
Contemporary Approaches in Humanities

by Hasan Arslan (Volume editor) Mehmet Ali Içbay (Volume editor) Günther Löschnigg (Volume editor) Rasim Yilmaz (Volume editor)
©2016 Edited Collection 344 Pages


This book presents a collection of papers written by researchers, teachers, administrators, analysts and graduate students working and doing research in the field of social sciences. The scientific studies include a wide range of topics from the analysis of social science textbooks to the teacher image in newspapers, the relationship between self-efficacy and cognitive level and the role of organizational silence on the loneliness of academics in work life.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author(s)/editor(s)
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • Foreword
  • Chapter I Business
  • Policies Related to Financial Instruments’ Recognition: A Research for Borsa Istanbul (Bist) Banking Sector (Isik Altunal)
  • An Empirical Study of the Determinants of Impulse Buying in Algeria (Nadira Bessouh / Belkacem Ferouani)
  • The Impact of the Shale Gas Revolution to the Russia-EU Energy Dialogue is the Balance of Power Changing? (Ayşegül Uçkun)
  • The Energy Source Selection by Fuzzy Moora and Fuzzy AHP Method in a Textile Firm (Ass. Prof. Arzu Organ)
  • Social Movement Unionism in Turkey: Yatağan Resistance Case (Gonca Gezer)
  • Evaluation of the Development Plans between the Years 1963 and 2018 in Turkey (Elmas Akin)
  • Pricing Efficiency of a Failed Futures Contract: A Transactions Data Analysis of the ISE 100 Futures (Hakan ER)
  • The Relationship between Market Oriented Approach and Supply Chain Management within the Scope of Evolving Competition Concept (Esra Ciğerci)
  • Does Higher Economic Freedom Lead to Higher Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Market Economies?: Panel Data Analysis (1995–2013) (Aslı Yenipazarlı / Mustafa Çelik)
  • The Impact of External Auditing on the Quality of Financial Statements of Limited Liability Companies in Kosovo (Dr. Bekim Berısha / Bernard Berısha)
  • Validation of Feldstein-Horioka Hypothesis for the Turkish Economy (Utku Altunöz)
  • Analysıng Turkey’s Coal Mining Disaster Data (1983–2014) with Poisson Change-Point Models (K. Burcu Öngen Bilir / Mustafa Aytaç / Necmi Gürsakal)
  • Regulatory Government Approach Application of Independent Administrative Authorities and Turkey, as Policy Implementers (Ozgur Emre Koc / Mustafa Taytak)
  • Tax Expenditures in Turkey: Problems and Evaluations (Neslihan Koc)
  • City Usability Evaluation: A Case from the Erzurum Municipality (Ersin Karaman / Mahmut Ensar Göktaş / Murat Can Aktaş / Hilal Çalışır / Ayşegül İşci / Sümeyra Demir)
  • Eliminating Muda and Increasing Level of Service in Airports: A New Model Using iBeacon Technology (Cansu Tayaksi / Birce Dobrucalı)
  • Value Relevance of Accounting Information in Kosovo (Bekim Berisha / Bernard Berisha)
  • Evaluation of Corporate Sustainability Reports in Terms of Assurance Services (Hasan Türedi / Duygu Celayir)
  • The Implications of Governance Ratios Over Five Fragile Countries (Ersin Yavuz)
  • Effectiveness of a Tax Audit: An Evaluation and the Case of Turkey (Elif Yılmaz / Selin Ertürk Atabey / Işıl Fulya Orkunoğlu Şahin)
  • The Management Paradigm in Family Business in Turkey (Nesrin Ada / Asli Ercan)
  • A Study about Job Search Behaviour of Unemployed Individuals with Higher Education Degree: The Case of Canakkale Province (Bünyamin Bacak / Ebru Kanyilmaz Polat / Ali Şahin Örnek)
  • High-risk Capital as a Form of Financing Innovative Activity - Poland in Central and Eastern Europe (Katarzyna Wierzbicka)
  • Chapter II Law
  • On the Measure of Quickness of Judging in Turkish Courts (Adil Korkmaz)
  • Peremptory Term in the Civil Procedure Law (Volkan Özçelik)
  • The Right to Free Elections in Terms of the European Court of Human Rights and Turkish Constitutional Law (Fatmagül Kale Özçelik)
  • Information, Power, and Law (Hakan Karakehya)
  • The Reflection of the Directive 2011/7 of EU on Turkish Commercial Code (Nurdan Orbay Ortaç / Belin Köroğlu Ölmez)

