opportunities of looking at problems from diverse angles.

Reason why, the DG of UNOG, Mr. Michael MØLLER stressed the importance of organizing these kind of Fora, which is genuinely a-political.

But this is not only the opinion and attitude of the UN in Geneva, also Mr. GETTU (UNONY) underlined in his statement, which was read by Mr. Zhengren LI, which high importance the United Nations as such attaches to the CIUTI FORUM, because he said:

The annual conference of CIUTI is a major event for us. It gives us, as an international organization employing language professionals, an excellent opportunity to hold a direct dialogue with those of you in academia and others working in the language professions.… I look forward to the results of your interaction and dialogue and wish the Conference a successful and productive session. ← xi | xii →

The speakers at the 2015 edition of the Forum came from the side of Translation Studies with a particular importance laid on interdisciplinary research and training.

The representatives of Translation Industry and professional organizations as well as representatives of international and supranational Institutions offered a large inside into their everyday work with all the problems and attempts to find solutions.

The present Forum underlined the important role of supranational bodies and institutions of T & I. According to its ulterior motive, CIUTI wants to show that it can serve as an international organization, as a global actor and mediator by offering a platform for knowledge exchange between universities and other important supranational entities and bodies.

Since years the representatives of the United Nations, the European Parliament and the European Commission as well as the European Court of Justice take the chance to present in Geneva at the United Nations in front of a very international public their achievements and their objectives, knowing that here they can reach a different audience than the one they normally reach in Brussels in the institutional conferences.

For them it is a big chance to make Public Diplomacy and to show their aims of multilingualism and its importance for the European Union to an international public as an achievement and an ideal which is worthwile to imitate.

Patrick TWIDLE (Director of Interpretation at the Court of Justice of the European Union) took this opportunity in his speech: Confiance et confidentialité – la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne. He showed that “The Court’s Interpretation Directorate provides simultaneous interpretation during the public hearings before the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal”.

We learned, again and again, that precision is essential, and a prior study of the case-file, which is available in the language of the given case and in French, is an integral part of the interpreter’s work. ← xii | xiii →

Staff and freelance interpreters alike are bound, in particular, by the strictest secrecy with regard to information disclosed before and during the hearings. This is an essential element of the relationship of trust that has been established between interpreters and legal practitioners.

The representative of the European Parliament was Juan Carlos JIMENEZ MARIN (Director, Directorate for Organization & Planning, DG Interpretation & Conferences, European Parliament, Brussels, BE), who addressed: The European Parliament and Interpretation: Combining increased legislative powers with budgetary constraints. Increased legislative powers of the European Parliament, the number of multilingual meetings of the parliamentary bodies increased, at the same time, they face heavy budgetary cuts, which obviously present a dilemma. In the EP, this is called “Resource-efficient full multilingualism”. He said, “what can we do …in order to shape the profession and to ensure its survival in an ever-evolving increasingly global and complex world?” There are no miracles in sight.

Another speaker from the European Parliament, from the translation side, was Valter MAVRIČ (Director, DG Translation European Parliament); his subject was: On the Relationship between free-lance professionals and their Organizations and the Directorate of the European Parliament. He informed about the collaboration with contractors from outside, stressed the degree of collaboration with external contractors and their staff, and drew the setting up of an efficient structure to ensure the smooth functioning of this relationship in a multilingual reality with 24 languages.

As representative of the European Commission, Christos ELLINIDES (Deputy Director-General, Directorate General for Translation, European Commission, Luxembourg, L) addressed the audience on: Achieving Excellence in Translation. He put forward a couple of important questions: How do we deliver quality translations? Who defines the success of a translation service? Why and how do we cooperate with external stakeholders? The way of handling such difficult issued showed the audience that even very ← xiii | xiv → large institutional translation services are not exempt from material problems, and that more often than not, quality is the anchor, even in difficult times.

One of the important tasks of the CIUTI FORUM is to inform the audience on the training of translators and interpreters in countries outside of Europe, independently whether those institutes are member of CIUTI or not.

In the center of interest was of course China. A country in which not only translators and interpreters since 2007 are solidly anchored in the system of higher education, fostered by the government, but in which permanently new ways are being taken, as we could witness. China, a country in which higher education policy and political economy are closely intertwined, plays hence a major role as the most important trade Nation in the world.

Considering especially the project initiated by President XI Jinping of a free trade region, which shall encompass East Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East and then reach out to Europe, will undoubtedly have a major impact on training institutions and trade and, clearly, is in the center not only of Chinese, but also of Russian Universities.

Long PENG (President of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing) stressed in his speech: Contributing to Communication and Cooperation across EURASIA: Past, Present & Future, the important role of the translator and of translation in the promotion of mutual understanding, spreading knowledge and technologies, underlining the endeavors of BFSU to make the courses truly international with greater emphasis on staff and student exchanges and joint research.

Ailing ZHANG (Dean, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, CN), who pictured: One Belt One Road, Community of Common Destiny: making sense of China’s catch phrases, showed that the main motive of China is to help the world better understand and interact with China in the new era of geopolitical changes. ← xiv | xv →

Wei CHENG (Dean, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing), who’s subject was: Translation and Intercultural Communication on the Silk Road Economic Belt: A Chinese Perspective, underlined the importance of the ambitious Chinese project that aims at the establishing common prosperity among SILK ROAD countries and bringing peace to the region through enhanced intercultural communication.

