
Identity Strategies for the Personal Development of Managerial Elites in Romania

by Florentina Scarneci-Domnisoru (Author)
©2015 Thesis 131 Pages


The book explains managerial performance through self-identity aspects. It proposes identity instruments for the evaluation, prognosis and growth of managerial performance. A qualitative study was performed on Romanian managers to discover the identity conditionings of managerial potential (a grounded theory study). Also, a quantitative pilot study was performed on Romanian managers and non-managers for refining the theoretic model of identity conditionings of the managerial potential. The book can be a useful tool for those trying to use mixed research methods within complex studies, for those who aim to study the identity of managers and to explain and make prognoses about managerial potential and managerial performance from an identity point of view.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author(s)/editor(s)
  • About the Book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • I. Introduction
  • II. Studies About Managers
  • III. A Qualitative Study Concerning the Discovery of the Identity Conditionings Of Managerial Potential
  • IV. A Pilot Study for Refining the Theoretic Model of Identity Conditionings of the Managerial Potential
  • IV.1 The Methodological Dimensions of Research
  • Preliminary aspects of research
  • The operationalisation of the identity conditionings for managerial potential
  • The universe of the study and the applied sampling procedure
  • The data collection instrument
  • Data processing
  • IV.2 Designing the Instruments for Managerial Diagnosis
  • Details concerning the instruments for managerial diagnosis
  • The conclusions of the pilot study: inherent identity traits in managers
  • The conclusions of the pilot study: inherent identity traits in effective managers
  • IV.3 Designing the Instruments For Managerial Prognosis
  • Details concerning the instruments for managerial prognosis
  • Pilot study conclusions: the identity characteristics which predict managerial potential
  • Designing the managerial potential prognosis instrument
  • Conclusions of the pilot study: the identity characteristics that predict the potential for managerial performance
  • Designing the managerial performance potential instrument
  • V. Designing Identity Strategies for the Personal Development Of Managers
  • Conclusions
  • References
  • Appendixes
  • Appendix 1 – The operationalisation of the identity conditions for managerial potential
  • Appendix 2 – The “Identity” questionnaire
  • I. In the first part of the questionnaire I will ask you to answer the question “Who are you?” in 20 different words, expressions or phrases (examples of other people’s answers include: I am blonde, I am a student, I am a happy person, I am a small part of the universe, etc.).
  • II. The next part of the questionnaire refers to different periods and aspects of your life.
  • 1. To start with, I would like you to go back to your childhood and your adolescence. Try to appreciate to what extent the statements below are true in your case by taking into account how you used to be and the things that happened to you at that time.
  • 2. We will move on to adulthood. Please think of how you were and of the things that happened when you were young and up to the present. Try to estimate to what extent the statements below apply to you.
  • 2.1. First, we will focus on professional aspects.
  • 2.2. The next statements refer to your relations with other people.
  • III. Next, we will talk about who you are and what you are like.
  • 3. I have listed a few attributes below. Please think about what you are like in general, most of the time and in most situations and note to what extent these attributes describe you accurately.
  • 4. Next, we have a few more statements; they refer to what you are like and how you feel. Think about yourself, about your everyday life and about how you feel most of the time. Then try to estimate to what extent these statements are true in your case.
  • 5. Next, there will be a few statements asking you to compare yourself to other people. Think about other people in general and in yourself, think about what other people are like and about what you are like, think about how others think and about how others think, etc. This time you have to evaluate two mirrored statements. Try to estimate which of the statements in the pair are more likely to describe you.
  • IV. Next, we will talk about how you act. Please think about how you acted or about how you made important decisions in the past, when you had something important to do, when you had to make an important decision.
  • 6. And try to estimate to what extent the following statements are true for you:
  • 7. And now, please try to estimate which of the statements in these pairs describes you best.
  • 8. Think of your professional trajectory up to this point and think if you were ever in charge (if you had at least three subordinates). Then check the situation that applies to you:
  • 9. Concerning your leadership position, please check the situation that best describes your status:
  • V. Next, we will discuss what you are like in relation to your subordinates. Please think about how you are around them, how you act in respect to them, how you feel about them.
  • 10. Estimate to what extent the following statements describe you:
  • VI. The next questions refer to what you are like as a person in a leadership position.
  • 11. I have listed a few attributes below. Please think about what you are like as a person in a leadership position in general, most of the time and in most of your work activities. Please estimate to what extent these attributes describe what you are like.
  • 12. If you had to compare yourself to others who have leadership positions, think about what you are like, about how you act and about how you think. Would you say that you are:
  • 13. In my leadership position it could rather be said that:
  • 14. Now please think about the possibility of having your own business. Which of the answers below best describe your situation:
  • 15. Please estimate the size of your business, bearing in mind the following parameters: the number of employees and the annual turnover (if the two criteria do not match, then only estimate the size of the business according to the turnover):
  • 16. I would like to add something truly meaningful about myself, an aspect that hasn’t been included in this questionnaire:
  • VII. Finally, there will be a few questions to help me compare the answers that you have given so far according to categories of respondents. Please answer according to your situation.
  • 17. You are a:
  • 18. You are:
  • 19. Your age at this point is:
  • 20. You work in:
  • 21. You last graduated from:
  • Appendix 3 – Indexes for the subject’s life circumstances
  • Appendix 4 – SPSS syntax for building the variable – the index for the life circumstances of the respondents
  • Appendix 5 – The “Prognosis for managerial potential” questionnaire
  • 1. To begin with, I would like to ask you to think back to your childhood and your adolescence. Try to appreciate to what extent the statements below describe the way you were and the things that happened back then.
  • 2. We will move on to adulthood. We will mostly focus on professional aspects. Try to estimate to what extent the statements below apply to you.
  • 3. Next, please try to think about your everyday life and about how you feel most of the time. Then, try to estimate to what extent these statements are true for you.
  • 4. Below are two paired, mirrored statements. Please appreciate which of these describe you best.
  • Appendix 6 – The “Prognosis concerning the potential for managerial performance” questionnaire