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The book ‘Contemporary Approaches in Humanities on Business and law’ gives a comprehensive and multiple perspective to the fields of business, economics, law and social sciences. Academic teaching staff, researchers, teachers, social workers, politicians, students and all other related persons will get significant benefits from constructional knowledge to experiemental applications from this book. The book is classified into two chapters and each chapter provides different perspectives and case studies through several papers in order to make more clear and understandable the theory and practices.

The first chapter is dedicated to Business. Işık Altunal discusses policies related to financial instruments’recognition about Borsa Istanbul (BIST) banking sector. The author tries to determine the disclosure degree of the acounting policy related to financial instruments of the firms listed in banking sector in the BIST index. An empirical study of the determinants of impulse buying in Algeria was written by Nadira Bessouh and Belkacem Ferouani. The authors outline the effect of the atmospheric variables inside the store as well as that of the product on impulse buying. The title of Ayşegül Uçkun’s paper is the impact of the Shale Gas Revolution to the Russia-EU Energy Dialogue. The author tries to answer the question of how the shale gas revolution changes the balance among energy market. Yasin Barut takes a particular case related to the automotive supply industry in Izmir. He debates on the effect of emotional intelligence and organizational learning on automotive supply industry. Sevgin Batuk Turan underlines the effect of career planning on work engagement and the mediator role of perceived organizational support and the role of career planning in creating a strong relationship between the organization and the employee. Another paper is related to the relation between social and self-leadership with social network analysis. Şafak Baysal discusses the impact of social capital on multiple aspects of organizational life. Kamil Bircan, Güneş Açelya Sipahi and Batuhan Çullu present the evaluation of the supply chain solutions in low carbon development in their paper. Handan Cam and Busra Tosunoglu draw attention upon the effects of an accounting information system on the institutionalisation level of enterprises and the authors develop and tested a model in their research paper. Mucahit Cayin’s study tries to indicate an assessment of commercial relations between Turkey and the organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation which Turkey played a leading role in its establishment. The paper on the Energy Source Selection by Fuzzy Moora and Fuzy AHP Method in a Textile Firm by Arzu Organ and Engin Yalçın underlines ← 9 | 10 → the importance of the best energy source election while determining gradation of alternatives. Gonca Gezer carries out a research related to Social Movement Unionism in Turkey: Yatagan Resistance Case. The author is looking for the effects of the economic and social conditions on the progress and the strength of the unions. The study carried out by Hakan Er discusses Pricing Efficiency of a Failed Futures Contract. Results indicate that the futures trading exhibited persistent underpricing. Esra Ciğerci, with their paper entitled the Relationship between Market Oriented Approach and Supply Chain Management within the Scope of Evolving Competition Concept debates developments in the economic, technological and social areas. Aslı Yenipazarlı and Mustafa Çelik try to answer the question of Does Higher Economic Freedom Lead to Higher Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Market Economy? It seems that foreign direct investments (FDI), provide long-term capital inflows into the economy, and bring their technology, management information, innovation, and create employment. Bekim Berisha and Bernard Berisha examine the Impact of External Auditing on the Quality of Financial Statements of Limited Liability Companies in Kosovo. The empirical basis of the study is on data collected from all licensed auditors in Kosovo, who have performed financial audits in Kosovo LLC’s, in the period of 2004–2010. Another research paper was written by Utku Altunöz who presents Validation of Feldstein-Horioka Hypothesis for the Turkish Economy. The author examines the validity of the Feldstein-Horioka hypothesis for Turkey by using the ARDL bound test covering the period between 1980 and 2013. K. Burcu Öngen Bilir, Mustafa Aytaç and Necmi Gürsakal carry out a research on Analyzing Turkey’s Coal Mining Disaster Data (1983–2014) with Poisson Change-Point Models. The authors underline theoretical foundations of change point models and MCMC. Özgür Emre Koç and Mustafa Taytak’s study of Regulatory Government Approach Application of Independent Administrative Authorities and Turkey as Policy Implementers. The authors attempt to articulate public sector regulations. Neslihan Koç presents a study of Tax Expenditues in Turkey: Problems and Evaluations. The author state that a set of problems will create in the budget or the tax burden created for the taxpayers. Ersin Karaman, Mahmut Ensar Göktaş, Murat Can Aktaş, Hilal Çalışır, Ayşegül İşci and Sümeyra Demir, with their paper entitled City Usability Evaluation: A Case from the Erzurum Municipality. The authors discuss the concept of usability from a different point of view. Cansu Tayaksi and Birce Dobrucalı argue her paper on Eliminating Muda and Increasing Level of Service in Airports: A New Model Using iBeacon Technology. The authors state that it is crucial to reduce waste and increase the level of service (LOS) in order to reach that goal and survive in a highly competitive environment, such ← 10 | 11 → as airport operating industry. Bekim Berisha and Bernard Berisha examine Value Relevance of Accounting Information in Kosovo. The authors argue on the value relevance of accounting information in pre and post-periods of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) implementation using the regression and portfolio approaches for sample of the Kosovo companies. Hasan Türedi and Duygu Celayir’s papers present Evaluation of Corporate Sustainability Reports in terms of Assurance Services. The authors argue that sustainability has gained more attention especially amongst the business world, and social and economic actors in recent years. Ersin Yavuz argues the Implications of Governance Ratios over Five Frangible Countries. The author focuses on the fragile five countries in both economical and governance ways. Nesrin Ada and Aslı Ercan examine the Management Paradigm in Family Business in Turkey. The authors state that family businesses have been integrated with one’s own business culture and are transmitted from generation to generation. Bünyamin Bacak, Ebru Kanyılmaz and Ali Şahin Örnek’s paper present a Study about Job Search Behaviour of Unemployed Individuals with Higher Education Degree: the Case of Canakkale Province. The author states that many people work in jobs that are below their qualifications and they do not like their jobs and have the intention to find new jobs while they are actively working. Katarzyna Wierzbicka discusses the High Risk Capital as a Form of Financing Innovative Activity-Poland in Central and Eastern Europe. The author states that an increasingly important role in their creating and disseminating is played by small and medium-sized enterprises in the modern economy.

