
The Republic and the Riots

Exploring Urban Violence in French Suburbs, 2005-2007

by Matthew Moran (Author)
©2012 Monographs XII, 288 Pages


In 2005, the deaths of two teenagers in Clichy-sous-Bois provoked three weeks of rioting in French banlieues. Cars were burned, buildings were damaged and young people clashed with the police in unprecedented scenes of violence. The government declared a state of emergency as the riots spread across France. Two years later, the French public were met with familiar images when riots broke out in the Parisian suburb of Villiers-le-Bel. What were the underlying causes of these episodes of extreme violence? What did the riots signify? What do they tell us about French society?
This book takes the reader inside the world of the banlieues and explores the nature and causes of the riots. Drawing on qualitative fieldwork conducted in Villiers-le-Bel, the author offers a unique insight into the motivating factors behind the violence. On a larger scale, the book examines the relationship between the underprivileged suburbs and the French republican model. The author explores a triad of interconnections: between republican ideals and the reality of daily life in the banlieues; between national projections of unity and localized realities of disunity; and between figures of authority and ordinary citizens.


XII, 288
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2012 (February)
French republicanism and the relationship between this abstract concept and the reality of the banlieues republican ideology rioting in French banlieues The government declared a state of emergency as the riots spread across France
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2012. XII, 288 pp.

Biographical notes

Matthew Moran (Author)

Matthew Moran holds a PhD in French Studies from University College London. He is currently a Research Associate at King’s College London.


Title: The Republic and the Riots