Yankee Bishops
Apostles in the New Republic, 1783 to 1873
Table Of Contents
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- About the author(s)/editor(s)
- About the book
- Advance Praise
- This eBook can be cited
- Table of Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Abbreviations
- The American Episcopate, 1784–1873
- Abbreviations
- 1. by Name
- 2. by Diocese
- 3. by Missionary District
- 4. by Date of Consecration
- Introduction
- Sources
- Chapter 1: A Mitre Won
- A Purely Spiritual and Ecclesiastical Episcopacy
- A Feeble Graft
- Chapter 2: Apostolic Advance
- The Choice of Bishops
- Fulfilling the Apostolic Commission
- Primitive and Catholic Principles
- Chapter 3: The House of Bishops
- Converts
- Geographical Origins
- Social Origins
- Backgrounds in Public Leadership
- Education
- Previous Occupations
- Theological Study
- Ages at Ordination
- Early Ministerial Cures
- Orders and Ages before Consecration
- Diocesan Backgrounds and Church Service
- Publications
- Honorary Doctorates
- Family Connections and Relations
- Churchmanship
- Conclusion
- Chapter 4: Spiritual Father
- Admission of Candidates for Orders
- Supervision of Theological Training
- Examinations for Orders
- Times for Ordination
- The Rite of Ordination
- Conclusion
- Chapter 5: Pastor of Pastors
- Oversight of Clergy
- Appointment of Clergy
- Clergy Financial Support
- Clergy Turnover
- Pastoral Discontent
- Smaller Parishes and Missions
- Recruitment
- Deacons
- Missionary Appointments
- Clerical Discipline
- Visitations
- Convocations and Conventions
- Episcopal Correspondence
- Counsel and Encouragement
- Episcopal Hospitality
- Conclusion
- Chapter 6: Chief Evangelist and Missionary
- The Duty of Preaching
- The Work of an Evangelist
- Chief Missionary
- Steward of the Mysteries of Grace
- Apostolic Travels
- Chapter 7: A Master Builder
- Educational and Charitable Institutions
- The Cathedral System
- Epilogue
- Appendices
- 1. Episcopal Consecration Sermons in America, 1792–1873
- 2. Seminaries and Diocesan Training Schools, 1817–1873
- 3. Colleges and Universities of Sometime Episcopal Affiliation, 1782–1870
- 4. Discernment Questions for a Candidate for Holy Orders, Diocese of Maryland
- 5. Requirements of Candidates for Holy Orders, Diocese of New York, 1834
- 6. Ordination Certificate of a Deacon 1829, Diocese of New York
- 7. Ordination Certificate of a Priest 1801, Diocese of New York
- 8. Confirmation Certificate 1797, Diocese of Maryland
- 9. Mitre of Bishop Thomas J. Claggett of Maryland
- Bibliography
- Manuscripts
- Convention Journals, Reports, Pamphlets, and Catalogues
- Periodicals
- Consecration Sermons
- Episcopal Memorial Sermons
- Episcopal Charges, Sermons, Addresses and Other Works
- Episcopal Autobiographies and Reminiscences
- Episcopal Biographies by Contemporaries and Family Members
- Episcopal Biographies and Articles
- Diocesan Histories
- Parish Histories
- Other Sources Related to the Episcopal Church
- Miscellaneous Sources
- Genealogical Sources
- Series Index
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This book has developed out of a dissertation originally accepted for the degree of Th.D. by the General Theological Seminary, Chelsea Square, New York City. I am grateful to Professor Roland Foster who first proposed the subject of this project and guided my work in its early stages before his retirement. I stand much in debt to Professor J. Robert Wright, a valued mentor and friend, for his willingness to supervise my entire manuscript in its later stages, and without whose constant encouragement this work would not have been completed.
My thanks are owed to the administration and faculty of the General Seminary for their continuous support. I am especially thankful for the supportive friendship of Bishop J. Neil Alexander and his hospitality in Chelsea Square both as a fellow doctoral candidate and member of the faculty. I shall ever be appreciative to Nashotah House Theological Seminary, Nashotah, Wisconsin, in my appointment to teach church history and for the good will of Bishop Stanley Atkins, Dean Jack C. Knight and Bishop Donald J. Parsons. Above all, I am obliged to Dean Gary W. Kriss who arranged sabbatical leaves so that my thesis might finally be finished and for his pastoral prodding. Appreciation also is due to Mrs. Sherri Baker Kuehn for her genial and unsparing secretarial assistance.
The staffs of several libraries and archival depositories have greatly assisted my research, in particular the Archives of the Episcopal Church in Austin, Texas; the Bishop Payne Library at the Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria; the Frances Donaldson Library at Nashotah House; the St. Mark’s Library (now the Christoph Keller, Jr. Library) at the General Seminary; the Maryland Diocesan Archives in Baltimore; the New York [City] Public Library; the New-York [City] Historical Society; the State Historical Society of Wisconsin in Madison. I would also like to acknowledge the gracious help of the following church archivists: Drs. V. Nelle Bellamy of Austin, Kenneth W. Cameron of Hartford, Connecticut, and F. Garner Ranney of Baltimore.
I want to express my gratitude for the heartening encouragement over the course of this work received from: Dr. Owen Chadwick, Dr. Reginald and Ilse Fuller, Canon James E. Griffiss, and Dr. H. Boone Porter. Thanks are owed to ← ix | x → Professor Donald S. Armentrout, Dr. Mary S. Donovan, Bishop R. William Franklin, and Professor R. Bruce Mullin for their scholarly expertise and advice. I am beholden to Professor Powel Mills Dawley, who first inspired in me a love of church history, and to Canon George E. DeMille, who modeled the vocation of parish priest and scholar. Many people in these acknowledgments are now deceased, but their contribution to this book deserves to be recorded.
To Canon C.K. Robertson, general editor of the series, I shall remain ever thankful for his enthusiastic reception of this work and wise counsel. Further thanks are extended to the splendid and talented staff of Peter Lang Publishing in bringing this work to publication, notably Heidi Burns, Stephen Mazur, Jackie Pavlovic, and Michelle Salyga. Richard J. Mammana, Jr. of Project Canterbury kindly offered his editorial assistance, for which I am appreciative.
Finally, my greatest debt is to my wife, Dr. Jennifer L. Henery, who is the most generous soul I know and a most important influence in my life. To my children, Robert, Sarah, Andrew, and Margaret who sustained me with their love and patience, I dedicate this book.
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- Pages
- XIV, 351
- Publication Year
- 2015
- 9781453911631
- 9781454197935
- 9781454197942
- ISBN (Hardcover)
- 9781433123610
- 10.3726/978-1-4539-1163-1
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2015 (March)
- Keywords
- ideal symbol American episcopate
- Published
- New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2015. 351 pp., num. ill.
- Product Safety
- Peter Lang Group AG