
CIUTI-Forum 2014

Pooling Academic Excellence with Entrepreneurship for New Partnerships

by Martin Forstner (Volume editor) Hannelore Lee-Jahnke (Volume editor) Mingjiong Chai (Volume editor)
©2015 Conference proceedings XX, 485 Pages


The proceedings of the CIUTI FORUM 2014 outline in five chapters the different perspectives of academic excellence, pooled with entrepreneurship for new partnerships, focusing thus on an additional sense of innovation, fresh ideas and clever solutions in T&I training at universities. Therefore new projects of cooperation between universities and the market and international institutions are being presented, having always as a conditio sine qua non excellence and quality in training, paired with responsibility towards the students. This CIUTI FORUM did try to advise the major stakeholders once more, to use their own expertise to help to identify new needs, demands and challenges in their environment, and clearly showed how important it is in our academic training to look out of the box into the research of other disciplines in order to improve our didactical methods.
This volume contains contributions in English, French, German and Italian.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author(s)/editor(s)
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Welcome Remarks
  • Welcome Remarks
  • Franz BAUMANN
  • Michael MØLLER
  • Marion BOERS
  • Plenary Speech
  • Valeurs et Éthique: Quelle place à l’Université?
  • New Approaches to Demanding Issues
  • Innover pour créer de la valeur sociale et économique: Un projet de développement de l’innovation sociale et de l’entrepreneuriat social dans le quartier de l’innovation à Montréal
  • Introduction
  • L’École de technologie supérieure
  • Le développement de l’innovation sociale
  • Le Quartier de l’innovation : un terrain de jeu pour l’innovation au cœur de Montréal
  • L’École de l’innovation citoyenne, un véhicule collaboratif d’innovation pour les volets urbain, social et culturel
  • La communauté des étudiants, moteur de la démarche
  • Le processus actuel de l’ÉIC
  • Le développement de l’entrepreneuriat social
  • Les objectifs spécifiques de l’ÉIC pour les deux prochaines années
  • Conclusion
  • Les défis transculturels et transdisciplinaires de la gouvernance mondiale
  • Résumé
  • Responsibilities of International Bodies and Institutions: Do Incentives Really Lead to Innovations?
  • Interpreting in a World of Change
  • Do incentives really lead to innovations?
  • La DG SCIC dans ses relations avec les universités et les autres acteurs
  • ‘Translating Europe’ – DGT and its stakeholders
  • Abstract
  • Von hierarchischer zu heterarchischer Steuerung: Network Governance im Dienste einer europäischen Translations-Entelechie
  • Netze und Netzwerker allenthalben
  • Wer mit wem und warum?
  • Entstaatlichungstendenzen in der Europäischen Union lassen eine Network-Governance entstehen
  • Vom Government- zum Governance-Modus auch in der europäischen Translationspolitik?
  • Steuerung als Machtausübung
  • Anreiz- und Struktursteuerung – zwei Arten der weichen Steuerung
  • Das EMT-Projekt als Exempel erfolgreicher weicher Steuerung
  • Ausbildung von Übersetzern als Aufgabe des EMT-Netzwerks
  • Ausbildung von Ausbildern (Training the Trainers) als Aufgabe des EMT-Netzwerks
  • Der große Sprung nach vorn: Translating Europe
  • Schlussbemerkungen
  • Bibliographie
  • Incentivising Innovation: Catalyst for Progress or Tool of Destruction?
  • Abstract
  • Bibliography
  • Innovations at EP’s Translation DG and Measures of Encouragement
  • Open for Innovation or semper paratus: New roles for stakeholder organisations
  • Abstract
  • CIUTI and the CEL/ELC as stakeholder organisations
  • The CEL/ELC Special Interest Group on Translation and Interpreting for Public Services
  • Co-operation with other stakeholder organisations – two recent and new CEL/ELC initiatives
  • The Business Platform for Multilingualism and the CELAN Network project
  • The CEL/ELC Task Force “The Role of Languages in the European Higher Education Area”
  • Concluding remarks
  • References
