
Space, Place and the Discursive Construction of Identity

by Julia Bamford (Volume editor) Franca Poppi (Volume editor) Davide Mazzi (Volume editor)
©2014 Edited Collection 382 Pages
Series: Linguistic Insights, Volume 165


Over the last few years there has been a burgeoning interest in both space and place as linguistic phenomena. Some of this interest stemmed from studies on the situatedness of language and speech in time and space and how deixis anchors speech to a context. Both our frame of reference with respect to surrounding space and how we conceive and describe it are closely linked to the language we speak. This is why different cultures perceive spatial relations differently, with speakers of one language, for instance, encoding spatial relations with respect to absolute directions while speakers of a different language use egocentric terms.
This book focuses on space, place and the discursive construction of identity in the present, globalized era, where technological developments are causing a change in the perception of spatial boundaries and geographical locations, and identities are experienced in hitherto unknown ways.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Contents
  • Preface: Julia Bamford, Franca Poppi And Davide Mazzi
  • References
  • Section 1: Space and Place
  • Places in Social Research Interviews: Corpus and Conversation: Greg Myers, Sofia Lampropoulou
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Places in discourse
  • 3. Data and methods
  • 4. Place references in the corpus
  • 5. Place references in context
  • 5. Conclusions: the social research interview as a genre
  • Acknowledgements
  • References
  • Language, Space and Object Identity in Writing on Visual Art: Paul Tucker
  • 1. Aims, data, structure
  • 2. Entity-focused assertion
  • 3. The manifold identity of works of visual art
  • 4. Analysis and results
  • 4.1. Results: describing
  • 4.2. Results: characterizing
  • 4.3. Results: evaluating
  • 5. Conclusions
  • References
  • Appendix
  • Place and Space as Shapers of Disciplinary Identity: The Role of Indexicality in the Emergence of Disciplinary Writing Expertise: Dacia Dressen-Hammouda
  • 1. Methods
  • 2. Place and space in geology: How ‘the field’ shaped disciplinary practice
  • 2.1. Emergence of a rhetoric of field description
  • 3. Theoretical crossroads: A joining of identity, frame and genre
  • 4. ‘Rendering visible’: Indexicality as nexus
  • 4.1. Indexicality in geological fieldwork practice
  • 5. Learning indexicality by rendering practice visible
  • 5.1. Writing about the field as a third-year geology undergraduate (1996)
  • 5.2. Writing about the field as a first-year doctoral student (August 1999)
  • 5.3. Writing about the field as an advanced doctoral student (2001)
  • 6. Conclusions
  • References
  • Language, Space and Body: Sensing and Construing Built Space through Metaphor: Rosario Caballero
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Textual representations of space
  • 3. Metaphor in architectural discourse
  • 4. Re-sensing space through metaphor
  • References
  • The Constraints and Exploitation of Textual Space in the Seventeenth-Century Periodical Press: Nicholas Brownlees
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Methodology
  • 3. Electronic corpora and archives
  • 4. Results
  • 4.1. Space and the printed page
  • 4.1.2. “blancke page”
  • 4.1.2. “Want of roome”
  • 4.1.3. “We have againe reduced the method of printing […] into two sheets”
  • 5. Concluding remarks
  • References
  • Corpora
  • Software for language analysis
  • Primary sources
  • Secondary sources
  • Events as Spatial Constructions: The Case Study of CNN’s Live Broadcast on 9/11: Charlotte Danino
  • 1. Research framework
  • 2. Mapping the events: contingent American geography
  • 3. Television and speech: topological characteristics
  • 4. What kind of a space is the airspace?
  • 5. The World Trade Center(s) by any other name
  • 6. Space as Time metaphor?
  • 7. Where do we go from now? Concluding remarks
  • References
