
Beyond Ethical Consumption

Religious-like behaviours and marketing habits for fervid attachment to brands, shopping limerence, political fanaticism

by Gianluigi Guido (Author) M. Irene Prete (Author) Marco Pichierri (Author) Giovanni Pino (Author) Alessandro M. Peluso (Author)
©2016 Monographs XII, 188 Pages


This book examines what happens when consumption – originally based on ethical issues – becomes a sort of religious behaviour which excludes possibly equally-valid alternatives by principle. It happens when consumers are deeply observant of the choices they made that it becomes a sort of faith, a recurrent behaviour which excludes a renewal of critical judgments and usually turns into habit or, even, fanaticism. Five related studies are presented in both consumer and political marketing: from fervid attachment to brands, to induction of compulsive forms of shopping or, even, fanatic behaviours, such as political extremism. On these themes, this volume offers a European point of view and, in particular, an Italian one, proposing new and original lines of research that have never been explored before.


XII, 188
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2016 (March)
marketing religion consumption
Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2016. XII, 188 pp.

Biographical notes

Gianluigi Guido (Author) M. Irene Prete (Author) Marco Pichierri (Author) Giovanni Pino (Author) Alessandro M. Peluso (Author)

Gianluigi Guido (Ph.D., University of Cambridge, UK) is Full Professor of Marketing and Market Research at the University of Salento, Italy. He has published fourteen books on consumer behaviour and marketing strategies, and almost 200 articles in major scholarly journals. He is the author of Behind ethical consumption (Peter Lang, 2009). M. Irene Prete (Ph.D.) is Assistant Professor in Marketing and Place Marketing; Marco Pichierri is Ph.D. candidate in Marketing; Giovanni Pino (Ph.D.) is Research Associate in Marketing and Place Marketing; Alessandro M. Peluso (Ph.D.) is Associate Professor in Business Management, all at the same university.


Title: Beyond Ethical Consumption