  • New Sustainable Strategies in University-, Industry-, and Government Relationships: Less State, More Entrepreneurship
  • Cooperation between universities and translation companies. The perspective of a multi-language vendor
  • Abstract
  • Common interests
  • Multi-Language Vendors
  • Working environment shapes cooperation
  • Areas of cooperation
  • Training
  • Special projects
  • Research & development
  • Critical factors from the perspective of a MLV
  • Road ahead
  • References
  • A Prospective Center of translation at PNU
  • Abstract
  • References
  • Geopolitical Changes Make Adaptations Necessary
  • Innovative Application-oriented Model for Training Translators and Interpreters – A Case-Study of the MTI Program of Jilin HuaQiao University of Foreign Languages
  • Abstract
  • New Technologies for interpreter training, selection and assessment
  • Sustainable Values and Networking in T/I-Training
  • Multilingual T&I Training in a Monolingual Socio-Linguistic Context: A Case-Study of Multilingual T&I Program in BISU
  • Abstract
  • China’s increasing economic and cultural ties with the rest of the world
  • Why Multi-lingual T&I Training fall short of market demand in China?
  • Why multilingual T&I training in China needs a non-European approach?
  • Case study: Multilingual Translation & Interpreting Program in BISU
  • Brief introduction
  • Mission and Objectives
  • Teaching
  • MA Translation and Interpreting
  • Practical Training and Internship
  • National College Interpreting Competition
  • Conclusions
  • References
  • Le mouvement de traduction vers l’arabe et vice-versa : Perspectives interculturelles
  • Résumé
  • Préambule
  • Méthodes de traduction
  • L’état de la traduction vers l’arabe et vice-versa à la lumière des éléments déjà évoqués
  • Motivations et critères de la traduction
  • Critères du choix de la matière traduite
  • Moyens de promotion de la traduction : exemple du Prix international qui lui est consacré
  • Etude statistique recensant le nombre des langues et des travaux lors des cinq premières sessions du Prix international de Traduction
  • Bibliographie
  • New geopolitical processes in the World: A challenge for T/I-Training?
  • References
  • Dans l’attente du Printemps, attention aux intempéries
  • Abstract
  • A Coach for Translation Training
  • Abstract
  • 1. Historic context to bear in mind: translation training from 1941 until today
  • 2. General Didactics
  • 2.1 Preliminary considerations: How to enhance instruction
  • 3. Translation didactics
  • 3.1 Fundamental issues
  • 3.2 Why Interdisciplinary approach?
  • 3.3 Which disciplines?
  • 3.3.1 Psycholinguistics
  • 3.3.2 The importance of Emotions
  • 3.3.3 The central role of cognition
  • How to nurture individual development: Learning strategies
  • Problem solving strategies
  • 3.4 Neurosciences
  • 3.4.1. Translation proficiency: Hands-on exercises
  • 3.5. Motivation of students: It’s Central role
  • 3.5.1. Learning mechanisms
  • 3.5.2. The importance of real projects
  • 4. Translation proficiency: Presentation of a course model with hands-on exercises
  • 4.1. Prerequisites to acquire competences
  • 4.2. Toolkit for a course
  • a. General objectives
  • b. Specific objectives
  • c. Tasks & Assessment of translations
  • 5. Course design and specific objectives
  • 6. Quality of the learning environment
  • 7. Summary & Outlook
  • Annex I
  • Bibliography
  • Interpreting and Translation Research Trends in Korea
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Classification of Research Areas in Translation Studies
  • 2. Defining Research Categories
  • 3. Research Objectives and Procedures
  • 4. Analysis Result
  • 4.1 Annual Trends in Translation/Interpreting Research Papers
  • 4.2 Trend Analysis by Research Area
  • 4.2.1 Distribution of Research Areas
  • 4.2.2 Trend Analysis by Area
  • 4.3 Association between Research Area and Language
  • 4.3.1 Typology of Research Areas and Languages
  • 4.3.2 Research Areas by Language
  • 5. Conclusion
  • References
  • New Development in University-based Language Service for Global Communication
  • References
  • The Internship Mechanism of the MTI Programs in GIIT, SISU