  • “Head home via the wine store next door…”: Knowledge of Place and Other Representation in American and Italian News Articles: Davide Mazzi
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Materials and methods
  • 3. Results
  • 3.1 Sense of place in USpress
  • 3.2 Sense of place in Itpress
  • 4. Conclusions
  • References
  • Tourist Gaze, Tourist Destination Images and Extended Tourist Destination Experiences: Description and Point of View in Community Travelogs: Silvia Cacchiani
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Web logs: an overview
  • 3. Tourist gaze, tourist destination image and description in the extended tourist destination experience
  • 3.1. Perception and description
  • 3.1.1. Description and other text types
  • 3.1.2. Attitudinal point of view
  • 4. Web 2.0 tourist-generated content: travel blogging
  • 4.1. Community travelogs: from diary to publishing?
  • 5. Conclusions
  • References
  • Constructing (Cyber-)space on Twitter: A Study of Place Deixis in Tweets: Giorgia Riboni
  • 1. Reconceptualising the notion of space in microblogging communication
  • 2. Aim and material
  • 3. Cyberpragmatics
  • 4. Twitter exchanges and “the canonical situation of utterance”
  • 5. Here and #here
  • 6. Links and place deixis in tweets
  • 7. Narratives of social actions on Twitter
  • 8. Concluding remarks
  • References
  • Websites
  • Section 2: Identity
  • Tales of the New World: The Linguistic Construction of Identity between Psychological Proximity and Geographical Distance: Marina Dossena
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Quantitative data in 19CSC
  • 3. A closer look at findings
  • 3.1. Centre and periphery in the business world
  • 3.2. Looking back to the Old Country, and forward to the New World: emigrants’ letters
  • 3.3. Brave new worlds in literature and popular journalism
  • 4. A chronotopic and multimedia approach to discourse
  • 5. Concluding remarks
  • References
  • Primary sources
  • Secondary sources
  • At the Crossroads between Subject and Object of Research: Identity Negotiation in the Discourse of ‘Psych. doctors’: Federica Ferrari
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Theoretical background
  • 3. Materials and methods
  • 4. Analysis – preliminary stage
  • 5. Analysis - What keywords reveal
  • 5.1 I in Psychoanalysis vs. Psychiatry
  • 5.1.1 I, the psychoanalyst
  • 5.1.2 I, the patient in Psychoanalysis
  • 5.1.3 Psychoanalyst and patient identity negotiation in Psychoanalysis
  • 5.1.4 I in Psychiatry
  • 5.2 Patients (and the patient) in Psychiatry vs. Psychoanalysis
  • 5.2.1 Patient(s) in Psychoanalysis
  • 6. Conclusions
  • References
  • “There is drama here…”. Narrative Spaces in Blog Theatre Reviews: Anna Stermieri
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Materials and methods
  • 2.1. Data
  • 2.2. Methods
  • 2.3. Procedures
  • 2.3.1. Identifying spaces in drama
  • 2.3.2. Narrative spaces: deictic center theory (Zubin and Hewitt 1995: 130-132)
  • 2.3.3. Identifying ‘spaces’ in BTR: an analysis of HERE\THERE\WHERE
  • 3. Deictic orientation of HERE, THERE and WHERE. From ‘double deixis’ to ‘theatre review DC theory’
  • 4. Textual spaces in blog theatre reviews
  • 5. Concluding remarks
  • References
  • Section 3: Focus on Methods
  • Identity Depends on Who You Are: A Corpus Perspective: Geoffrey Williams
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Bias in the Corpus
  • 3. The Three Corpora
  • 4. Identity in the Corpus
  • 5. Identity in IntUne
  • 6. Identity in English
  • 7. Wider Networks
  • 8. Conclusions
  • References
  • Dictionaries
  • The Literary Representation of Space and Identity: A Model Based on Directed Acyclic Graphs: Greg Lessard, Michael Levison
  • 1. Background
  • 2. Spatial descriptions
  • 3. Description of characters
  • 4. Conclusions
  • References
  • Appendix 1: Description of Madame Arnoux
  • Appendix 2: The threaded DAG for Madame Arnoux
  • Appendix 3 : Graphviz code for the Mme Arnoux DAG
  • Appendix 4: Areas of fixation in a complex scene (from Yarbus, 1967 ; reproduced with permission)
  • Notes on Contributors



