
Advertising and Race

Global Phenomenon, Historical Challenges, and Visual Strategies

by Linda C. L. Fu (Author)
©2014 Monographs XIV, 290 Pages


Since colonization, dominant ideologies of «race» have been visualized and communicated through advertising. At its core, this book delineates the continuities and changes in what is termed the «colonial racial script» within global advertising representations. The origins of that script are traced back to the eighteenth century – through the Transatlantic Slave Trade, the age of High Imperialism, the post-World War II era to the current stage of globalization – and are identified and analyzed.
From ads selling slaves to the ones promoting the ideal of equality, from the campaigns generating new racial currencies to the ones turning down the existing racist overtones, Linda C. L. Fu examines over 100 advertisements and draws on a 300-year span of references to reveal the plurality, chaos, variation, and resilience of the colonial concepts of race in society through advertising discourses in the West.
Advertising and Race is the first book devoted exclusively to the study of strategic deployments of racial tropes in advertising amid waves of historical challenges. With a well-mixed theoretical, historical, social, and professional narrative, it presents a new approach, critical insight, and a comprehensive reference for the study of advertising and communication, as well as the study of race, society, culture, and globalization.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author(s)/editor(s)
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Contents
  • List of Figures
  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5
  • Chapter 6
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Key Approaches
  • Key Features
  • Definition of Key Terms
  • The Structure of This Book
  • Part One
  • Part Two
  • Note
  • Part One: A Genealogy of the Tropes of the Racial Other and Their Use in Early Advertising
  • Chapter 1: Race, Slavery, and Advertising
  • “Prime Healthy Negroes”
  • Cunning Roguish Outlaws
  • Chapter 2: A Colonial Racial Script and Early Advertising
  • The Rise of Scientific/Philosophical Racism
  • The Aesthetic Dimensions of Racial Classification
  • Scripting and Visualizing Difference
  • The Uncivilized Other
  • The Ugly Other
  • The Dangerous Other
  • Coding and Commodifying Race in Early Ads
  • Chapter 3: Post-World War II Racial Politics and Advertising
  • Actions and Counteractions
  • From “Uncivilized” to “Third World”: the Adjusted Rhetoric
  • To Present and to Be Represented: Demands and Responses
  • “What’s Cooking?”
  • “Move Up”
  • “Solve Dark Color Problem”
  • Part Two: Deployments of the Racial Other Within the Context of Contemporary Global Advertising
  • Chapter 4: Advertising, Race, and Global Disjunctures
  • The Condition of Global Culture and Advertising
  • Standardized Advertising vs. Glocalization
  • The Changes and the (Un)Changed
  • Entering a Post-Racial World?
  • “New” Markets, New Demands?
  • Chapter 5: Race in Public Interest Campaigns
  • A Provocative Approach
  • A “Humorous” Take
  • The Strategical Plays
  • Inclusion or Illusion
  • An Unexpected Proxy
  • Coloring Up and Spicing Up
  • The Many Faces of “Beneficiaries”
  • A Play of “Soft Power”
  • More than a Dose of Shock
  • Old Clichés for New Agendas
  • Recycling “Animality’
  • The Lure of “Deformity’
  • Chapter 6: Race in Commercial Campaigns
  • Redemptive Makeovers
  • The Whitening of Darkie
  • Castrating the “Savage”
  • Sugar-Coating Conguitos
  • Fetishism at Work
  • Superhuman and the Miracle Black Feet
  • The Eroticized Exotic Body
  • Oriental and Religious Symbols
  • Banking on a Heritage
  • Retelling a Native Story
  • Cashing in on the Icons
  • Carrying on the Tradition
  • A Strange Game at Play
  • Mimicking the Tribal
  • The Eccentric Exploitation
  • Note
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Index

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XIV, 290
ISBN (Softcover)
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2015 (July)
equality chaos culture
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2014. XIV, 290 pp., num. ill.

Biographical notes

Linda C. L. Fu (Author)

Linda C. L. Fu (PhD, RMIT) has taught design theory, practice, and management at the University of Canberra. An award-winning creative, she has delivered speeches and lectures in academic and professional arenas around the world, judged international design competitions, and consulted local and international organizations and governments on advertising and branding strategies. Dr. Fu is the founder and principal of Global iCom Consulting.


Title: Advertising and Race