  • 1. MTI programs in GIIT and its internship module
  • 2. GIIT’s Internship mechanism: internship partners and the cooperation
  • 3. Internship centers affiliated with GIIT
  • Translation and Internship Center (TIC)
  • Shanghai Language Services Center for Cultural Trade (SLSCCT)
  • Bibliography
  • Cooperation between universities and the profession in the translator training curriculum: Issues of testing, assessing, and quality assurance
  • Introduction
  • The relation of curriculum activities to final competences to professional practice
  • The in-house simulated translation bureau
  • The in-house simulated translation bureau and testing
  • The in-house simulated translation bureau and assessing
  • The International Network of Simulated Translation Bureaus (INSTB)
  • Other contributions of the profession and testing and assessing
  • Epilogue
  • References
  • Translation and dialogue: How translators can make a difference to intercultural understanding
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • The purpose of news and NEWs translation
  • Strategies of news translation
  • Defining equivalence in news translation
  • The role of Translation in news agencies
  • Translation and power
  • Translation and identity
  • Words and emotions
  • Words and associations
  • Journalism and conflicts
  • Translation example
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • L’aggiornamento professionale dell’interprete (inglese–italiano) in ambito penale italiano
  • Introduzione
  • Alcuni concetti fondamentali
  • La figura professionale dell’interprete in ambito penale in Italia. Da perito ad ausiliare di giustizia ed infine ausiliare di difesa
  • Le procedure di nomina degli interpreti giudiziari ed effetti sulla loro qualifica
  • Le tre direttive europee, in materia di diritto alla difesa e diritto all’informazione
  • Finalità e metodiche di aggiornamento per l’interprete giudiziario in ambito penale italiano
  • Ecco l’esempio:
  • Bibliografia et sitografia
  • Monografie, articoli e contributi
  • Sitografia
  • Specific Needs for Global Responses in Transnational Partnerships
  • Sharing Know-how with the Next Generation
  • Assessing Public Service Interpreters
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Selection process at Praxis
  • Assessment of interpreters’ performance in role play situations
  • Further development of assessment system in Praxis
  • Concluding remarks
  • References
  • La clé du succès en formation continue universitaire : Le partenariat
  • La collaboration partenariale
  • Devenir partenaire
  • Degré de partenariat
  • Un exemple de partenariat international
  • Partenariat entreprise-université
  • Les partenaires numériques
  • Sustainable Values and Networking in T/I-Training as a Response to Geopolitical Changes
  • References
  • Digital Humanities, Language Industry, and Multilingualism-Global Networking and Innovation in Collaborative Methods
  • Introduction
  • Towards a Convergence of Different Traditions
  • Computational Translation Studies
  • “Digital Multilingualism” – META-NET’s vision of a European Multilingual Information Society
  • Digital Humanities Research Infrastructures
  • Computational Translation Studies (CTS) at the University of Vienna
  • Conclusions: Benefits of DH for CTS, Challenges and Outlook
  • References
  • Research & Innovation Need Courageous Drivers
  • Les terres rares : Enjeux économiques stratégiques et environnementaux
  • Introduction
  • Quelques éléments de physique/chimie
  • La géographie des terres rares
  • Les enjeux technologiques et économiques des terres rares
  • Les tendances des prix de marché
  • L’avenir des terres rares
  • Bibliographie succincte
  • Autres sources
  • Les chasseurs de planets extrasolaires et la Mission CHEOPS
  • Résumé
  • La chasse aux exoplanètes, entre créativité et innovation
  • Exoplanètes, objets communs dans l’univers ?
  • Comment détecter ces exoplanètes ?
  • Les vitesses radiales
  • Transit
  • Les grandes découvertes
  • CHEOPS (CHaracterising ExOPlanets Satellite) et PlanetS
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliographie
  • Authors