This book stems from a conference held in Naples in June 2012 and includes a selection of the papers presented on that occasion. As the title suggests the authors of the various chapters are concerned here to tease out the relationships between how space and place are described and how these contribute to the construction of identity or rather how the interplay between language, spatial practices, dimensions of culture, the discursive construction of place and identity is achieved.

In this day and age of globalization with its rapid air travel, fast internet connections, emails, Twitter, Facebook etc., everything seems to lead to what has been termed a space/time compression. These same developments are also causing a change in the perception of space and spatial boundaries and geographical locations while identities are experienced in hitherto unknown ways. It might thus seem that these recent technology driven developments have caused this topic to be superseded. Quite the contrary in fact. This book hopes to show how space, place and identity although influenced by technological developments are still very relevant today and maybe also influenced by the interesting changes in the perceptions of space, place and identity brought about by internet and globalization in general.

Although seemingly straightforward, these issues are, at the same time not simple from both an empirical and theoretical point of view since a whole range of sophisticated theorizing has been carried out in various fields to enable us to get closer to understanding just what space, place and the discursive construction of identity is. This is in fact a hot issue across many fields of research and disciplinary domains and as Jaworski and Thurlow (2009) claim, no self-respecting scholar is advised to overlook the discourse/s of place and the place/s of discourse. ← 9 | 10 →

Over the last few years there has been a burgeoning interest in both space and place as linguistic phenomena. Some of this interest stemmed from the groundbreaking work of Scollon and Scollon on the relation between text and landscape or lived space, or work in linguistic anthropology such as that of Hanks (1996) which deals with the situatedness of language and speech in time and space and how deixis anchors speech to a context.

In linguistics there has also been a focus on space which has put the emphasis on how of how fundamental it is in many aspects of everyday life and has helped our understanding of how it is perceived not just in Western societies but also in smaller, less developed societies (Levinson/Wilkins, 2006). The complexity of the physiological aspects of our sense of space and our spatial competences all converge to give us a coherent subjective view of space. This involves not only the characteristic shape of objects and their spatial relation to our bodies, but how we point to them as well as the sense of where we are with respect to our surroundings. All this means that we describe space in relation to ourselves and our place in it. Levinson claims that our frame of reference with respect to surrounding space and how we think about it and describe it are closely linked to the language we speak and shows how different cultures perceive spatial relations differently with speakers of Tzeltal encoding spatial relations with respect to absolute directions while English speakers use egocentric terms.

Talmy among linguists has perhaps dedicated most attention to the way space is described in various languages. His discussion of how closed class words, particularly prepositions, structure space though a closed inventory of conceptual elements. a point; a line; a plane a boundary: a point as boundary to a line, a line as boundary to a plane parallelness;perpendicularity horizontality adjacency(contact) relative lengths of two perpendicular axes. Another widely used contribution is that of fictive motion in language in which he claims that ‘all languages extensively and systemically refer to stationary circumstances with forms and constructions whose basic reference is to motion’ (Talmy, 2000: 104). Talmy also discusses the metaphoric role of space in structuring other domains and this is another widely used concept which is taken up by many of the chapters in this volume. ← 10 | 11 →

Peterson et al, place the relation of language to space and spatial cognition within an evolutionary perspective and claim that they are conceptual primitives which cannot be explained or defined in terms of other entities thus reinforcing the need for studying the relations between them. Like Talmy they identify closed class words typically prepositions as being specialized for speaking about space.

However a whole range of the social sciences have been involved in this ‘spatial turn’ in research including psychology, social psychology and of course geography. The role of ‘humanist’ geographers such as Cosgrove, who explained how early Italian Renaissance mathematicians and artists helped to shape the idea of the landscape and its representation is important is crucial. However one of the central aspects of the renewed interest in space is the idea of the of the social construction of place and the ‘sense of place’ (Urry, 2007).

Massey’s (2005) work on this can be seen in her key writings on space, place and gender and sense of place. Her writing is especially interesting as it links space, place and identity claiming that places have multiple identities and far from being static, are processes which change over time and cannot be conceptualized in terms of boundaries as enclosures with an inside and an outside. She traces the development of ideas about the social nature of space and place, and the relation of both to issues of gender and debates within feminism. She states that:

Spatiality may also be from the beginning integral to the constitution of those identities themselves, including political subjectivities. Moreover, specifically spatial identities (places, nations) can equally be reconceptualized in relational terms […] if no space/place is a coherent seamless authenticity then one issue which is raised is the question of internal negotiation. And if identities, both specifically spatial and otherwise, are indeed constructed rationally then that poses the question of the geography of those relations of construction. (Massey 2005: 10).

