
Duration, Temporality, Self

Prospects for the Future of Bergsonism

by Elena Fell (Author)
©2012 Monographs VIII, 237 Pages


What is the nature of time? This new study engages with the philosophy of Henri Bergson on time and proposes a new way of thinking about the effects of future events on the past. According to Bergson, time is an integral feature of real things, just as much as their material or size. When a flower grows, it takes a period of real time for it to flourish, which cannot be quickened or slowed down, nor can it be eliminated from the process of growth. Bergson named this real time ‘duration’ and argued that everything and everyone exist as duration, and that internal processes flow into one another, with no clear boundaries that separate one phase of duration from another. According to Bergson’s philosophy, the past does not disappear but smoothly flows into the present, forming an indivisible dynamic unity. But what if the causal flow of temporal reality is not unidirectional? What if not only past events influence future ones, but future ones in their turn have retrospective effect on past occurrences? The author of this book analyses these key questions, asserts that the changeability of the past follows from Bergson’s theory of time and proposes a theory of embodied time that involves the retrospective enrichment of reality.


VIII, 237
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2012 (September)
philosophy unity flow changeability reality
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2012. XII, 237 pp., num. b/w ill.

Biographical notes

Elena Fell (Author)

Elena Fell is a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of Central Lancashire. She is currently working on an AHRC-funded project entitled ‘The Time of the Clock and the Time of Encounter’. Her research interests range from objective time to the ontology of communicative processes.


Title: Duration, Temporality, Self