
Language − Literature − the Arts: A Cognitive-Semiotic Interface

by Elżbieta Chrzanowska-Kluczewska (Volume editor) Olga Vorobyova (Volume editor)
©2017 Edited Collection 326 Pages


The book offers an interdisciplinary discussion of the cognitive-semiotic interface between language, literature, and the arts, with a special focus on creativity and imagination. It brings together international contributors suggesting a wide range of innovative perspectives on the correlation between verbal discourse and creative artefacts. The book reveals the specificity of such phenomena as parallax, transparency, corporeal imagination, and multimodality. Alongside interpreting artistic texts, the contributors search for cognitive and semiotic manifestations of creativity in political and everyday discourse.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author(s)/editor(s)
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Acknowledgements
  • Contents
  • Contributors
  • Introduction: Language, Literature, Works of Art: The Texts of Our Experience (Elżbieta Chrzanowska-Kluczewska / Olga Vorobyova)
  • Chapter One. Philosophy, Language and the Arts
  • ‘Soap Bubbles’, or the Epistemology of Iconic Signs in Charles S. Peirce’s Semiotic Theory (Olena Solodka)
  • Transparency Across Semiotic Modes: An Ecological Stance (Olena Morozova)
  • Chapter Two. Literature, Music and the Visual Arts
  • Corporeal Imagination in the Reception of Verbal and Visual Artworks (Elżbieta Chrzanowska-Kluczewska)
  • Virtual Narrative in Virginia Woolf’s “A Simple Melody”: Cognitive and Semiotic Implications (Olga Vorobyova)
  • Parallax in Poetry and Painting: The ‘Craft of Rupture’ or the Art of Paradox (Olena Marina)
  • Rhetorical Message in Words, Images and Music (Tetyana Sayenko)
  • The Semiotics of Folkdance in Amerindian Literary Prose (Svitlana Volkova)
  • Chapter Three. The Art of Translation, Translation among the Arts
  • Entre l’audible et l’inaudible: Intersemiotic Translation of Mohammed Dib’s Poetry (Madeleine Campbell)
  • Translation as an Art: A Mimetic Background (Oleksandr Rebrii)
  • The Art of Public Speaking: Interpretation, Translation, Adaptation (Yaroslava Fedoriv)
  • Chapter Four. Linguistics and Semiotics of Creativity
  • Word Meaning and Its Visualisation in Ukrainian Maidan Discourse (Svitlana Zhabotynska)
  • The Art of Metaphoric Political Insult within the Cognitive Framework (Alla Martynyuk)
  • Bilinguals and Linguistics of Creativity: The Case of Ukrainians Speaking English (Olga Valigura)
  • The Art of Being Formal: A Cognitive Perspective (Igor Pustovoit)
  • Vladimir Nabokov’s Creative Techniques in the Context of General Linguistics (Tetiana Radziievska)
  • Had We Never Loved So Kindly: Conceptualisation of Communicative Behaviour (Iryna Shevchenko)
  • Index of Terms

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MADELEINE CAMPBELL is a writer, independent researcher and translator. She completed her PhD at the University of Glasgow in 2014, for which she translated Algerian Author Mohammed Dib (1920–2003) and explored, in collaboration with creative artists, translation as a performative rather than representational act. She continues to research translation as an experiential, intermedial process that involves the reader/audience as an active participant or ‘spect-actor’. She is a member of the Cultural Literacy in Europe forum, where she leads a special interest group on Intersemiotic Translation. Her translations of Maghrebi poets have been published in the University of California Book of North African Literature (2012), Scottish Poetry in Translation (2013) and Modern Poetry in Translation (Spring 2016). Her writings on translation include an article in CLCWeb (2013), essays in Lighthouse (2015) and Poetas que traducen poesìa (2015). She co-edited Quaich, An Anthology of Translation in Scotland Today (2014) with Georgina Collins and Anikó Szilágyi, featuring essays and translations into English, Scots and Gaelic from a variety of languages. (www.glasgow.academia.edu/MadeleineCampbell)

ELŻBIETA CHRZANOWSKA-KLUCZEWSKA is Professor Doctor habilitated of Linguistics and Head of the Institute of English Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, where she has been employed since 1981. Her PhD dissertation Modality as Represented in the Logical Form of Language (1990) was a fruit of her PhD studies in the Department of Linguistics, University of Connecticut, USA.

Her main areas of interest cover theoretical and literary semantics, stylistics, philosophy of language, and artistic semiotics, on which subjects she has published several dozens of articles in periodicals and collective volumes in Poland and abroad. Her monographs include Language-Games: Pro and Against (Kraków: Universitas, 2004), devoted to theoretical and philosophical aspects of linguistic games, and Much More than Metaphor (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2013), focusing on master tropes as large figures of human imaginative conceptualisation and language; she also co-edited collected monographs e.g. In Search of (Non)Sense (Newcastle u. Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009) and The Contextuality of Language and Culture (Bielsko-Biała: WSEH, 2009).