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This book represents a reproduction of part of my PhD dissertation: Identity strategies for the personal development of managerial elites, coordinated by PhD professor Petru Iluţ and presented at the Babe-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca in 2009. The final part of the doctoral program that I followed, the one that concerned the elaboration of the doctoral dissertation was financially supported by the UEFISCSU, through a research project for young PhD candidates, which I won following a national competition: PN-II-RU-TD-2008 (contract no.: 33/4.06.2008).

The PhD dissertation consists of 323 pages and it is not entirely rendered in this book. Parts of it have already been published as books and articles. Throughout this book I will be referring to some of those articles. I have gathered the chapters of this book that haven’t yet been published.

The first chapter is the introductory one, in which I have briefly described the objectives of my PhD dissertation, its contents by chapters and a few conclusions that I have reached as a result of my research. The theoretical background concerning identity has already been published in a book, the one that concerns personal development was published in an article, and chapter II of this book makes an inventory of studies that have been done up to the present, both nationally and internationally, with managers as their subjects.

The main methods and research techniques concerning the identity condition have already been presented in a book. For my PhD dissertation, I decided on an approach that combines qualitative and quantitative research. Chapter III of this book briefly presents the qualitative research that was done to identify the identity conditions for managerial potential. The description of this research and the results that it has yielded has already been widely discussed in several published articles.

Quantitative research as a pilot study for refining the theoretical model of identity conditions of managerial potential is widely described in chapter IV. The methodological aspects of research are described, followed by the conclusions that I have reached. The results that I have described and annexed are instruments for managerial prognosis ← 7 | 8 → that I have elaborated. In chapter V, I tried to design identity strategies for the personal development of managers in Romania.

In the conclusion chapter, I widely discuss the novelty elements that resulted from my research, the strengths and weaknesses of my doctoral dissertation and the possible research directions for futures studies. The major strongpoint of this dissertation is the detailed description and detailed explanation of each of the applied procedures. It can be used as a paragon and a reference for research by other researchers working on master’s degrees or PhD’s in sociology.

As for this book, although it does not consist of the entire PhD dissertation, it is coherent and the procedures that it describes are clear and can be used as a starting point in representative studies concerning the identity of managers at a national or international level. It offers the advantage of having the instruments used for this research included in the appendix. Both the questionnaire that I used to try out the testing (on managers and non-managers) of identity conditions of managerial potential and the prognosis instruments for managerial potential and for the potential for managerial performance can be checked (or perhaps even used) in future research studies.

Therefore, the book can be a useful tool for those trying to use mixed research methods within complex studies, for those that aim to study the identity of managers and to explain managerial potential and managerial performance from an identity point of view, or for those trying to make a prognosis on such a subject.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2014 (November)
unternehmerische Leistung Evaluation Prognose
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2014. 131 pp., 19 tables, 1 graphs

Biographical notes

Florentina Scarneci-Domnisoru (Author)

Florentina Scârneci-Domnişoru is a sociologist. She works as a lecturer at the Social Sciences and Communication Department of the Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania). Her main interests are qualitative research, identity and visual sociology. She is the author of several books and many articles on these topics.


Title: Identity Strategies for the Personal Development of Managerial Elites in Romania