She as well as Deming CAO President, Shanghai International Studies University, emphasized that translation will play an even bigger role in peace and prosperity of the region. Deming CAO also underlined in his speech: “The value of language: globalization and integration”, that it is absolutely necessary in our time to offer a variety of languages in the MTI program.

The interdisciplinary approach of the Forum was illustrated also by the talk given by Hee-Soo LEE (Hanyang University, Seoul): 1500 years of contact between Korea and the Middle East, in which it was clear that not only economic reflections but also historic features are strongly influencing the Silk Road, of which Korea used to be a part.

The very fact that the Silk Road Project of the 21st century has already now repercussions on the language policy in Central Asia, was shown by Olga EGOROVA (Dean, University of Astrakhan, RU). She underlined in her speech: Persian and Turkish as Pillars of the Silk Road Economic Belt – a Challenge for T & I Training, that it is clear that Persian and Turkish are among the most important languages of this great project which creates new „roadmaps“ of training T & I in the schools all over the world“. We got an overview on the Russian Language Policy and saw that the Eurasian Economic Union could play an efficient link between Europe and the dynamic Asia-Pacific region, which needs new training methods, for communication processes and means of communication are bringing countries and people closer together, but at the same time there is a tough competition between the civilizations for the propagation of their cultural, ← xv | xvi → economic and technological values. In this context the civilizational position of translators and interpreters is becoming more and more important.

Also Innara GUSEYNOVA found in her contribution: Creativity in Ideological Mythology as a Way of Constructing the Economic World, that: „Translators perform a double function, as creativity in ideological mythology is aimed both at forming a system of secondary values and at sustaining communication in the economic world”.

One Road One Belt encompasses also the Middle East, since the Arab World came into focus and did show the importance of translations for dialogue between cultures, reason why, also, the international prize of King Abdullah for translation is a means to promote the movement of translation, encourages its stakeholders to consolidate the dialogue of cultures.

A dialogue, which especially in the actual geopolitical situation in which the Middle East is, cannot be an easy task was illustrated by Henri AWAISS (Dean, Faculté des Langues, Université Saint-Joseph, Beyrouth, LB) in his communication with the eloquent title: Quand la communication se tache de sang. He described the sad situation in Syria and Iraq, where language is being misused from both sides for non-peaceful purposes. This raises important political and practical dilemmas that need to be treated diligently on the appropriate level.

Jan ROUKENS (President, Stichting Nederlands, NL) asked: Who owns scientific language? And his answer was: The use of the national languages is being challenged on a grand scale. Some languages have become extinct in all or in many scientific domains…The developments in European Higher Education are influenced by attitudes and practices of multinational companies coming from abroad. This raises important political and practical dilemmas that need to be treated diligently on the appropriate level.

Another problem, known for a long time in the Arab World, is that science is more often than not taught in English, this is also the case for medicine, because all arab faculties and universities ← xvi | xvii → are fully anglicized, except for Syria, where those disciplines are being taught in Arabic. Hence the importance of the contribution by Thaqib AL-SHALAN Dean, Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry King Saud University, Riyadh, SA and Mohamed AL-HASAN: Translation into Arabic Language in Medical Education: „Medical education has benefited largely from the waves of translation throughout history. The language of instruction in medical education in almost all Arab countries is either English or French, with the exception of Syria where Arabic is the language of education and instruction. Efforts are notably active to encourage translation into Arabic. These are evident by the establishment of translation units and centers in many universities in the Arab world. The strategy, even though in its infancy, aims at encouraging the translation of medical education sources into Arabic. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the role of translation into and from Arabic language and its influence on medical education in the Arab world.“

In the section “Transnational Private-Public Partnership, degrees of institutionalization and their Influence on Effectiveness and Efficiency on deterritorialization of Translation Services,” François MASSION (Director, D.O.G., Leonberg, DE) did show in his communication: Are Translations becoming a commodity? Risks and Opportunities in a global World, that translators have to have a global network, which, however, entangles other problems: such as that inexpensive and fast translations become more and more common, to the extent that we move in the direction of a „fast-food translation“.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2017 (March)
Breakthrough in interdisciplinary research supranational bodies and institutions T&I Eurasia and the Silk Road economic Belt transnational private-public partnerships Preserving confidentiality and credibility translation in the cloud
Bern, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2017. XX, 349 pp., 6 b/w ill., 40 coloured ill., 13 graphs

Biographical notes

Martin Forstner (Volume editor) Hannelore Lee-Jahnke (Volume editor) Said Al-Said (Volume editor)

Martin FORSTNER, Dr. phil. habil., is professor at the Fachbereich Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. From 1996 to 2006 he was President of CIUTI, from 2006 to 2015, Secretary General of CIUTI. Hannelore LEE-JAHNKE, Dr. phil., University of Geneva, was President of CIUTI from 2006 to 2012. Since 2012 she is Honorary President of CIUTI. Said Al-SAID, Dr. phil., is Professor, Dean King Saud University, Riyadh.


Title: CIUTI-Forum 2015