
Who are the Elect in 1 Peter?

A Study in Biblical Exegesis and its Application to the Anglican Church of Nigeria

by Stephen Ayodeji A. Fagbemi (Author)
©2007 Monographs XVIII, 286 Pages
Series: Studies in Biblical Literature, Volume 104


The relationship between theology and praxis is an important subject that requires further attention from biblical scholars. As the need for social theology or praxis increases, so does the challenge for it to be informed by sound biblical exegesis. This book explores the interplay between theology and praxis using the Christian identity of the elect in 1 Peter as a paradigm.
Who are the elect and what is the significance of the identity in 1 Peter? This study employs an exegetical hermeneutical approach to underline the ‘present’ ethical dimension of this identity with its implicit missionary purpose, not only within the first century but also in the twenty-first century as a necessary corollary of the identity. 1 Peter is applied to a twenty-first century context – the Nigerian Anglican Church – to underline the continuing relevance of Scripture and thereby propose ‘conscious’ interaction as a veritable and vital missiological strategy that facilitates ‘reactive’ evangelism with potentials for making theology an independent social variable. Although it makes direct reference to the Nigerian Church, the main argument of this book is applicable anywhere – to be God’s elect is to live no longer as before but in newness of life. This book not only underlines the importance of 1 Peter but also raises important challenges that no ‘living church’ can afford to ignore. It is suitable for use in biblical studies, NT interpretation and applied theology, and African Christian studies, especially on the transition from missions to churches in Nigeria.


XVIII, 286
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2007 (March)
Petrusbrief (I.) Bible Hermeneutic Mission Contextualisation Anglicanism Auserwählung Yorubaland History
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2007. XVIII, 286 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Stephen Ayodeji A. Fagbemi (Author)

The Author: An Anglican Priest of Nigerian origin, Stephen Ayodeji A. Fagbemi is a member of the Tyndale Fellowship of Biblical and Theological Research. Formerly Honorary Curate in the Diocese of Canterbury, he is now Co-ordinating and Anglican Chaplain at the University of Sunderland, and Team Vicar at Sunderland Minster, United Kingdom. Fagbemi received his Diploma in Theology from the Immanuel College of Theology, his Diploma in Religious Studies from the University of Ibadan, his Bachelor of Theology (Hons) from Nottingham University, Nottingham, United Kingdom, and his Ph.D. in theology, specializing in New Testament and applied theology, from the University of Kent, Canterbury. Fagbemi has worked in parishes in Nigeria, and he has published academic articles and popular books.


Title: Who are the Elect in 1 Peter?