
IMAGES (V) – Images of (Cultural) Values

The Conference Proceedings

by Veronika Bernard (Volume editor)
©2016 Conference proceedings 199 Pages


This collection of articles offers readers a cross-section of current research on contemporary and historical concepts and representations of (cultural) values as documented in popular culture, public space, the arts, works of literature and in ethnic contexts. The contributors to this volume are from the US, Algeria, Germany, Italy, Croatia, Albania, Serbia, Turkey, and Austria. Their very different cultural, ideological, scientific, academic and non-academic perspectives and backgrounds allow insights from many different viewpoints.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author(s)/editor(s)
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Contents
  • Introductory Section
  • Veronika Bernard (Innsbruck and Kufstein/Austria) - The IMAGES Project
  • Veronika Bernard (Innsbruck and Kufstein/Austria) - Introduction
  • General Aspects
  • Keti Shehu (Tirana/Albania)/Ambra Pittoni (Turin/Italy) - Responsibility and Economy of Images
  • Images of (Cultural) Values in the Arts
  • Sibel Almelek İşman (Izmir/Turkey) - The Vanitas: Moral Values in European Art
  • Jutta Teuwsen (Düsseldorf/Germany) - Contemporary Japanese Arts: Religion and Technology in the Illustrations of Nature
  • Cinla Şeker (Izmir/Turkey) - Anatolian Folk Music Album Cover Images at the Beginning of the Third Millenium
  • Images of (Cultural) Values in Film
  • Ömer Alkın (Düsseldorf/Germany) - Making Cultural Values Visible in Early Turkish-German Cinema
  • Images of (Cultural) Values in Popular Culture
  • Simonetta Milli Konewko (Milwaukee, USA) - Images of Work in Collodi’s Pinocchio
  • Selma Mokrani Barkaoui (Annaba/Algeria) - “The Gift of the Stranger”: Elkader as a Cultural Utopia
  • Roberta Matkovic (Pula/Croatia)/Tanja Habrle (Pula/Croatia) - The Figure of the Mother
  • Images of (Cultural) Values in Public Space
  • Nerma Cridge (London/UK) - From Trivial to Extremely Serious: We Don’t Even Own Public Space Images Anymore
  • Adriana De Angelis (Naples/Italy) - Skyscrapers – Strong Images of Culture and Art; Globalized
  • Veronika Bernard (Innsbruck and Kufstein/Austria) - Istanbul’s İstiklal Caddesi Graffiti: Young Istanbul Sprayer Art Doing the Cat-Walk, and Testing Cultural Values
  • The Ethnic and Images of (Cultural) Values
  • Rubén Gregori (Valencia/Spain) - The Conversion of the Old Testament Patriarchs: The Image of Jewish Conversos in the Lands of the Crown of Aragon (14th–16th Centuries)
  • Itzea Goicolea-Amiano (Florence/Italy) - Ambivalent Images of Otherness(es) in the War and the Spanish Occupation of Tetouan (1859–1862)
  • Miloud Barkaoui (Annaba/Algeria) - The Case of Quartier Belsunce in Marseilles: of Maghrebi Immigration, Duality of Image, and Conflicting Cultural Values in France
  • Images of (Cultural) Values in Literature
  • Mirjana Marinkovic (Belgrade/Serbia) - Images of Cultural Values in the Novel A Strangeness in My Mind by Orhan Pamuk
  • Neval Berber (Passau/Germany) - “Interesting to be Seen and Experienced”: Some Aspects of Modern Tourist Discourse in George Walter Thornbury’s Accounts on Turkey and the Turks
  • Gönül Bakay (Istanbul/Turkey) - Representations of “the Primitive” in Things Fall Apart and Death and King’s Horseman
  • Rear Matter
  • The Editor
  • Contributors

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Introductory Section

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The IMAGES Project http://the-images-project.weebly.com/

The IMAGES project (http://the-images-project.weebly.com/) has originally been planned and scheduled as a series of conferences, publications, exhibitions and online photo contests for the years 2011–2014. It has been initiated by the research centre Cultures in Contact (Kulturen im Kontakt/KiK), which is part of the humanities research platform CEnT (Cultural Encounters and Transfers) and the research area Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts (Kulturelle Begegnungen – Kulturelle Konflikte), all based at Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck, in Innsbruck/Austria. Throughout the years 2011–2013 the senior project partner was Kadir Has University in Istanbul/Turkey. The idea for the project has been developed by Associate Professor (Privatdozent) Dr. Veronika Bernard (Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck) and Associate Professor Dr. Serhan Oksay (Kadir Has University, until January 31, 2013) as a follow-up project of their previous project Breaking the Stereotype – Oriental and Occidental Stereotypes in the Course of Time (2006–2010).

IMAGES is an interdisciplinary project, and it strongly relies on the cooperation with international academic and non-academic partners.

IMAGES deals with the discourse of cultural encounters within the context of social co-existence. The project defines “discourse of cultural encounters” as the discourse within the context of cultural encounters, and as the discourse on cultural encounters. Within this scope, the project deals with both verbal and non-verbal communication and focuses on the thematic fields of cultural encounter, poverty, and migration.

IMAGES adopts a cultural studies definition of the term “culture”. Cultural studies define culture by the concept of the group, seeing culture as the sum of all features and ways of behaviour people show and adopt deliberately in order to become distinct from others and to form their specific identities.