The second chapter contains papers in Law Studies. The paper on the Measure of Quickness of Judging in Turkish Courts by Adil Korkmaz argues that the average periods of trials in Turkish courts are highly long and they have no up or down trends except within the administrative cases. Another research paper was written by Volkan Çelik on the Peremptory Term in the Civil Procedure Law. The paper states that one of the purposes of civil procedure law is to provide the provision of a subjective right violated regarding private law via courts. Fatmagül Kale Özçelik examines the Right to Free Elections in Terms of the European Court of Human Rights and Turkish Constitutional Law. The author states that the right to free elections is one of the most important rights in the realisation of effective political democracy regarded as the common heritage by The European Court of Human Rights. In fact, it remains important as a single political right regulated by the Convention. Hakan Karakehya focuses on Information, Power and Law. The paper argues that one needs to know to get power, and surveillance to get to know. In order to be in power and ensure its continuity, those who are in power who need information and thus surveillance often use law as a means in ← 11 | 12 → this respect. Nurdan Orbay Ortaç and Belin Köroğlu Ölmez draw attention upon the Reflection of the Directive 2011/7 of EU on Turkish Commercial Code. The paper articulates that the protection of the weak one is preferred on the basis of the principle that freedom of contract will not be valid between the people and enterprises which are not equivalent in negotiation power and position.