| XIII →


Martin Forstner, Hannelore Lee-Jahnke & Mingjiong Chai

As Marion Boers, president of FIT rightly mentioned, “Pooling academic excellence with entrepreneurship for new partnerships” can be understood in different ways. She also stressed that, “the word entrepreneurship carries with it an unspoken additional sense of innovation, of fresh ideas, of clever solutions”.

This sense of innovation therefore has to be guided in order that values and ethics, which should be transmitted in any academic realm, are not being neglected. As Salem Dacchache from Beyrouth stressed:

Un simple regard sur les sites internet des universités nous montre que toute université revendique plus que jamais, qu’elle est non seulement dépositaire de valeurs humaines, intellectuelles et sociales, mais aussi chargée de les transmettre

As well as striving for excellence and quality in training, universities also have to assume this responsibility towards students.

Responsibility was also the key-word stressed by Francine Verrier, Canada, namely social responsibility, which should stand out clearly in any project which universities carry through and in which innovative Technology and social responsibility are being transmitted. We should, as Jean Rossiaud put it: “Construire une culture philosophique et scientifique mondiale, notamment dans la définition des concepts utiles à la gouvernance mondiale.”

In this world of permanent change, translation plays a crucial role, as many contributions in this volume demonstrate. This is especially the case in times of geopolitical change, which make adaptations necessary, and which call for an additional comprehensive training of students. As Irina Khaleeva underlined in her paper ← XIII | XIV → entitled: “New geopolitical Processes in the world: A challenge for T/I training?” Putting in focus the Russian Federation and stating: “New historical mechanisms are becoming increasingly visible in the new emerging model of the world order. The empty space that replaced the bygone conflict of polar ideologies (due to the demise of socialist ideology) is becoming constantly filled with a conflict of different cultures and civilizations.”

Innara Guseynova also underlined the prominent position of the translator, as far as responsibility is concerned and said, “Thus in geopolitical context, a translator or an interpreter becomes a bearer of a definite value code which enables him or her to carry out an ambivalent task – to preserve one’s own cultural identity, supporting the image of one’s own country – to show loyal attitude towards representatives of other national and language communities.”

Henri Awaiss and Gina Abou Fadel Saad underline the coexistence of languages in drawing the picture of Lebanon and stress that:

L’arabe ne se sent guère menacé par la présence de toutes ces langues; preuve en est la littérature arabe qui intègre allègrement certains termes ou certaines expressions étrangères sans pour autant perdre de son identité ou de sa vigueur.

In her article, “Translation and Dialogue”, Daniela Dönges showed how translators can make a difference to intercultural understanding, especially in conflictual situations:

The role of the translator has been, and still is, burdened with suspicion and anxiety, for it is the translator who brings across the unfamiliar, who mediates between cultures that may well be violently antagonistic to one another and have a long history of misunderstanding between them. Translation therefore requires skills that go far beyond the linguistic. Just understanding what the words might mean in the abstract is not enough; the translator needs to grasp what the words can signify in each particular context and then try and render those additional layers of meaning.1 ← XIV | XV →

There is no doubt that English, as a lingua franca at the beginning of the 21st century, is of major importance since translations can foster intercultural exchange as Ibrahim Albalawi has shown. A fact which can be seen for example in the University training of translators and interpreters in Korea (contribution Huang), and in the Arab world (Hend Alsudairy concerning the curriculum for female students at the Princess Nour University in Riyadh). The contributions from China, where the training of translators and interpreters plays a crucial role in connection with trade and the economy as a whole, made the major leap of including students as so-called stakeholders and this can be seen in the contributions by Wei Cheng, Mingjiong Chai, Wang Lidi, as well as in the description of a “Personnel Training Project” by Qin He:

“The aim of the project is to promote a close integration between personnel training and enterprises, industries, and businesses in order to meet the national demand for high-level expertise in the area of the industries concerned”.

The message clearly is that, not only English, but also other languages which are important in international trade, find much attention in China.

As each year, the Forum offered an important slot for speakers from the international and supranational institutions and associations. This offered Linda Fitchett, president of AIIC, the possibility to deal with such questions as how conference interpreting could keep pace with the technological innovations, which the translation industry increasingly urges professional interpreters and translators to master, and which means that major obstacles have to be overcome:

In the conference interpreting industry, in the major international organisations, we are in the fortunate position of being able to talk regularly and directly with our employers. Outside those organisations, the ‘private’ market as we call it – this is not the norm. It is therefore the responsibility ← XV | XVI → of international and indeed national interpreters’ associations in whatever branch of the industry to bring the interpreters’ voice back into innovation.

In the European Union, where the training of translators and interpreters looks back on a long tradition, the Directorates General responsible for translation and interpretation in the European Commission or in the European Parliament, have to consider how best to react to this permanent wave of innovation. This reaction can evolve by taking over or adopting the technological possibilities and, at the same time, rendering the internal production process more efficient, as Jochen Richter showed. This also helps to maintain the quality of training of the next generation of interpreters (Juan Carlos Jiménez Marín). It can also be handled by taking up new tasks such as court interpreting, as Marco Benedetti explained or Public Service Interpreting, as shown by Alex Krouglov (London).

It is however sometimes a controversial issue to discuss the extent to which the Directorates General of the EU can and should influence the training of translators and interpreters. On the one hand they can, thanks to their incentives and operational means, recommend to the training institutes and professional organizations of translators to adopt technological innovations. The drawback is however, that such incentives are not always successful as Brian Fox indicated:

In conclusion, incentives can lead to progress or destruction depending on specific situations, values and choices. It is our role, as managers in very diverse fields, to take all these elements into consideration to shape our organisations by making thoughtful, selective use of them as a catalyst for innovation.