IMAGES, further, adopts perspectives on cultural phenomena developed by communication studies. The project starts from the idea that the images you form (of you and of others) essentially determine relations and communication between both individuals and communities and at the same time are ← 15 | 16 → their results. Contemporary communication studies see images (as the images an individual holds of his or her own self and the images others form of you) as part of a communicative system formed of values, evaluation and selective perception. No matter which our values are, as a whole they build the very system by which we evaluate and judge the ways others act, look and speak in order to decide whether they fit in with our values. In case they do, there is the realistic chance of a positive and fruitful communicational process; in case they do not, communication may go wrong and end soon – in a comparatively unspectacular way by cutting communicational ties or in a rather dramatic way by leading into conflict.

Intercultural communication studies analyse these mechanisms with individuals from different cultures. From an intercultural perspective (intercultural) communication means that you open your own culture to ideas rooting in the other’s culture by dropping own cultural ideas and including ideas rooting in the communication partner’s culture. This is possible only, however, if cultures have a minimum amount of ideas in common. Intercultural communication aims at increasing the number of ideas cultures have in common; increasing their number makes the difference between success and failure in terms of intercultural communication. In case there are no ideas in common, intercultural communication will be impossible and the cultures involved will not be able to reach a better mutual understanding.

Considering the communicative mechanism of selective perception, IMAGES understands cultural encounters and the ways they may take as circular patterns, and it sees itself as part of these circular patterns: the academic discourse on cultural encounters, poverty and migration, which is dealt with in the conference and publication series, is contrasted to the results originating from the scheduled online photo contests and being presented to the public in the exhibition series documenting the non-verbal everyday-life discourse. In this way IMAGES adds to the critical discussion on definitions of cultural encounters.

The IMAGES project opened with the online photo contest “Cultural Encounters” and “Images of the Poor” in January 2011. The IMAGES project exhibition series started with the joint exhibitions “Cultural Encounters” and “Images of the Poor” in April 2011; the exhibition opening taking place at Kadir Has University’s Cibali Campus on 27 April 2011. The IMAGES project conference series opened with the IMAGES 2011 ← 16 | 17 → conference IMAGES – Films as Spaces of Cultural Encounters (Istanbul, Kadir Has University, 01–04 June 2011), which unfortunately had to be cancelled in short term.

However, the project directors have been able to offer registered participants the chance to publish their papers; the resulting volume of conference proceedings IMAGES (I) – Films as Spaces of Cultural Encounters. The 2011 IMAGES Project Publication opening the IMAGES publication series and being available online (http://cinej.pitt.edu) as a CINEJ special issue and as a select-articles print edition. Having applied the IMAGES project context to the conference topic, the CINEJ 2011 special issue IMAGES (I) – Films as Spaces of Cultural Encounters and the select-articles print edition include articles analysing films as spaces of cultural encounters from a cultural studies perspective in general, as well as from inter-cultural, multi-cultural, trans-cultural, semiotic, communication centred, historical, political, and all related perspectives. ← 17 | 18 →

The IMAGES project 2012 conference IMAGES (II) – Images of the Poor (05–07 September 2012, Austrian Cultural Forum Istanbul) continued the IMAGES conference series; its conference proceedings IMAGES (II) – Images of the Poor. The Conference Proceedings being the 2012 IMAGES project publication.

Co-edited by Veronika Bernard and Serhan Oksay, and launched in July 2013, IMAGES (II) – Images of the Poor offers readers a cross-section of current research both on the perception of poverty and on contemporary and historical representations of poverty coming from a variety of fields in people’s daily lives all of which are of vital relevancy in shaping the individual’s view on the existence, the implications, the consequences, and the possible roots and causes of poverty.

The IMAGES project 2013 conference IMAGES (III) – Images of the City (31 October – 01 November 2013, Austrian Cultural Forum Istanbul) took the IMAGES conference series another step further; its conference proceedings IMAGES (III) – Images of the City. The Conference Proceedings being the 2013 IMAGES project publication.

Published in July 2014, IMAGES (III) – Images of the City (co-edited by Veronika Bernard and Hatice Övgü Tüzün) provides the public with current research findings on the (contemporary and historical) perception and representation of urbanity.

The IMAGES project 2014 conference IMAGES (IV) – Images of the Other: Istanbul – Vienna – Venice (02–04 September 2014, Austrian Cultural Forum Istanbul) continued the IMAGES conference series.

The resulting conference proceedings IMAGES (IV) – Images of the Other: Istanbul – Vienna – Venice. The Conference Proceedings is the IMAGES project 2014 publication. Edited by Veronika Bernard and launched in August 2015 the volume focuses on current research findings discussing the (contemporary and historical) perception and representation of the three cities.

Motivated by the highly encouraging feedback from participants at the IMAGES conferences 2012–2014, the remaining IMAGES project director, Veronika Bernard, decided in 2014 to continue the conference series into 2015.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2016 (March)
Cultural Studies Film Literature Interculturalism
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2016. 199 pp., 14 b/w fig.

Biographical notes

Veronika Bernard (Volume editor)

Veronika Bernard is an Associate Professor at the Department of German Language and Literature at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) and a member of the research area Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts. She is the author and editor of several publications on literary and cultural studies.


Title: IMAGES (V) – Images of (Cultural) Values