Sociologists starting from Goffman have also taken space as a category of analysis especially with regard to identity, looking at social space and how a social actor’s behaviour in, and use of space is socially regulated according to the norms of society. Goffman also discusses the importance of boundaries and bounded space and social behavior ← 11 | 12 → as the ‘territory of the self’ using a spatial metaphor to describe the preserve to which a social actor can claim an “entitlement to possess, control, use, dispose of” (Goffman, 1972: 28). Goffman’s ideas have been influential in sociology in discussions of how space should not be examined merely as an abstraction but embodied in human social action, or rather how people use spaces in everyday life. Developing from Goffman then, is a strong sense of the notion that particular spaces and places are tied to particular activities – that spaces and places are institutionalized and, as such, constrain and shape action. In a similar vein, Bourdieu in his discussion of habitus explains how the body and allows Bourdieu to analyze the social agent as a physical, embodiedactor, subject to developmental, cognitive and emotive constraints and affected by the very real physical and institutional configurations of the field.

A leading issue of the present volume is that sense of place culturally constructed. The formation of emotional, sentimental bonds between people and a place brings together (in yet another way) the material formations on a geographic site and the meanings we invest in them (Altman/Low 1992, Gupta/Ferguson 1997). Place attachments result from accumulated biographical experiences: we associate places with the fulfilling, terrifying, traumatic, triumphant, secret events that happened to us personally there. The longer people have lived in a place, the more rooted they feel, and the greater their attachment to it (Herting et al. 1997). Other research shows that place attachment results from interactive and culturally shared processes of endowing rooms or buildings or neighborhoods with an emotional meaning.

Taking this theoretical background the chapters in this book have all a common empirical approach with the use of naturally occurring data collected in a corpus. Some have used sophisticated corpus analysis techniques along with qualitative methods more common in discourse analysis, with the aim of addressing such burning issues as the relationship between language and Space and Place (Section 1), Identity (Section 2), and key methodological concerns (Section 3).

In their chapter on social research interviews, GREG MYERS AND SOFIA LAMPROPOULOU choose places in discourse as a line of research. They look at the ways place and space are referred to in situated interactions, and the consequences of these references for the on- ← 12 | 13 → going talk. In focusing on research interviews, such as those done for academic projects in geography, politics, history, or health studies, they take a broader approach using corpus tools and narrative analysis. Their data show that social research interviews can provide a rich source of interactional construction of place that might interest discourse researchers working on place, identity, and culture in other kinds of texts. Although interviews are observed to be highly constrained and characterized by a high degree of control by the interviewer, Myers and Lampropoulou point out the variety of ways in which interviewees can play a part in their life stories in spite of all limitations on how they are allowed to elaborate.

PAUL TUCKER looks at the relation between the linguistic structuring of space and the discursive construction of the identity of objects as instantiated in written texts discussing visual art. He focuses on closed class words (spatial prepositions) in a small, specialized, historical corpus, Art Writing in English (1685-2007) examining the correlation between illocutionary variation and variation in the use of prepositions expressing the more explicit kind of figure-ground relation specifications. Using Searle’s idea of assertive illocutionary acts and in particular three modes of assertions (description which typically represent works of art discursively Tucker says that this is due to their perceptual viewer oriented mode of intentionality. Using Talmy’s notion of fictive motion he shows how this is used very frequently in descriptions of works of art giving the subjects/objects represented in the artworks a dynamicity they are in fact incapable of.

The purpose of the chapter by DACIA DRESSEN-HAMMOUDA is to explore how indexes bridge the gap between a discipline’s visible genres and its embodied knowledge and practices. In this vein, she describes how place and space are historically central to the discipline of geology whose physical locus of study is ‘the field’. The chapter then describes the emergence of a rhetoric of field description, and suggests how concerns historically related to fieldwork have patternized as shared cognitive frames of practice. The chapter suggests how shared cognitive frames ‘materialize’ as visible genres via indexicality, and it concludes with a case study of the disciplinary becoming of a field geologist, observed as he moved from undergraduate in geology to experienced instructor in geology (1996-2008). From this peri ← 13 | 14 → od, Dressen-Hammouda examines the emergence of disciplinary indexicality in his communications about the field, as well as embodied references to geological place and space.

In her chapter on the construction of built space through metaphor, ROSARIO CABALLERO examines the language used by architects to evoke the visual, olfactory, tactile and interactive attributes of buildings in one of the most popular genres in architectural discourse, namely the architectural review (AR). Indeed, contrary to views of architecture as a mainly visual affair, the task of reviewers is defined as translating the sensory properties of built spaces – their sensescapes – through the medium of written language in a form that their readers can understand and, presumably, also relate to through their senses. This is an extremely complex and sophisticated task that often requires the use of imagery of diverse sorts. In this regard, the main contribution of the chapter is to explore the ways in which metaphor informs and contributes to the shaping of the sensory landscapes of the community of architects as these are staged in the AR genre.