This is a wise consideration which, alas, does not always form part of the chosen solution.

Convinced of the fact that the European Union has to be an example for the rest of the world, Rytis Martikonis (Director General Translation) presents the project ‘Translating Europe — DGT and its stakeholders’ which he describes as follows: “The idea is to ← XVI | XVII → bring together universities, the language industry, national language institutes, the translation services of Member States, professional associations, independent professionals, etc. to promote the translation profession, stimulate research in translation and translation related fields, encourage common projects and foster information exchange.”

A scenario which Martin Forstner, Secretary General of CIUTI tries to relativize since this type of guidance, which is the preferred form of the Network Governance of the European Commission, may possibly lead to a potentially undesirable uniformity and dependence on the training institutions and professional associations of translators.

Wolfgang Mackiewicz (President of the European Language Council) showed that associations and organisations, which always underline the denomination of “stakeholder”, have a special responsibility to represent the interests of their members. In that context, one of their main tasks lies in anticipating new political, economic, and scientific-technological developments, in explaining them to their members, and in recommending relevant response and leverage strategies.

Stakeholder organisations would be well advised not simply to pursue their own narrow interests. They should use their own expertise to help to identify new needs, demands and challenges in their environments, and they should join forces with other stakeholder organisations in an attempt to provide orientation to policy-makers and decision-makers.

It has always been the aim of the CIUTI FORUM to foster an exchange of views between Universities and representatives of the translation industry. As an example, Dirk Verbeke presented new technologies which can be used in training interpreters. In this context, Gerhard Budin (Vienna) who fostered a global networking strongly defends his vision for aiming at a digital multilingualism:

“Digital Multilingualism” – META-NET’s vision of a European Multilingual Information Society. The strategy paper of the META-NET initiative describes the vision of a European Multilingual Information Society that is ← XVII | XVIII → being constructed by “cracking the language barriers” (as mentioned above) in all spheres of life by the ubiquitous deployment of language technologies embedded in telecommunication, science, education, business, trade and industry, arts and culture, health and welfare, social affairs, government and administration, etc.

Closer to reality and training, François Massion showed how the collaboration between Universities and translation industry can be constructed:

We need to develop ways (such as the CIUTI conference) to promote a mutual understanding of the needs and capabilities of both sides. We can imagine, possibly under the auspices of CIUTI, that a platform is created to inform universities, students and language service providers about opportunities or demands for cooperation or internships. CIUTI may also develop flexible training plans for internship students and create and offer standard templates for diverse models of cooperation.

This line is also followed by Marcel Thelen, who fosters a stronger professionalization of the curricula and illustrates this with his University of Maastricht:

Under the professionalisation turn in translator training, cooperation between training and the profession is becoming more and more important and ever more training institutes are interested in incorporating some or more of these options in their curricula.

All this needs cooperation beyond the different scientific disciplines as well as permanent training, as Geneviève Auroi Jaggi clearly explained.

Hannelore Lee-Jahnke, who has worked for years in this direction, wanting to give translation didactics a new basis, without neglecting that the transmission of translation – related skills and subject matter should be the priority. This was also shown in the contribution of Alessandra Fioravanti.

The CIUTI FORUM ended with a real look out of the box, and showed that, in as far as subject matter is concerned, the sky is the limit. One could even say we caught a glimpse of the universe ← XVIII | XIX → with the contributions by Stéphane Berthet and Stéphane Udry, “Les chasseurs de planètes extrasolaires et la mission CHEOPS” during which it was made clear: High quality communication is vital for success.

We wish the reader of this publication a multi-facetted pleasure opening-up new and perhaps unknown domains and would like to take this opportunity to thank our generous sponsors without whom this publication could never have been possible: Dr. Stéphane Berthet and the Rectorate of the University of Geneva, Geneviève Auroi Jaggi, Director Formation Continue, Université de Genève, CIUTI, Professor Bernard Morard, François Massion, Director of D.O.G., Professor Urs Willi, ZHAW; BDÜ; CLS, Zürich; FTI, University of Geneva, Dirk Verbeke & Televic; Martina Bellodi & Swiss Post.