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Chapter I

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Işik Altunal*

Policies Related to Financial Instruments’ Recognition: A Research for Borsa Istanbul (Bist) Banking Sector

Abstract The purpose of the study is to determine the disclosure degree of the accounting policy related to financial instruments of the firms listed in banking sector in the BIST index, and put forward the factors effecting accounting policy related to financial instruments.

In the study, according to requirements of financial instruments standard, an accounting policy disclosure index related to financial instruments has been developed to determine the disclosure degree of the accounting policy, and a disclosure degree has been determined according to whether the firms in the financial sector explain the statement in the developed index or not. Discriminant analysis and logistic regression have been used to determine which one of these factors effect the accounting policy.

Keywords: Financial Instrument, Accounting Policy, Banking Sector

Jel Classification: M41


Accounting policy chosen by enterprises has an important effect on activity outcomes and performances of enterprises. Therefore, knowing the factors effecting to be determined the policies of enterprises, is important. In this study, financial instrument standards are taken into consideration to determine the factors effecting accounting policy.

Determining what the degree of explaining accounting policy of enterprises in banking sector related to financial instruments is and which factors effects determining accounting policy related to financial instrument, constitutes the main problem of the study. With the aim of finding a solution to the main problems of the study, the 2014 annual activity reports of the enterprises in the Borsa Istanbul (BIST) banking sector are observed.

The aim of being banking sector to the study is to be used the financial instruments more in proportion to other sectors, and the importance of financial instruments in this study is more in proportion to other sectors. In this study, very ← 15 | 16 → careful accounting is done. The average disclosure degree within this disclosure index is 87.5%. The range of scores for the disclosure index varies from 78.3% to 100%. However, this result is not thought to be good for the banks using these financial instruments. H1, H2 and H6 hypotheses are found to be meaningful. According to this, it is found, as the size, marked value, and profitability of the banks increase, the level of disclosure will also increase.

The Concept of Financial Instruments

A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and the financial liability or equity instrument of another entity (IAS 32, paragraph 11). According to this definition, financial instruments are comprehended to compose of financial assets, financial liabilities, and financial instruments related to equity.

Financial assets can be expressed as financial instruments related to another enterprise’s equity such as bankroll, equity share, interest share not related to consolidation, and limited enterprise shares. As for financial liabilities, they express all the liabilities bringing about a compulsion for paying cash. Thus, a bill of exchange and treasury stock become financial liabilities in terms of exporting enterprises. Additionally, trade liabilities, bills of debt, credits, accrues related to purchase of goods and services which will be paid cash, debt instruments being exported, and privileged equity share, are evaluated within financial liability (Mısırlıoğlu, 2008). Equity instruments are instruments that evidence a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all of its liabilities (Epstein & Mirza, 2005).

Examples of equity instruments include non-puttable ordinary shares, some puttable instruments, some instruments that impose on the entity an obligation to deliver to another party a pro rata share of the net assets of the entity only on liquidation, some types of preference shares and warrants or written call options that allow the holder to subscribe for or purchase a fixed number of non-puttable ordinary shares in the issuing entity in exchange for a fixed amount of cash or another financial asset (IAS 32, AG13).


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2016 (December)
Social Sciences International Relations Economics Finance
Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2016. 344 pp., 7 coloured ill., 53 tables, 33 graphs

Biographical notes

Hasan Arslan (Volume editor) Mehmet Ali Içbay (Volume editor) Günther Löschnigg (Volume editor) Rasim Yilmaz (Volume editor)

Hasan Arslan is Professor of Education at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey. His research interests include educational administration, student leadership, multicultural education, and higher education policy. Mehmet Ali İçbay is Professor of Education at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey. His current research focuses on the ethnomethodological account of teaching and learning in the classroom. Rasim Yılmaz currently teaches economics and finance related to subjects in Turkey. His field of interest comprises microfinance and the fight against poverty, the economy of China and macroeconomics. Günther Löschnigg currently teaches labor economics related studies in Austria.


Title: Contemporary Approaches in Humanities