NICHOLAS BROWNLEES takes up the question of space from the point of view of textual space, in particular he looks at news writers’ textual reflexivity on textual space in various corpora of early modern news publishing in seventeenth-century England. Brownlees shows how the particular formats of seventeenth century news discourse – half-sheet folio and quarto pamphlets – was closely linked to the occurrence of text reflexivity, the occurrences of metadiscourse being more frequent in the latter than in the former. According to Brownlees, metatextual reference to space is significant as it reveals interesting insights into contemporary news discourse practice primarily about the constitutive role of space in the communication of news. When editors have space to fill, news is included which otherwise would have been deemed not worth printing, when space is insufficient, the news is either omitted or carried over to the subsequent issue thus incidentally creating an incentive for the reader to buy a further issue and increasing profits for the proprietors.

CHARLOTTE DANINO reflects on how events are talked about even before being considered events, with given meanings and particular definitions, showing how the events on the morning of September 11, 2001 have been spatially constructed. By choosing cognitive lin ← 14 | 15 → guistics as the preferred framework to her study of corpus data, Danino notes that 9/11 was a multilocation event, with several sub-events in different places: in this context, space is observed to be a constant concern because it shadows the “what”. Events take place and in the framework of a discourse near simultaneous to the event it describes, data show that time is subsumed in space, thus linking the two deictic anchors of the event and of discourse, no matter how polyphonic it is. The permanent present of the ongoing event reported live thus places all co-speakers in the same time frame, coinciding with that of their interaction.

DAVIDE MAZZI’s chapter explores how spatial knowledge informs the language choices through which journalists shape their professional identity as they engage in the representation of an other. Identity is viewed as a socially-constructed multifaceted entity, which that takes its shape first of all through relationships between ‘self’ and ‘other’. In the light of this, the chapter combines corpus and discourse-analytic perspectives with the aim of investigating the discursive resources employed by quality newspapers from Italy and the United States of America in the representation of each other’s country through the places chosen as the preferred observation points of the other. Data show that that knowledge of place plays a central role in shaping journalistic perceptions about the other, so that sense of place is discursively constructed through a rich repertoire of language-relevant facts.

In her study on travelogs as bloggers’ representation of their experience in the post-travel stage, SILVIA CACCHIANI draws the attention on the influence exerted by the genre on readers’ travel decision-making. In this context, Cacchiani addresses the questions of how and to what extent visual perception and description contribute to the creation and reinforcement of tourist gaze(s), tourist destination images and travel destination experiences in the reader’s virtual pre-travel experience. To this end, she carries out a pilot study into a small corpus of American English travel blogs, and she demonstrates that what defines travelogs are subjective narratives as a frame/Foreground type, extreme variance as regards both the relation of subjective narratives to the remaining Background types (and description in particu ← 15 | 16 → lar), and the interaction of speech acts such as describing, characterizing and evaluating with commenting and narrating.

GIORGIA RIBONI’s chapter explores the hypothesis that new technologies, and Web 2.0 tools in particular, enable users to discursively create a cyberspace since they offer the possibility of communicating while simultaneously experiencing presence (i.e. the sensorial perception of one’s physical surroundings) and telepresence (i.e. the mediated perception of an environment). Her study addresses the issue of how spatial coordinates of communicative events are linguistically encoded in microblogging interactions. Interestingly, the analysis indicates that tweeterers create their spatial coordinates and their (tele)presence through language; this means that, even if they are not physically contiguous to their interlocutors, users’ linguistic choices – with particular reference to deixis – suggest that interaction on Twitter is conceived as similar to face-to-face conversation, albeit in an electronic environment.

Relying on a methodological approach informed by the tenets of historical sociolinguistics, historical pragmatics and corpus-based discourse studies, MARINA DOSSENA’s analysis focuses on the main strategies employed in nineteenth-century correspondence for the construction of a discursive identity capable of reconciling geographical distance and psychological proximity. In such documents the concepts of ‘centre’ and ‘periphery’, ‘proximity’ and ‘distance’ are seen to vary in relation to what participants wish to highlight in terms of contents and facework: after an overview of these strategies in business discourse, where power relations may also be a function of geographical location, the study concentrates on familiar correspondence and on popular journalism, in order to discuss how places are described, evaluated, or actually idealized, in order to contribute to the construction of varying mutual identities.