We also wish to thank the anonymous sponsors. A very special thank you goes to Daniela Dönges for her permanent, smiling, efficient, and highly enthusiastic support as co-organizer of the CIUTI FORUM.

1 Bielsa, Esperanca / Bassnett, Susan (2009): Translation in Global News, Routledge, Abingdon, p. 5.

| 1 →

Welcome Remarks

| 3 →

Welcome Remarks

Michael MØLLER

Acting Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

On behalf of the United Nations Office at Geneva, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all of you. We appreciate the opportunity to continue our great tradition of coming together here as a demonstration of the close links between the CIUTI Forum and the United Nations. The efforts of the Forum are increasingly being recognized by stakeholders from academia, industry, and international institutions as a very important tool for forging new partnerships.

These partnerships are critical for addressing the challenges of an increasingly interdependent and globalized world. Indeed, language professionals are at the forefront of the multilateral process. They are pivotal in advancing the work of international organizations and the diplomatic community – and are needed more than ever to address the complex problems of our time. This is particularly evident in Geneva, with its vast number of international actors in a wide range of areas, whose work touches the lives of people around the world.

Allow me to express my appreciation to the organizers for pulling together such an interesting programme focusing on the combination of academic excellence and entrepreneurship for new partnerships.

I am confident that throughout this Forum, you will enjoy both a cross-fertilization of ideas and the exchange of scholarly and practitioner views on wide-ranging issues facing language professionals.

The academic and research institutions here in Geneva provide a very important platform linking training and policy issues concerning interpretation and translation. ← 3 | 4 →

The University of Geneva continues to be at the forefront of these efforts. Let me also acknowledge the valuable support of the State Council of Geneva – another demonstration of our Host Country’s strong involvement across all areas of our work, for which we are grateful.

The CIUTI Forum has become a demonstration of UNOG’s continued commitment to outreach and training activities involving partner universities and academic institutions, and to the principle of multilingualism. You, as language professionals, know better than anyone about the formidable challenges we all face in shaping a supportive environment for multilingualism. The financial climate in which we are operating is one source of a growing gap in language learning which has serious consequences both at the public and private levels.

The University of Geneva, the State Council and UNOG all have a stake in keeping Geneva a prime centre of excellence in these changing times. There is no question that the language services provided here are top-notch. At the same time, we need to strengthen our efforts to promote the quality and value of the services here.

And to make the concrete link between those services and the critical work that is done by international actors in Geneva, including right here at the Palais des Nations.

Today’s theme of the Forum provides a good opportunity to advance these efforts by exploring effective ways to consolidate existing partnerships and to forge new ones.

Greater support to multilingualism leads to projects that are designed to encourage the teaching of languages throughout national education systems and also to inspire young people to pursue A-level courses in modern languages.

At UNOG, we know that we also need to promote better access to employment opportunities for language professionals in international organizations. We are working to improve our language examination procedures, adopting best practices in the construction of tests, as well as in their administration and evaluation. We are ← 4 | 5 → working to streamline our internship arrangements and consolidate the pedagogical assistance programme for partner universities – a practical vehicle for the identification of talent.

We also continue to provide necessary guidance to partner universities where future candidates are scouted and trained. These activities represent the backbone of our efforts in this area.

This past August, the UN General Assembly reaffirmed its support for multilingualism. It requested the Secretary-General to “…ensure that all language services are given equal treatment and are provided with equally favourable working conditions and resources, with a view to achieving maximum quality of services, with full respect for specificities of the six official languages…”


XX, 485
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2014 (December)
innovation quality responsibility environment training
Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2015. 485 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Martin Forstner (Volume editor) Hannelore Lee-Jahnke (Volume editor) Mingjiong Chai (Volume editor)

Martin Forstner is Professor (Dr. phil. habil.) at the Fachbereich Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. From 1996 to 2006 he was President of CIUTI. Since 2006 he is Secretary General of CIUTI. Hannelore Lee-Jahnke is Professor (Dr. phil.) at the University of Geneva. From 2003 to 2006 she was Vice-President of CIUTI and from 2006 to 2012 President of CIUTI. Since 2012 she is Honorary President of CIUTI. Mingjiong Chai is Professor and founder of the Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation, Shanghai International Studies University. He is now the Honorary Dean of the Institute. Since 2007, he has been the Vice Secretary General of the China National Committee of Master of Translation and Interpreting Education and since 2011 he has been a Council Member of CIUTI.


Title: CIUTI-Forum 2014