
Masking Strategies

Unwrapping the French Paratext

by Alistair Rolls (Volume editor) Maire-Laure Vuaille-Barcan (Volume editor)
©2012 Edited Collection VI, 194 Pages
Series: Modern French Identities, Volume 92


Gérard Genette’s seminal study of the paratext, Seuils (1987), is the starting point for this collection of essays, all of which seek not only to engage with Genette’s taxonomy and apply it, but also to interrogate it and to move through and beyond it. In addition to mapping Genette’s organization of (para)textual space onto a number of French texts, including novels and plays, texts translated into French, book series and publishing marketing material, these essays take up some of the challenges raised in Seuils as well as posing their own. For example, the relationship between Genette’s work and deconstructionist approaches to text and the intersection of paratextuality and translation, which are hinted at by Genette, are explored in more detail in the volume, as is the notion of moving through and beyond the paratext. As such, this book offers a significant re-engagement with and deployment of paratextual theory and practice.


VI, 194
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2012 (April)
Paratext Rules OK The Striptease at the Dead Heart of Douglas Kennedy's Piège nuptial Unwrapping the French Paratext Layers of Impotence in Stendhal's Armance Paratextuality, Self-Alterity and the Becoming-Text
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2011. VIII, 194 pp., 2 tables

Biographical notes

Alistair Rolls (Volume editor) Maire-Laure Vuaille-Barcan (Volume editor)

Alistair Rolls is Senior Lecturer in French Studies at the University of Newcastle, Australia. His work has focused principally on twentieth-century French literature, including Boris Vian, Existentialism and crime fiction. With Marie-Laure Vuaille-Barcan he is currently working on an analysis of the translation of Australian crime fiction into French. Marie-Laure Vuaille-Barcan is Senior Lecturer in French Studies at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Her research interests include translation theory and second-language acquisition.


Title: Masking Strategies