An active board member of IALS (International Association of Literary Semantics), she has served on the editorial board of Journal of Literary Semantics since 2005. She is also a board member of PTJ (Polish Linguistic Society), a member of ← 9 | 10 → PALA (Poetics and Linguistics Association), MLA (The Modern Language Association of America) and IACS (International Association for Cognitive Semiotics).

As an employee of the National Museum in Krakow (1978–1981) and its long-term collaborator she has translated into English over thirty books on the fine arts in Poland. (elzbieta.chrzanowska-kluczewska@uj.edu.pl)

YAROSLAVA R. FEDORIV is Doctor of Linguistics and Associate Professor at the English Language Department, the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Ukraine. She is a researcher of rhetoric, with a major interest in cognitive approaches to studying phonetic and phonological features of public speaking. She obtained her PhD (Candidate of Linguistics) degree from Kyiv National Linguistic University (2000) for her thesis on the prosody of emotional speech. She is the author of the monograph Лінгвістичні моделі дискурсу публічних виступів: нариси із сучасних культурно-мовленнєвих практик (Lingvistychni modeli dyskursu publichnykh vystupiv: narysy iz suchasnykh kulturno-movlennievykh praktyk) [Linguistic Models of the Discourse of Public Speaking: Essays on Modern Culture-specific Communication Practices], Kyiv, 2010 and of more than 50 papers on phonological and rhetorical properties of public communication. Guest lecturer and presenter at more than 20 international conferences and summer schools in rhetoric, poetics, stylistics, phonetics, translation, and academic writing. Member of TESOL International and EATAW. (yar.fed@gmail.com)

OLENA S. MARINA, PhD in Philology, is an Associate Professor at the Department of English Philology and Philosophy of Language at Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine. Her research focuses on paradoxicality in poetic discourse. Her field of interest involves cognitive poetics, multimodal cognitive poetics, cognitive semiotics and mobile stylistics. She is the author of 45 articles and a monograph on Semiotics of Paradoxicality in British and American contemporary poetic discourse. (olenamarina@ukr.net)

ALLA P. MARTYNYUK is Professor of Linguistics at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine. She is the author of Конструювання гендеру в англомовному дискурсі (Konstruyuvannia genderu v anglomovnomy discursi) [Constructing Gender in the English Discourse], Kharkiv, 2004 and also Словник основних термінів когнітивно-дискурсивної лінгвістики (Slovnuk osnovnukh terminiv kognityvno-diskursivnoyi lingvistyky) [A Dictionary of Basic Terms of Cognitive-Discursive Linguistics], Kharkiv, 2011. In her more than 100 published papers on gender linguistics, cognitive semantics, communication theory and discourse analysis she focuses on cognitive mechanisms of verbal and non-verbal ← 10 | 11 → communication. Her interest in elaborating a dynamic construal approach to meaning within the socio-cultural context is reflected in the paper contributed to this volume. The paper explores the cognitive underpinning of humorous stimuli in English metaphoric political insults with the heuristic apparatus provided by the conceptual blending theory. (allamart@list.ru)

OLENA I. MOROZOVA is Professor of Linguistics at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine. She is the author of the book Ложь как дискурсивное образование: лингвокогнитивный аспект (Lozh kak diskursivnoye obrazovaniye: lingvokognitivnyj aspect) [Lying as a Discourse Formation: A Linguocognitive Aspect], Kharkov, 2005; a dozen chapters in collective monographs and over fifty published papers in cognitive linguistics and discourse studies. Her current research, which is underpinned with the ecological approach to sense-formation, focuses on linguistic and philosophical aspects of persuasion, speech manipulation, and lying. A Fulbright Senior Scholar in 2000 (University of Arizona, USA). (elena.i.morozova@gmail.com)

IGOR V. PUSTOVOIT is Professor of Russian at the Department of Comparative Literature and Languages at Hofstra University on Long Island, New York. Previously Dr. Pustovoit taught at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv University in Ukraine, and New York State University at Stony Brook. In addition to his longstanding interest in cognitive linguistics, he published papers on stylistics, Russian as a world language, linguistic identity and linguistic imperialism, and multi-vector language shifts in Russian community in the US. Currently he is working with Professor Nicholas Rzhevsky of Stony Brook University on the Encyclopedia of Russian Theater. (Igor.V.Pustovoit@hofstra.edu)

TETYANA V. RADZIIEVSKA is Professor and Leading Researcher at the Department of General Linguistics at O. O. Potebnya Institute of Linguistics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. She obtained her Doctor of Linguistics (Habilitation) degree from the same institution in 2000. Her research interests include discourse analysis, text pragmatics and text formation, sociolinguistics, syntax and semantics. Recently she has also focused on linguistic mechanisms of Vladimir Nabokov’s text formation techniques. She is the author of four monographs (collective and individual) and some 140 papers on text pragmatics, cultural concepts analysis, and discourse aspects of Ukrainian language dynamics. She was a consulting editor for Стил/Style, Serbia, Belgrade (2002–2012). (t.v.rad@mail.ru) ← 11 | 12 →