FEDERICA FERRARI’s study on identity negotiation in research articles from Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis raises questions regarding the identity of the subject of writing, the identity of the psychiatric/psychoanalytic object, and the distance between doctors as writers and both the discipline and its object of research. Preliminary observation suggests that the shorter the distance from the discipline, the greater the distance from its object of research, the subject, or patient, ← 16 | 17 → whereas the subsequent analysis suggests the identity of a Psychiatrist tends to be defined as a silent component of the discipline, as the Psychiatrist tends to hide him/herself behind the discipline. The psychoanalyst instead, defines himself specifically, as his contribution is indeed a contribution to the disciplinary development, which tends to be more dynamic.

ANNA STERMIERI’s chapter approaches the complexity of spatial representation in a web genre that has developed from one previously available only in printed form, i.e. theatre reviews published on blogs. The study addresses the issue of how the coexistence of a multiplicity of real and fictional spaces described above is realized in such texts, removed as they are from the deictic framework of the offline reality and translated into the new dimension brought about by digital technology and the web. On the basis of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the collocations of the occurrences of the deictic items here, there and where, Stermieri points out that that blog theatre reviews are characterized by the coexistence of a multiplicity of ‘spaces’: the real world, the blog, the mimetic space and the diegetic space of the play and of the production. These spaces are variously represented in text, and the analysis provides insights into the phraseological units and semantic sequences realizing the multi-layered spatial relationships that govern their coexistence in the blog theatre review.

With an emphasis on methodological prerequisites, the research by GEOFFREY WILLIAMS is done within a corpus-driven lexicographical paradigm, that is bringing together the methodologies developed within contextualist corpus linguistics with the insights brought through centuries of lexicographical practice. Thus, Williams calls for a reappraisal of what dictionaries in the electronic age can and cannot do, and where judicious use of corpora may help. In particular, the chapoter is based on two large corpora, the BNC and UKWac, and it makes use of collocational networks to show how the notion of identity can vary across time and genre. Williams’ aim is to look at the notion of identity in corpora to see what stable collocations it forms and how these change, or not over time. The chapter also seeks to discuss the extent to which corpus construction affects output, ← 17 | 18 → and finally to see interaction between corpus linguistics and lexicography might benefit the development of electronic dictionaries.

In the final chapter of the volume, GREG LESSARD AND MICHAEL LEVISON argue that one of the challenges facing both linguists and literary scholars is to represent the complexity of narrative text. By adopting a corpus-based approach along with an onomasiological perspective, Lesard and Levison develop an analysis grounded on formally precise representation. By choosing the topos, i.e. a narrative sequence of variable length, recognizable as recurrent and therefore conventional, as a unit of measure, and with the aim of representing the meaning of the topoi under analysis, they make use of both a graph structure composed of nodes and links between them (directed acyclic graph), and a set of threads, which represent some traversal of the nodes. They thus propose computational modelling of the sort described in the chapter as one of the ways of bridging the gap between the literary and the scientific treatment of space.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2014 (February)
situatedness language perception
Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2014. 382 pp.

Biographical notes

Julia Bamford (Volume editor) Franca Poppi (Volume editor) Davide Mazzi (Volume editor)

Until her retirement Julia Bamford was Professor of English Language and Translation at Università degli Studi di Napoli, «l’Orientale». Her research interests include spoken discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, language for special purposes and translation of specialized discourse, repetition in discourse, academic discourse and the discourse of popularization. Franca Poppi is Associate Professor of English Language and Translation at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia where she is also Director of the Master Course in Languages for Communicating in Businesses and International Organizations. She has published on various aspects of teacher-learner interaction, learner autonomy and advising in self-instruction. Her current research centers on English as an international lingua franca. Davide Mazzi is researcher in English Language and Translation at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. His research activity has essentially focused on the following areas: discourse analysis, corpus linguistics and argumentation studies. In particular, his research interests and related publications have concentrated on legal, academic and news discourse.


Title: Space, Place and the Discursive Construction of Identity