
The Transnational Turn in American Studies

Turkey and the United States

by Tanfer Emin Tunc (Volume editor) Bahar Gursel (Volume editor)
©2012 Edited Collection 321 Pages


Over the past decade, a new transnational movement has emerged within American Studies. It centers on the efforts of US-based Americanists to conduct transnational and comparative research while recognizing that scholars working outside the geographical boundaries of the US have just as much to contribute to American Studies as those within its borders. Such an approach not only fills in the blanks of historical, literary and cultural studies to include diasporic participants, but also enriches our understanding of major American events, figures, and influences beyond the limited geographic framework of the United States. Despite increasing interest, transnational American Studies remains a subdiscipline, or one of a host of many «side interests» for most scholars. There exist few booklength studies which examine American Studies from the Turkish perspective, and little on the contributions of Turkey to American culture. This interdisciplinary volume seeks to begin a transnational dialogue between Turkey and the United States by highlighting the work that is being conducted by noted Turkish academics, American researchers, as well as foreign scholars working in Turkey, many of whom are living examples of transnationality.


ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2012 (April)
General Cultural History and History of the Humanities Cultural Ethnology Film Studies Cultural Regions and Interculturalism
Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2012. 321 pp.

Biographical notes

Tanfer Emin Tunc (Volume editor) Bahar Gursel (Volume editor)

Tanfer Emin Tunc is an Assistant Professor in the Department of American Culture and Literature at Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. She received her BA, MA and PhD in American History, and an Advanced Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. She specializes in US women’s history and literature; the history of medicine, sexuality, and reproduction; and American cultural studies. Tanfer Emin Tunc is the author of six books and over fifty book chapters, reference book entries, book reviews, and journal articles, most of which have appeared in internationally-renowned publications such as Rethinking History, Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, Foreign Literature Studies, Women’s History Review, Historical Journal and Journal of Women’s History. Bahar Gursel is an Assistant Professor at the Department of History at Middle East Technical University (M.E.T.U.) in Ankara, Turkey, where she currently teaches US cultural history, Cold War history and the history of civilization. Bahar Gursel conducted research and taught at the University of Turin in 2008-2009 as a member of an urban studies group. She is the author of a number of essays on US and Italian history. Her areas of interest include the diplomatic, social and cultural history of the United States, modern Italian history, the cultural history of the Republic of Turkey (1930-1960), immigration history, urban history, visual culture and film studies.


Title: The Transnational Turn in American Studies