OLEKSANDR V. REBRII is Head of the English Translation Department at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine. In 2014, he defended his thesis for the academic degree of Doctor of Philology in Translation Studies (habilitation). He is the author of Сучасні концепції творчості у перекладі (Suchasni kontseptsii tvorchosti u perekladi) [Modern Conceptions of Creativity in Translation], Kharkiv, 2012 and some 50 articles in the field of Translation Studies and Linguistics. His research focuses on different aspects of the translator’s creativity, including linguistic, psychological, cognitive, and literary ones. He is also member of the editorial board of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin (Series: Romance and Germanic Philology). (rebriy@vega.com.ua)

TETYANA I. SAYENKO teaches Academic English at the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Nagoya University, Japan. Previously she was a Professor of English at Nagoya University of Commerce and Business. She also taught at Kyiv National Linguistic University and Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Ukraine. In 1997, she was a Fulbright Senior Scholar at Pennsylvania State University, USA. She holds a PhD in English Linguistics from Kyiv National Linguistic University. Her academic and research interests are in the areas of Theoretical and Experimental Phonetics, Phonostylistics, Comparative Poetics and Rhetoric. (tisayenko10@yahoo.com)

IRYNA S. SHEVCHENKO is ESP and Interpreting Department Chair and Professor of English Philology at V. N. Karazin National University in Kharkiv, Ukraine. She is the author of several books and textbooks, among them Историческая динамика прагматики предложения: английское вопросительное предложение в 16–20 вв. (Istoricheskaya pragmatika predlozheniya: angliyskoye voprositelnoye predlozheniye v 16–20 vv.) [Historical Dynamics of Sentence Pragmatics: English Interrogative Sentence in 16th–20th C.], Kharkiv, 1998, Основы теории языковой коммуникации (Osnovy teorii yazykovoi kommunikatsii) [Introduction to the Theory of Speech Communication], Kharkiv, 2008, and some 140 articles, a co-author of Дискурс як когнітивно-комунікативний феномен (Dyskurs yak kognityvno-komunikatuvnyi fenomen) [Discourse as a Cognitive-Communicative Phenomenon], Kharkiv, 2005, Прагмалінгвістика: пояснювальний словник (Pragmalingvistyka: poyasniuvalnyi slovnyk) [Pragmalinguistics: An Explanatory Dictionary], Kharkiv, 2009, and Концепт ГРЕХ в англоязычной картине мира: эволюция в дискурсе ХIV–XXI векoв (Kontsept GREKH v angloyazychnoi kartine mira: evoliutsiya v diskurse ХIV–XXI vekov) [Concept of SIN in the English Worldview: Evolution in 14th–21st Century Discourse], Saarbrüken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013. Her research focuses on the English language, ← 12 | 13 → discourse theory, political discourse, cognitive pragmatics, historical cognitive linguistics (concepts of ethics). She is the chief editor of V. N. Karazin University Messenger (Modern Linguistics and Language Teaching Series) and of a scientific international on-line journal Когниция, коммуникация, дискурс (Kognitsiya, kommunikatsiya, diskurs) [Cognition, Communication, Discourse] (sites.google.com/site/cognitiondiscourse). She is also Academician at the Ukrainian Academy of Science of Higher School. (ishev7@gmail.com)

OLENA O. SOLODKA is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Department of English Philology and Philosophy of Language at Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine. She holds her PhD in Philosophy from Hryhoriy S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine (1992). She is accomplishing her postdoctoral research on discursive mythologization of philosophy viewed from a semiotic perspective. She works primarily in the areas of semiotic studies and contemporary epistemology with a special emphasis on the interface of cognitive sciences, semiotics and philosophy of mind. She is also interested in the impact of communicative technologies and digital culture on human cognition. She is the author of 20 articles on related topics and co-author of a philosophy textbook Фuлocoфuя: yчeбнuк (Philosophiya: uchebnik) [Philosophy: A Textbook], ed. by M. Gorlach, Kharkov, 1996/1998. (esol@yandex.ua)


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2017 (February)
Cognitive poetics Multimodal stylistics Intersemiotic translation Creativity Imagination Metaphor
Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2017. 326 pp., 28 b/w ill., 3 coloured ill., 6 b/w tables

Biographical notes

Elżbieta Chrzanowska-Kluczewska (Volume editor) Olga Vorobyova (Volume editor)

Elżbieta Chrzanowska-Kluczewska is Professor of Linguistics and Head of the Institute of English Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Her main areas of interest cover theoretical and literary semantics, stylistics, philosophy of language, and artistic semiotics, on which she has published widely in Poland and abroad. Olga Vorobyova is Chair and Professor of Linguistics at the Department of English Philology and Philosophy of Language at Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine. She is a literary linguist and cognitive poetologist, with a particular interest in multimodal stylistics, iconicity, and cognitive facets of literary modernism.


Title: Language − Literature − the Arts: A Cognitive-Semiotic Interface